I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 646? I Still Got Fooled

Chapter 646: Still Being Fooled

It would be great if Chuyue Kingdom could do the same.

The Chuyue Kingdom has a vast land and rich resources, and there is no shortage of talents.

What is missing is a system for reusing talents.

Chuyue Kingdom is an old powerful country.

Moreover, the special aristocratic system is beneficial to the stability of the Chuyue Kingdom.

But it also solidified the Chuyue Kingdom and made the administrative group stiff.

The old nobles have occupied the most important position for a long time and cannot be shaken.

The poor family has no way to serve the country, and there is no way to advance.

Only a handful of talents flowed to the top.

It is even more impossible to bring Chuyue Kingdom into a spirited and enterprising atmosphere.

Even Xiang Yan, who has vested interests, is somewhat disgusted with this system.

But he alone can't change anything.

It can only follow the old principles and walk on this worn-out track.

What you can do is to make yourself as strong as possible, so that you don't make mistakes, and don't lose benefits to the empire.

"General, I think we can sneak attack on Hecheng, and then march into Shunyang overnight, and take it back before Di Qing. Even if we can't get it back, we will get stuck on this road and not let Di Qing go south." Chen Yu suggested.

Xiang Yan thought for a while and said, "It's feasible. Our army will capture Hecheng tonight, and see if we can capture Shunyang before Di Qing."

With the specific situation, it is impossible for Xiang Yan not to take advantage of it.

Whether you can get Shunyang back or not, take He Cheng down first.

As a spy, Chen Yu quietly approached He Cheng with three subordinates.

And Xiang Yan also let the army quietly leave the camp, approaching the south wall of Hecheng.

"My lord, it seems that there are fewer guards in Dazhou, and the head of the regiment is gone!"

After touching the South City Gate again, Chen Yu and his men noticed something strange about the defenders of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The head of the No.12 regiment disappeared.

There are only a few Dazhou soldiers in the city.

"No, it hasn't decreased, it's... a straw man!"

Chen Yu and others suddenly discovered that most of the Zhou soldiers guarding the city were scarecrows.

These scarecrows were all dressed in the clothes of the Great Zhou soldiers.

The banners on the city not only did not decrease, but increased.

This is very different from the situation they inquired when they first came up.

"My lord, the people of Zhou are very cunning. They actually used scarecrows to confuse the real ones. It is really abhorrent."

Chen Yu said to the other: "Huang Yong, you go back and report this matter to the general, you can directly attack the city, and the two of us will be the driver."

"it is good!"

The person called Huang Yong turned back immediately, and after a while, the army of Chuyue Kingdom rushed directly to Nancheng, and then attacked the city.

The Great Zhou defenders in the south city reacted, only a few people rushed up, and most of the others were in the north city, and there was no time to react.

Soldiers from the Chuyue Kingdom quickly climbed up on the ladder to fight with a small number of soldiers from Da Zhou.

But Chen Yu didn't expose it, and suddenly thought of what to do.

His complexion changed drastically: "Not good, Zhou Jun is going to run again, to Beicheng!"

Last time, the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty burned down the north gate of Yin County with the method of attacking with fire.

This time, it was estimated that the old trick was repeated, so he immediately rushed to the north gate.

Sure enough, at the north gate, all the soldiers of the Great Zhou had left the city.

Firewood was piled up in front of the city gate, and some generals from the Zhou Dynasty brought two barrels of tung oil.

Chen Yu secretly let out a cry of rejoicing.

As soon as he used his inner strength, he swung his sword and rushed forward.

Killed the two Da Zhou soldiers who were about to set fire, and then kicked the two carrying tung oil away.

"Damn it, go!"

Seeing that Chen Yu is a fourth-rank master, the young generals of Da Zhou who wanted to charge at first turned around and left.

The generals of Zhou Dynasty rode away on horses.

Leaving behind the small town of Hexian, the Chuyue army rushed in one after another and quickly captured this time.

Upon receiving the news of the capture of the small town, Xiang Yan said: "The front team immediately pursues the Da Zhou cavalry, and quickly attacks to Shunyang, and be careful of the Zhou cavalry's surprise attack on the way."

"Also, ask Chen Yu to follow along to ensure that the front team of our army has enough vigilance!"

Not long after the former team left.

Xiang Yan sent another group of supporters.

It was inconvenient to stay in the city, so the main force stopped to rest in the north of the city, and a few stopped in the camp to the south of the city.

Walking on the streets of the small town, Xiang Yang inspected the North City.

He wanted to see how Da Zhou wanted to set fire to the North City. The last time the North City Gate in Yin County was burned was almost the same.

Couldn't find any useful clues.

This time, the crime scene of the Dazhou cavalry was preserved.

As soon as we arrived at the North City Gate, we could smell the smell of oil.

At first Xiang Yan thought it was normal.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty approached to burn Beicheng, so they brought tung oil.

So it is normal to have an oily smell.

It's just that the closer he got, the more he frowned.

Because the smell of oil does not seem to be due to the leakage of tung oil from the barrel.

Instead, it was splashed out earlier, and the concentration emitted in the air was different.

Looking at the surface of the firewood, there is nothing unusual.

Xiang Yan became more suspicious.

"Come on, move these firewood away."

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom removed the firewood one after another.

At this time, holding a torch and looking towards the lower floor, everyone's face changed drastically.

Xiang Yan's complexion became dull.

"Push back the torch, all those holding the torch back!"

Why is Xiang Yan so frightened.

Because the firewood on this layer above the ground has been soaked in oil.

As long as there are sparks on it, it will be a big fire immediately.

Da Zhou obviously put the firewood soaked in oil under it early in the morning, why didn't he ignite it for a long time?

Why do you need to send someone to make a fuss, and pour a story on it.


Big conspiracy.

"No, hurry up, get out of Hecheng!"

Xiang Yan reacted quickly, screaming and shouting.

But it was too late, when a rocket shot from nowhere.

It fell directly among the firewood that was moved away.


As soon as the rocket fell into it, a mass of flames burned immediately, and the flames spread around at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, it was a big fire dragon.

The fire dragon extended to other places along the preset passage.

On the city gate, the left and right sides of the city gate were ignited.

At the same time, a raging fire broke out in the city.

It quickly swallowed up the entire Hecheng.

"Quick, escort the general out!"

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom rushed towards the north city gate one after another.

At the same time, they rushed out together while protecting Xiang Yan, thanks to the fact that all the firewood in the city gate had been cleaned up.

Otherwise, the gate of the city would be surrounded by a sea of ​​flames, and everyone would die in the little He Chengli.

"It's over, General, we have been tricked by Da Zhou!"

A group of generals complained, regretting one by one, not checking carefully and failing to find the problem.

Even Xiang Yan's face was pale and bloodless as this guest.

He muttered: "Dangerous, dangerous, the cavalry of the army has not left, hurry, hurry, immediately form a square formation, the cavalry of Dazhou is coming to rush."

Da Zhou's conspiracy is definitely not just setting fire to He Cheng.

Xiang Yan stared at the north.

Sure enough, not a moment later, there was a sound of shaking from the north.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes hit, the sky and the earth seemed to change color, and the earth seemed to cry.

Soon a large Zhou cavalry in red clothes, red robes and red flags appeared on the official road.

The Dazhou cavalry did not leave, but hid on the mountain at the fork.

The former team of Chuyue Kingdom only pursued towards Shunyang, but they were careful and alert to the iron cavalry rushing out ahead, and did not expect that this time the Dazhou iron cavalry was behind them.

In the middle of their Chuyue army, in their stomachs.

(End of this chapter)

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