I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 649? Nanyang War Corruption

Chapter 649
"Huang Yong, what's going on!"

General Luo grabbed Huang Yong and dragged him over.

Huang Yong also had panic flashing in his eyes, with a dazed look on his face.

He muttered in his mouth: "It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be like this, when we came in..."


General Luo threw Huang Yong away, drew his sword and pointed at the gate of the south city: "Breakout to the south, break out of the gate, quick!"


The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom rushed towards the south gate.

But it's here to stay.

And the person in charge is Di Qing.

There are four bed crossbows, two on the street and two on the inner wall.

"I am Di Qing from the Zhuque Army of the Great Zhou Dynasty. If you are surrounded by our Zhuque Army, you will not die if you surrender." Di Qing pointed his spear at the Chuyue Army on the street.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom stopped after hearing the words.

His expression was even more frightened.

The main force of the Suzaku Army has really entered the city.

Even their coach is here.

I'm afraid I won't be able to run out, I won't be able to break through!
"Attack, kill Di Qing, kill him..."

General Luo of the Chuyue Kingdom blushed anxiously, and slashed a hesitant soldier with his sword, urging the soldiers below to charge forward.

When the sword went down, the crowd was in a commotion.

As expected, the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom no longer hesitated, and rushed forward bravely.

It didn't take Di Qing to find out, above and below the city, the soldiers of Da Zhou sent arrows to the opposite side.

As many soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom rushed up, as many soldiers died.

"Put on the shield, block it, and keep charging!"

General Luo refused to accept and continued to supervise the battle.

Soon the shield soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom marched in three rows.

It looks like that.

But as soon as the Chuangnu showed its power, these Dunyang Jianghuai immediately fell down.

After attacking several times in a row, he couldn't get through at all.

Just when General Luo was a little discouraged, a dozen figures suddenly rushed out from the two wings.

These people trampled on the shoulders of the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom and killed General Luo.

General Luo turned pale with shock, and the masters around him also shot to intercept him.


General Luo's level is not high, and the strength of the Jianghu masters around him is only one or two ranks, and most of them are still first-rate.

How can it bear the attack of Li Bai and others.

One after another lost to wounded or beheaded.

"Attack!" At this moment, Di Qing pointed his spear, Da Zhou's shield soldiers began to move forward, and the crossbowmen followed behind, shooting step by step.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom were forced to retreat.


Li Bai dodged a few times, flew directly to General Luo, and killed him with a single blow.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom was completely in chaos.

The soldiers and horses of the Great Zhou Dynasty also began to compress.

Weaken one by one.

After killing General Luo, Li Bai and others withdrew one after another and came to the roof.

"You wait for the Lord to die, if you don't surrender, when will you wait!"

""You wait for the Lord to die, if you don't surrender, when will you wait! "

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty drank every step, and were besieged on all sides.

Constantly oppressing the psychological defense line of the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom.

"I surrender, I don't want to fight anymore!"

"I surrender too, I don't want to die yet!"

Although these Chuyue soldiers are old soldiers, they have been soldiers for many years.

But after all, people.

The Lord died and was besieged in the city, unable to escape at all.

Surrender or die.

The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom are not like the Great Zhou Dynasty. Whether it is the military or the political arena, the Chuyue Kingdom is dominated by nobles.

Ordinary soldiers are cannon fodder.

Life is hopeless.

Except for those who stutter at the scene, it is difficult to turn over.

Naturally, there are fewer people fighting to the death.

For those old nobles who are at ease all day long, they can't do it if they lose their lives in vain.

If there is one, there will be two.


Countless Chuyue soldiers and generals finally put down their weapons.

All surrendered.


Xiang Yan didn't know what happened in Shunyang.

When they arrived, the city was quiet and there was no movement.

Not even a flag.

"General, there is fraud in Shunyang, our former team has lost contact!"

Xiang Yan looked at Shunyang, stared for a long time, and finally waved: "Back, back!"

The rear team changed to the front team, and nearly [-] troops retreated immediately.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom kicked, at this time the gate of Shunyang City was opened, and countless soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty poured out of the city, with banners standing on top of their heads.

Then came the Da Zhou soldiers who chased them out of the city.

The two armies fought on the official road, and Da Zhou's soldiers and horses did not take advantage of it.

Although the Chuyue National Army has retreated, there are still rules.

It's not messy.

So Di Qing just had someone chase him for a while, and instead of biting hard, he chased slowly, keeping a corresponding distance.

Xiang Yan retreated to the Sanchakou without stopping, and continued to retreat with another ten thousand.

After retreating to Hecheng, the fire in this city was extinguished.

The small city of He is in ruins.

Xiang Yan had to continue to retreat until Yin County.

Only then did he feel lucky that he ran fast.

"General, Wancheng has fallen, and the prefect Cai Xi has defected to the enemy and led the left cavalry of the Zhou army to capture eight cities in six counties and four counties."

"The other left cavalry guards of the Great Zhou ambushed our army of more than 4 reinforcements, and the army broke up. The right cavalry guards of the Great Zhou Dynasty went south and attacked Anzhong again. The soldiers pushed Xinye, and Xinye fell."

Wancheng was breached!

Shino is gone too.

Thirty thousand veterans and thirty thousand county soldiers either died in battle or were captured.

The war in Nanyang was rotten.

Xiang Yan only felt that the sky and the earth were changing color and felt a little dizzy.

Xiang Yan finally knew where the thousand cavalry of the Suzaku Army were going.

They went to Champion County in the east, to help Da Zhou's right cavalry guard the rear.

After resting for a while, Xiang Yan came back to her senses.

But his face was a little pale.

The main force in Nanyang is only 7 people left.

"General, what shall we do now?"

Wancheng fell, and Xinye was gone.

Da Zhou's cavalry can attack Xiangyang from Xinye.

There is only Chaoyang City in the middle.

As long as Da Zhou's cavalry moved fast enough, Chaoyang might not be safe.

In this way, the [-] troops of their Zhenxi General's Mansion can only go back to defend Xiangyang, but if Xiangyang is lost, they are also in danger.

"Let me think about it!" Xiang Yan has not lost her mind.

The war in Nanyang was rotten, and most of Nanyang County was captured by Dazhou.

The situation is extremely unfavorable to Chuyue Kingdom.

However, this is the territory of Chuyue Kingdom after all.

At the beginning of the big week, it may be very smooth to play, but not necessarily later.

"By the way, where are Jiangling's reinforcements?"

Xiang Yan asked suddenly.

The emperor Xiong Wan transferred to him [-] troops from the capital, as well as [-] private troops from various families.

"General! It seems that we have only just arrived at Lankouju!" The soldier who was in charge of contacting the rear replied.

Blue mouth poly!
I have only walked halfway, so it takes two days to arrive at the fastest, and three days at the shortest.

It is impossible to solve the danger of Xiangyang.

"Notify the imperial court and let the reinforcements rush to Xiangyang as soon as possible!"

"At the same time, withdraw the troops, let's go to Zhuyang." Xiang Yan thought for a while and said: "The [-] troops in the rear team rushed back to Xiangyang without stopping."

"It's the general!"

Xiang Yan looked at the generals preparing below, her head hurt a little, and she rubbed her temples.

Feeling heavy and depressed.

How could this war be like this.

"I hope there is still time. The right cavalry guards of the Great Zhou Dynasty will not go south to attack Xiangyang City, will they? The cavalry cannot defeat the city, and if they can defeat it, they will not be able to defend it."

"Dazhou sent troops this time. The cavalry is on the northern line and the infantry is on the southern line. Di Qing's goal should not be Xiangyang!"

(End of this chapter)

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