Chapter 651

In the Tai Chi Palace!

The news sent back from Wuguan was sent to Ye Qing immediately.

Whether the battle in Nanyang goes well or not is related to the plan to go east.

Once the game is done and the situation is established, it will be of great help to Da Zhou's future.

"Lv Bu actually deceived Wancheng. It's not bad. It seems that the expeditionary army did not choose the wrong generals. It's just that this move was a bit reckless, too bold."

Ye Qing shook his head, then read the next battle report.

This was sent by Di Qing.

"After Danshui broke, Nanxiang, Shunyang, and Wudang all went down, and [-] enemies were wiped out on the southern front. Xiong Wan should have a headache again, huh..."

After reading the battle report, Ye Qing walked towards the sand table and stared at it for a long time.

Small red flags representing the Great Zhou were planted one by one.

"Most of Nanyang has been captured by Yi, Di Qing is advancing towards Zhuyang, Huang Zhong and other troops have captured Xinye, Yijing is threatening Xiangyang from the flank, the Chuyue army will not dare to act rashly, the only thing they can do is to defend Xiangyang. "

"As for whether the soldiers and horses of the Huai River will be transferred, it remains to be discussed, but what is certain is that the county soldiers and county soldiers from the counties of the Chuyue Kingdom will gather in Nanyang."

While Ye Qing was thinking about the matter in Nanyang, Xu Huang and Qin Hu asked to see him outside the hall.

"Xuan two come in!"

Ye Qing put down what he was doing and sat back on the dragon chair.

Xu Huang and Qin Hu came in, got up after visiting.

Ye Qing said, "How's the review going?"

It can only be a matter of this year's scientific examination that the two of them can come in together.

The review should have results.

Now in Chang'an City, the candidates who are waiting for the results to be announced are all anxious.

All are looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon.

The two looked at each other, and Xu Huang said first: "After random inspections by our military law guards, no students who cheated were found!"

Qin Hu went on to say: "Our Political and Legal Guard did not find any fraudulent examiners after spot checks. The Ministry of Education is clean."

This is the best result.

Ye Qing was relieved now.

In the first scientific examination, if cheating is reported, it will greatly weaken the significance of the scientific examination in the future.

It will even chill the hearts of students all over the world.

As a result, Da Zhou lost the hearts of the people.

"Come on, go and call Meng Shangshu from the Ministry of Education!" Ye Qing waved his hand.

Xu Huang and Qin Hu then resigned and left.

Three quarters later, Mencius walked in.

"Minister, Mencius, pay homage to Your Majesty!" Mencius came in to pay homage.

Ye Qingdao: "Meng Aiqing doesn't need to be too polite. The reason I called you here today is because the results of Fawei's side came out. This time, the imperial examination led by your Ministry of Education has done very well, and you can list it!"

Mencius felt relaxed after hearing this.

Before he came here, he had guessed that Ye Qing should be talking to him about the scientific research.

"It's Your Majesty, I'm going to let someone post a list to show the people, to congratulate the candidates on the list, and to secure the world!" Mencius led the order to retire.

Immediately after returning, ask the Ministry of Education to proceed with the announcement.

Because of the re-examination, the ten subjects were praised together.

can be announced together.

This requires larger and wider panels to be posted.

At the same time, in order to avoid being crowded and stampede due to watching the list.

It will be posted in each square, so candidates don't have to crowd to a place where the results are released to check.

Wuhou patrolled the streets and knocked on gongs in various squares to remind him.

"The list will be released tomorrow. Those who pass the ten subjects will be among the best. Don't make trouble, don't cause chaos. Those who are light will be disqualified, and those who are serious will be imprisoned!"

After Marquis Wu, who was patrolling the streets, passed by, a group of students hurried out from the wine shop or bookstore.

"It was the governor of Chang'an who told me just now that the list will be released tomorrow?"

"I haven't heard of it. Marquis Wu Xunjie said that the rankings will be announced tomorrow. No matter whether you pass or not, you must not cause trouble. If it is light, it is easy to say, but if it is serious, you will be punished."

"Finally, it's not easy until the list is released. I don't know if I can make it to high school!"

"My little brother has a premonition that tomorrow will be my first day. If I can go to high school, I will drink with everyone for three days, and let all the brothers..."

As soon as the news of the release of the list came out, the whole Chang'an was boiling again.

The real result is coming, who can go to high school?
After high school, it will be revealed soon whether Da Zhou will arrange for students to become officials.

Early the next morning.

Before the doors of the workshops were opened, the students living in each workshop began to get up one after another, and waited early on the wall where the rankings were posted.

In the morning of autumn and winter, it was extremely cold, but it still couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the students.

All of them opened their heads to wait and see, looking forward to the Fangmen.

Wait for the beater with the stick to report the time.

The door of the workshop opened.

The people began to go about their daily lives.

The candidates were still waiting there until an hour later.

When everyone was blushing from the cold and shivering, someone suddenly sang loudly.

"I'm coming!"

The crowd immediately went into a commotion, all craned their necks.

After a while, Marquis Wu, who was patrolling the street, came from the direction of Fangmen. Behind Marquis Wu were two groups of soldiers armed to the teeth, about [-] in number.

Among the soldiers were several officials from the Ministry of Education.

Holding a roll of paper in his hand, an oil bucket, and a brown brush.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Back off, don't interfere with the release of the rankings, otherwise, they will all be brought back to the Governor of Chang'an."

Marquis Wu, who was patrolling the streets, held a knife in one hand, and waved away the students gathered around the wall with the other.

Although his tone was not kind, he didn't dare to act too much.

Because no one knows who among this group of guys can pass high school and who can be an official.

Maybe he will become his immediate boss in a few days.

Naturally, the students didn't dare to make trouble. The last time they collided with the Ministry of Education, the methods of the governor of Chang'an were obvious to all.

Moreover, no one wants to spoil their own future, besides, there are fifty soldiers.

These people are more ruthless than Marquis Wu.

Once he draws his sword to kill someone, he doesn't blink anymore.

After all the students dispersed, people from the Ministry of Education began to post lists. For the three important Mingjing subjects, there were basically many candidates, so they were divided into the heaven list and the ground list.

150 in the sky list and 150 in the ground list.

For other subjects, according to the number of people who took the exam and the comprehensive results, each of them is divided into [-] to [-] people on the list.

"Ahem!" The official of the Ministry of Education stood on the steps and said to the students:

"Today's rankings are released, ten subjects together. Anyone who wins the rankings, go to the Ministry of Education to get your high school nameplate within ten days. You can report to the Ministry of Officials with the license. After the inspection is correct, you will start to arrange for employment."

"At the same time, in today's list, the top three in each subject are No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-]; those who come after the three are not ranked, and the names are sorted according to the order of the first words of the dictionary that is being compiled, so there is no mistake in comparison!"

"Finally, congratulations to the high school winners. The future is bright. Don't be disappointed if you don't win the rankings. Because this year's big week is special, it has expanded to [-] counties, so His Majesty considers that the students have come from thousands of miles, so you will be gracious after [-] days. Subject, the winners of the list are not allowed to take the entrance examination, once the verification is done, all test subjects will be cancelled, so far..., everyone, check the list in an orderly manner!"

After finishing speaking, the official of the Ministry of Education waved his hand.

The soldiers standing in front put away their weapons.

The students at the front rushed to the wall of the list in three steps and one step at a time.

The binoculars began to search.

Some people were at a loss, and some people's eyes lit up and they shouted loudly.

"I hit it! I hit it..."

(End of this chapter)

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