I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 650? The Countermeasures of Chuyue Kingdom

Chapter 650: Chuyue Kingdom's Countermeasures
Xiang Yan guessed right.

Di Qing really didn't think about attacking Xiangyang.

Not because he couldn't attack the city.

It's not that I'm afraid I won't be able to beat it.

It's much better not to fight than to fight down.

If Xiangyang is taken down, the Chuyue Kingdom will definitely take it back with all its strength.

It is inevitable that the two sides will have an offensive and defensive battle.

At that time, the Suzaku Army will suffer a lot of casualties.

At this time, Da Zhou has not yet reached the time for a decisive battle with Chu Yue.

Ye Qing didn't give Di Qing too many soldiers and horses to toss in the southeast direction.

The attack on Nanyang this time is more about supporting the East China Sea.

The purpose of Da Zhou is to take as much advantage as he can.

Get benefits.

Therefore, when Huang Zhong's troops reached Chaoyang City, they did not go south.

Di Qing successfully pushed Yin County.

After receiving that Huang Zhong also captured Chaoyang City, Di Qing led [-] soldiers and horses to continue southward and set up camp under Zhuyang City.

Liu Bowen also rushed to Xinye, defending Xinye with [-] soldiers and horses, and transferred [-] infantry to Wancheng to assist Zhang He in controlling Wancheng.

At the same time, the household department of Dazhou led the logistics army to the south and escorted the prisoners back to Guanzhong.

Half of the Chuyue people in Nanyang were relocated, and about 40 people were also sent to Guanzhong.

The remaining 40 people also moved as far as possible to the northwest of Nanyang, such as Danshui and Xixian.

The counties in the south and east of Wancheng were evacuated as much as possible.

Lu Bu and Zhang Liao led five thousand cavalry to attack the eastern part of Nanyang.

Five days later, Lu Bu and Zhang Liao sent back the last batch of civilians, captives, and trophies to Wancheng, and then disappeared from Ye County, northeast of Nanyang.

At the same time, Jiangling reinforcements from Chuyue Kingdom arrived in Xiangyang, and [-] troops were stationed in Xiangyang to guard against the Zhou soldiers in Chaoyang and Xinye.

Di Qing started to attack Zhuyang.

Started an offensive and defensive battle with Xiang Yan.

There are more than [-] soldiers and horses of the Great Zhou Dynasty outside the city.

There are less than [-] Chuyue soldiers in the city.

Attacking more with less, and still besieging the city, no one dared to make a judgment on how the war will be.



Xiong Wan was so angry that his hands were shaking.

The officials below were even more depressed.

Everyone's complexion is also not very good.

"The war in Nanyang is corrupt! Corruption, listen to..." Xiong Wan walked back and forth in front of the dragon chair, pointing to the northwest and said:

"In less than ten days, 13 soldiers and horses were defeated, and most of Nanyang County was captured. Xiangyang was almost lost, and Xiangyang was almost lost..."

As soon as Xiangyang was lost, the door of Nanjun was wide open.

Jiangling, the capital of the country, will be in danger.

Can Xiong Wan not be angry?
Can the officials look good?
This is the first time such a situation has occurred since the founding of Chuyue State.

More than 20 troops were beaten like this by 7 people on Saturday.

Was beaten to the door.

"Your Majesty, although the battle in Nanyang was expected, it turned out too fast. When..."

"How about it?" Xiong Wan asked angrily.

The official stammered back: "Dang...Dang, make a plan early, maybe...we need to transfer the frontline troops on the Huaishui River back to the court!"

In the entire hall, the atmosphere was so quiet that it could freeze.

Transfer troops.

Deploy troops from the front line of the Huai River.

This is the purpose of the Zhou army's dispatch of troops, which is to mobilize the Chuyue Kingdom's frontline troops to return westward.

To ease the pressure on the East China Sea.

How could the Chuyue Kingdom fulfill the wishes of the Great Zhou?

In normal times, Xiong Wandang was furious, and with a wave of his hand, someone sent the official out to beat him hard.

But now, Xiong Wan just gave this person a hard look.

Then he sat back on his dragon chair.

