Chapter 648 Shunyang Trap
"Kongda, take 1 people to the village on Sancha Road, and stop the Da Zhou cavalry in the direction of Wudang County. No matter what the situation is, you can't evacuate, and you can't zoom Zhou's cavalry over!"

Xiang Yan instructed.

A general named Kong Da took the order with his fists in his arms, and led 1 people to the village at the intersection of the three forks.

Xiang Yan continued to march towards Shunyang with nearly 4 horses.

Not long after they left, they received a report from the front again. Their front team was also attacked by Zhou Qi, but the loss was not great.

It's just that the thousand cavalry suddenly disappeared.

In the next section of the road, Xiang Yanxing and others could not find the shadow of the thousand cavalry.

This made Xiang Yan very confused.

There is faint uneasiness.

But he couldn't figure out where Zhou Qi had gone.



Xiang Yan's front team has arrived, and there are not many defenders on the city. It seems that the main force of Da Zhou has not arrived yet.

The Chuyue people were overjoyed and immediately launched an attack.

The general also asked Chen Yu to take the opportunity to sneak in from the flanks to check the number and distribution of the Zhou army.

Chen Yu is very experienced in this area and knows the way.

Leading the masters of Chuyue Kingdom, they were a little cautious at first.

As a result, after walking into the city for a while, I found that there was nothing unusual, and the city was very empty.

Except for the city gate, it is very quiet.

"It seems that the main force of the Suzaku Army has indeed not arrived." Chen Yu's opponent Huang Yong said:
"Go and inform General Gao, and say that there are not many Zhou troops in the city, so you can attack the city with confidence. We will attack the city gate tower later, and cooperate with them to take down the city gate."

"No!" Huang Yong was also used to running around, took his orders and went down again.

Soon after Huang Yong left, Chen Yu led people towards the south gate.

Just suddenly his body tensed up.

Some hairs stood on end, and his forehead began to sweat, because a strong enemy locked him.

The fifth-rank martial artist released his inner strength.

The other people who came with them also became terrified, and they drew their weapons and moved towards the surroundings to warn.

Countless soldiers rushed out of the streets and alleys around here.

With a neat sword and shield in his hand, and countless crossbows, he aimed at them all.

Countless people appeared, without shouting to kill or persuading them to surrender.

The leader of these Great Zhou soldiers is the master of the fifth-rank strength.

Chen Yu and the others looked at the roof next to the plate.

Dark shadows stood all around.

Those people in black night clothes are all masters of the rivers and lakes.

The strongest is also the fifth rank.

Others are either third-rank or fourth-rank, and the worst is also first-rank.

The sky and the earth are waiting for him.

How can I, Chen Yu He De, let the opponent dispatch so many masters.

Rabbit Game is also doing its best.

What a thoughtful person.

Are people in Dazhou all devils?
It didn't even leave any flaws.

"Dare to ask who the general is, and then go to Chen Yu, I want to know who died at the hands of!" Chen Yu clasped his fists at the young general in front of the soldiers.

A set of quack gestures, polite and proper, but not breaking the rules.

"Di Qing!"

The young general wore a half-mask on his face, his voice was a little flat, and he simply uttered two words.

Di Qing!

"The commander of the Suzaku Army!" Chen Yu and others exclaimed, feeling a little unbelievable.

The commander of the first army actually has the strength of the fifth rank.

And deal with them alone.

No... Di Qing is here, and the main force of the Suzaku Army is also here. a trap.

Di Qing said coldly: "If you have nothing else to ask, you can do it now!"


Chen Yu knew that he had no choice, let out a loud shout, and rushed straight to Di Qing with all his strength.

Chen Yu's movement was fast, he moved several places in the blink of an eye, and avoided the dozens of crossbow arrows that were shot at him.

The long arrow stabbed at Di Qing.

Di Qing seemed to be waiting for him to come over, with a cold face and cold eyes, suddenly his pupils shrank, and he stabbed with a spear in his hand.

Chen Yu's sword was directly blocked, and the spear continued to advance.

Nothing fancy, and no lag.

The speed is too fast to be seen by the eyes.

Almost when it came into contact with the sword, the tip of the spear came in and directly hit Chen Yu's throat.

Chen Yu's body paused, and the long sword was half lifted in the air.

His eyes were full of horror.

Is there such a big difference between a fourth-rank warrior and a fifth-rank warrior?
next second!
He didn't wait for Chen Yu's reaction.

Di Qing sent the gun lightly.


The tip of the spear pierced Chen Yu's throat, pierced through the back of his head, and the blood dripped on the center of Chen Yu's back clothes.

Draw the gun and fall down.

Fourth-rank martial artist, Yijing is no longer in the eyes of Di Qing and others.

The warriors brought by Chen Yu rushed to the roof while Chen Yu was in action.

They dare not rush to the ground, the strength of the crossbow cannot be blocked by them.

Moreover, there are too many soldiers on the ground, and it is difficult to kill them. It is really a shame to exchange lives with the chief soldiers as warriors.

So they chose the roof.

You have to compete with the masters of the rivers and lakes of the Great Zhou, so that you can give full play to your own advantages.

But those who go up are fast, and those who are shot down are also fast.

Di Qing set up such a trap, how could he let them escape easily.


out of town!

Huang Yong brought back new news.

This further strengthened the confidence of the Chuyue army that attacked the city.

Soon all those who attacked the city will be on the top of the city.

Then captured the city gate tower.


The city gate opened.


The city gate was broken easily.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom were happy and excited.

Another city was recovered, and a sense of pride welled up.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom swarmed in and rushed towards the center of the city.

Instead, Huang Yong was left at the end.

When he entered the city, he wanted to find Chen Yu, but he was nowhere to be found.

Huang Yong was not suspicious either, thinking that Chen Yu was going to seize the North Gate again.

Setting fire to the North Gate was a forte of the Great Zhou army, and it was their old routine.

But wait until the Chuyue army has all rushed into the city gate.

Suddenly, the soldiers of the Great Zhou rushed out from the houses in the inner city on the two wings of the north gate.

These soldiers rushed under the city gate, first captured the city cave, and closed the city gate.

Then go up the stairs and kill them.

Kill the Chuyue soldiers who just took over the South City Gate and their buttocks are not hot yet.

The South City Gate was recaptured by Da Zhou within a short while.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom who rushed to the north of the city to quickly take over the city defense suddenly discovered that there were countless soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty emerging from the city gate.

On the street, there are two bed crossbows, facing the main road.

The bows and crossbows were all aimed at them.

"This is……"

The generals of Chuyue Kingdom were dumbfounded.

How come there are so many big Zhou pawns.


The bows and crossbows flew together.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom on the street were shot by arrows one after another.

"Withdraw, retreat!"

At the same time, a large number of Zhou soldiers also appeared in the direction of the east and west gates.

Still the same formation.

The Chuyue soldiers who went to take over the city gate were either killed or repelled.

"Report! The general is not good, and the south gate was taken away by Zhou Jun!"

"What?" General Luo, the team leader, had his eyes bulging.

Some horrified, some panicked.

"Trap, the general has ambushed among us!"

"Damn it, what about Chen Yu? Didn't they say that there are not many Zhou soldiers in the city? Didn't they say that the main force of the Suzaku Army hasn't entered the city yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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