I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 647? The Cavalry Appearing Behind

Chapter 647: The Cavalry Appearing Behind

The Great Zhou Cavalry is approaching!

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom formed an effective army before they came.

The arrows shot by the cavalry flew over.


"Puff puff……"

In a hurry, the sword and shield formations of Chuyue Kingdom were all crooked, sparse and chaotic.

One rain of arrows followed another.

Countless soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom were shot and fell to the ground.

Let out a howl.

The cavalry rushed forward, handed over short soldiers, and the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom did not rush to stab with long spears and spears.

The cavalry of the Suzaku Army rushed in.

The long sword swung, chopping and slashing.

The long spear stabbed, provoking.

The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom standing in front were crushed and sent flying.

All the cavalry rushed in along the official road, heading straight for the center of the Chuyue army.

Although there are only three or four thousand riders, the destructive power is amazing.

Seeing that the army of Chuyue Kingdom could not be stopped, only a few generals were stubbornly resisting, and most of them ran to the mountains or river beaches on the left and right flanks.

"General, hurry up, go up the mountain first, Zhou Qi is powerful, be careful not to be stepped on by the horse!"

The generals guarded Xiang Yan and wanted to go up the mountain.

Xiang Yan raised his arms and said angrily: "Get out of the way, I don't need your protection yet, try to maintain it as much as possible, there won't be too many Zhou cavalry, there are no masters, stop Zhou cavalry for me, even if you can't keep all of them , nor let them go easily!"

Xiang Yan also has force, and it's not low.

As General Zhenxi, he didn't want to flee in embarrassment, lest the morale of the army would be further disturbed.

Sure enough, Zhou Qi rushed in, turned around and rushed north again.

Three or four thousand cavalry wreaked havoc, and there were not many casualties, only about 5000 people.

But it brought huge trauma and deterrence to the army of Chuyue Kingdom.

Zhou Qi is invincible.

If you fight, you will suffer.

Xiang Yan's face was as dark as ink, as if water was about to drip.

The flat land below the mountain was in a mess, and there were constant wailing.

These are not too bad.

After all, the main force is still there.

What Xiang Yan is most worried about now is the two batches of soldiers and horses that set out ahead.

They didn't know that Zhou's cavalry were behind, and they were only guarding the front. They probably didn't expect that there would be enemies coming out from behind.

There is a long shot on the official road, and when you are trampled, you will die even more tragically.

"Rescue people immediately and integrate the army. After half an hour, we must all organize and go north for reinforcements!"

Xiang Yan sheathed her sword and made such a difficult decision.

If you don't go to support, the two groups of troops that set out in front will be eaten up by the Suzaku army.

However, reinforcements may not be able to save these two batches of soldiers from the Chuyue Kingdom, and they may also involve themselves.

It may not be worth the candle.

But he still issued such an order.

Because time does not allow him to do too much thinking.

Not much time for him.

I would rather die on the way of charging than fall under the knife of retreating.

Half an hour later, the reorganized army of Chuyue Kingdom rushed northward.

The fire in He County is still burning fiercely.

The Chuyue people in the south of He County still couldn't get through.

It was blocked to the south of the city of fire.

We can only wait for Xiang Yan's new order.

The Dazhou cavalry, with four thousand cavalry stepping into the battalion and returning, came from three cavalry regiments.

It turned out that a cavalry who had attacked Wudang also turned back.

After the rendezvous, there were five thousand cavalry, but there were still one thousand who were staring at the second batch of troops sent by Xiang Yan.

Until the other party didn't notice anything unusual, the troops from the south turned back.

Only then did they all kick towards the buttocks of the second batch of Chuyue army.

Among the team are capable generals sent by Di Qing, as well as Li Bai, a master of rivers and lakes, and others.

The second batch of Chuyue army did not know that there were enemy cavalry behind them.

In addition, there is a group of our own people in front of it.

Therefore, vigilance is not high, and the marching team is even more slow.

"What's the sound behind you?"

"It sounds like the sound of galloping war horses!"

"The reinforcements sent by the general? Do we have cavalry in Chuyue?"

"Yes! Not many, it doesn't seem to be in Nanyang County, it should be placed in the Runan area!"

Just as the second batch of Chuyue army was discussing in doubt, the cavalry behind them caught up.

There is no banner, and I can't see clearly at night.

Not even many torches.

From a distance, nothing can be seen clearly.

until near.

The soldiers of Chuyue at the back all showed signs of panic.

The one who reacted hurriedly shouted: "No, it's..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

A rain of arrows flew from behind.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom who were just about to speak were shot one after another and fell to the side.

More directly died on the spot.

This time, the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom finally knew that they were the enemy.

But knowing is knowing.

The cavalry was killed by scriptures.

Long sword and spear.

Wave the spike.

The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom were rushed and flew away.


The sound of the sword seeing the meat is endless.

The cavalry had a strong charge, and they rushed along the official road with ease, all the way to the north without hindrance.


Wait for Xiang Yan and others to rush to the battlefield with the main force.

The second batch of soldiers were all beheaded, and those who survived fled to the mountains. Zhou Qi couldn't catch up.

Seeing eight thousand soldiers lying on the official road in disorder, the entire section of the official river flowed like a river.

The blood on the corpses was still warm, and the wounded soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom who were wailing and looking terrified were also everywhere.

On the one hand, Xiang Yan sent someone to treat the wounded, and cleared up the truth.

Gather weapons and armor.

On the one hand, he found a general with a thousand soldiers who escaped from death.

"Back to the general, there are about [-] cavalry in Dazhou. They are too fierce. We have no defense at all when they come from behind. There is no rush to hide on the official road."

Xiang Yan frowned, and asked, "Where did Zhou's cavalry go? But they went to attack the front of our army."

The captain shook his head and said: "General, most of them went to the northwest, probably to Wudang County to guard the city.

Only a thousand cavalry continued to walk north along the official road. "

Divide the troops!
I felt that I was exposed, so I didn't need the main force of the cavalry to attack the front team.

Still have other plans.

But one thing Xiang Yan understands is that Wudang County has fallen.

Zhou cavalry is in the direction of Wudang County, which is not good for him to continue to advance north.

Because these four thousand cavalry may appear behind him again at any time.

It will not be the former team that will suffer abdominal and back injuries.

But the whole main force.

So you can't let it go.

But if you want to stop these four thousand cavalry, you can't do it without ten thousand infantry.

It is necessary to set up a stronghold on the official road here on the Sancha Road to amplify the Zhou cavalry's surprise attack from behind.

Ten thousand pawns were dispatched, and the main force was weakened by another point.

You must know that the total number of soldiers and horses he brought was only 7000. After several previous battles, nearly [-] troops were lost.

There were 5000 people in the front team, and there were [-] in He County before.

So the number of soldiers and horses he carries with him now is only [-].

In ten thousand steps, there are only [-] Chinese troops.

This is really not a lot of soldiers and horses.

If Shunyang can win, it will be fine.

If you can't win it, how can you confront the [-] Suzaku army head-on.

(End of this chapter)

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