"My lords, what do you mean?"

All of a sudden, the hall was mostly quiet again.

Courtiers of Chuyue Kingdom, you look at me, I look at you.

Neither Sanlu nor Wugui expressed their opinion immediately.

"Your Majesty, I think that maybe there is no need to send front-line soldiers back. The purpose of Da Zhou's sending troops is to support the East China Sea. As long as my front-line soldiers don't move, Da Zhou has nothing to do.

And Da Zhou may not necessarily attack Xiangyang, attacking Xiangyang is to have a decisive battle with our Chuyue Kingdom, Da Zhou can't and doesn't want to, it's mostly just looting my Nanyang County..."

But at this point, the official's forehead was constantly sweating.

Nanyang is not a small county, even if it has a population of more than 200 million, it can't stand a few twists and turns.

This time, if there is still 100 million left, it will be regarded as a high incense.

Now most of them are lost, and they will not be able to get them back for a while, which will shake Chuyue Kingdom's rule in Nanyang.

Even affect the rule of other counties.

The most important thing is, what is the national prestige.

In the past, the Chuyue Kingdom was the largest country in the East.

With strong strength, all countries in the Kanto region respect Chu and Yue.

Now being rubbed on the ground by Da Zhou, the feeling is really uncomfortable.

Xiong Wan was really angry.

The co-authors will either be ravaged by the Great Zhou, or they will deploy troops and withdraw the front-line soldiers to delay the war in the East China Sea.

"Your Majesty, I think that I may write to South Korea to ask South Korea to come in for support, and at the same time, we are dispatching soldiers from various counties to reinforce Nanyang County!" Finally, the Patriarch of the Qu family stood up and said.

"Invite the South Korean army to enter!" Xiong Wan still felt a little uncomfortable. The mighty Chuyue Kingdom needed support from other countries.

It's a shame to throw it at grandma's house.

"Mobilize troops from various counties to support the Nanyang Department, especially those from Runan County and Jiangxia County." Xiong Wan said a little tiredly: "As for inviting South Korea, we will put it on hold for the time being and discuss it later."

The Patriarch of the Qu family withdrew.

At this time, the Patriarch of the Zhao family said: "Your Majesty, should we send someone to reconcile with Da Zhou? I think we should be able to relax with Da Zhou. It doesn't have to be easy. At least we should delay Zhou's pace and strive for some peace." time."

This proposal seemed useless, but it was unanimously agreed by all the officials.

It’s not light or close, but it must be light, first show your sincerity, and fool around to live in Dazhou
Buy more time for the frontline soldiers.

As long as Da Zhou is stable, it will be easy to handle.

"Zunza!" Xiong Wan raised his right hand lightly, still very supportive of this approach.

Then Wugui's Sun family stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think that the most urgent thing is to promote the Huaishui frontline war. I think I can use the Nanyang incident to pretend to withdraw part of the main force from the Huaishui to let the East China Sea. A return carbine onslaught.

As long as the offline of the East China Sea is conquered, the army can rush in, and then we can make a fake show and send a team of elite troops back west to solve the Nanyang issue! "

The Sun family, the Chuyue Kingdom is famous for its strategy, and they either serve as military advisers and military counselors in various armies, or they are also the guest ministers of the generals.

When this proposal was made, the originally quiet hall immediately became noisy.

There are many commentators.

All praise.

It has won the appreciation and affirmation of Xiong Wan.

"Sun Aiqing's words are the old minister's words for the country, right!" Xiong Wan said to the recorder:

"According to Sun Aiqing's wishes, send an order to the frontline commander, ordering him to destroy the enemy as soon as possible, without any mistakes."

The war machine of the Chuyue Kingdom started, and soon the soldiers and horses of Runan County, Jiangxia County, and one county ran towards Nanyang.

And it's still a death order, bring your own dry food, and don't need to gather. When you arrive in Xiangyang, you will gather in the eastern counties of Nanyang County.

Of course, this seemed to be extremely effective, but it was a helpless move, although it relieved the pressure on Xiangyang and Nanyang.

But it caused a catastrophe for Runan.

(End of this chapter)

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