I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 653: The Special Features of Chuyue Kingdom

Chapter 653: The Special Features of Chuyue Kingdom
There are camouflage, and some customs defense certificates seized from Nanyang.

Lu Bu and others walked smoothly.

Meet decent troops on the border between the two countries, and eat them.

Solve the vital forces of the two countries.

Dynamic City!
The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom guarding the city did not expect that a cavalry in disguise would come from the northwest.

After the supplies in the city were completed and the money in the treasury was searched, Lu Bu discussed the next step with Zhang Liao.

Anyway, they are here to make trouble, they are just passing by, there is no fixed way to go, just follow the general direction given by Ye Qing to Donghai Country.

Zhang Liao said: "Fengxian, in my opinion, we don't go directly east. We should attack Ruyang first, and then go directly to Chen County in South Korea. This is the fastest and the least dangerous factor!"

Zhang Liao advocates stability, which can well disrupt the border defense between Chuyue Kingdom and South Korea.

Lu Bu set his sights on the southern end of the map.

Pointing to Pingyu City, he said: "I think we can hit here, this is the prefecture of Runan County, just like Wan City, there must be a lot of treasures inside.

There are also many nobles in the city, we are killing the nobles of Chuyue Kingdom, and we can grab enough money in one go! "

"That's the hinterland of Runan County. Not only are there many defenders, but there are also many sects and masters. It's easy for us to fall into it." Zhang Liao set his sights on Yuhuatian.

Lu Bu said: "I heard from Dingying county magistrate that the county soldiers in Runan County are all starting to gather towards Nanyang County.

The hinterland of the county is extremely empty. On the contrary, the northern counties have not mobilized troops and horses. It is safer for us to take the southern route! "

After finishing speaking, Lu Bu poked Yu Huatian again and said, "I heard that there are not many Jianghu sects in Chuyue Kingdom, and their strength is not very strong. Most of the Jianghu masters are in the hands of the great nobles of Chuyue Kingdom!"

Yuhuatian was born in Jinyiwei.

Those who are engaged in intelligence, this trip is also to assist Lu Bu and Zhang Liao, so it is not easy to intervene in military affairs.

However, seeing that both of them turned their attention to him, he had no choice but to explain: "Let's put it this way, there is a characteristic of Chuyue Kingdom's sects in the rivers and lakes. The Great Mountain Gate is in the south. There are many masters in these Mountain Gates, and they are very powerful. There are many people in the sixth and seventh ranks .

In the north of Chuyue Kingdom, most of them are gangs, and their strength is really not strong, only the third and fourth ranks. "

"As General Lu said, there is still a strange image in the Chuyue Kingdom. Most of the martial arts masters are in the hands of the nobles, and they are the guests of the nobles.

Because the Chuyue Kingdom is different from other countries. At the beginning of the founding of the country, the Chuyue Kingdom followed the alliance system. The monarch had only one capital at the beginning, and the other cities were all the territories of the lords. The emperor was elected by the lords.

Therefore, the court of Chuyue Kingdom is stabilized by the three nobles and five nobles, while the local area is stabilized by the big and small princes and nobles.

Lords big and small naturally don't hope that there will be strong rivers and lakes forces on their own sites. Once there are powerful forces, they will either be killed or used for their own use.

Except for the Kongdongmen in Lushan Mountain, Yuenutang in Kuaijishan, Zijinmen in Danyang County, Yujiadu in Leize in Wujun County, and Hengshan Sword Sect in Changsha County, the others can only be regarded as average and not enough. praise. "Yuhuatian continued:
"And out of these five great factions, four are in the south of the river, and one is in Linjiang's north.

They are all in the special positions of East Vietnam and China Vietnam, so we don't have to consider the power of Chuyue Kingdom in the rivers and lakes.

One should be careful to avoid the cities where the great nobles are located, after all, these lords really have masters of the fifth and sixth ranks in their hands. "

It was so!
Now Zhang Liao and Lu Bu understood the situation of Chuyue Kingdom.

The super big pie is not as much as the original big week.

There were originally six major factions in Dazhou.

It's just that the six major factions of the Great Zhou are far inferior to those of the Chuyue Kingdom in terms of the number and quality of their personnel.

The five major sects of the family are the real five major sects, and each sect is no less than two sixth-rank masters.

The other fourth and fifth graders are even more numerous, and their overall comprehensive strength is strong.

But the other sects of Chuyue Kingdom are not good.

It can only be reduced to a gang, which is a low-end vassal.

If you want to classify these forces in Chuyue Kingdom.

Undoubtedly, the five major factions are the top.

In the middle are the princes of various places, and they also have masters in their hands, and they also hold two sets of military and political guns in their hands.

In the end, there are these vassal gang forces.

"Pingyu is the prefecture city. The Chuyue Kingdom is probably the strongest there. The big nobles should be there. Why don't we attack there..." Zhang Liao didn't continue.

But Yu Huatian shook his head: "No, no! General Zhang wants to kill him now. Pingyu is a prefecture, so it is not strong there, and there is no great lord there!"

"Eh! What does this mean?" Even Lu Bu was confused.

Yu Huatian smiled and said: "Two generals, Fucheng is where the prefect is located, and the prefect is sent by the imperial court. If there is a great lord, how will the imperial court get along with the great lord? Over time, there will be conflicts and conflicts, which will not be conducive to the imperial court's orders. .

Therefore, the capitals of the Chuyue Kingdom are generally located in places where there are no great nobles or middle-ranking monarchs, so that the government can be governed and government orders issued.

Therefore, the Ruyang proposed by General Zhang is instead the fiefdom of the Yuan family, the strongest lord in Runan County. We have not found out whether the Yuan family has a sixth rank, but there is a fifth rank for sure. "

I am!

Lu Bu and Zhang Liao both ate a big melon.

MMP, Chuyue Kingdom is really complicated.

Accidentally stepped on a big hole.

"If that's the case, then we won't beat Ruyang!" Zhang Liao said a little embarrassedly, "I'd better listen to Fengxian and go beat Pingyu!"

"No! Let's fight Ruyang!" Lu Bu stood up and changed his tune suddenly.

Both Zhang Liao and Yuhuatian were taken aback.

You were going to fight Pingyu before, but now you are going to fight Ruyang.

You're out of your mind.

Lu Bu's eyes lit up with a burning desire to fight: "If you want to fight, you can fight hard. Isn't the Yuan family the biggest lord in Runan, isn't it the strongest noble? We will fight the Yuan family.

As long as Ruyang is taken down, it will be more deterrent to the Chuyue people in Runan than Pingyu.

And Ruyang must have more wealth than Pingyu. "

Pingyu is a prefecture city, even if it receives a lot of taxes, the expenses are high, and it has to be handed over to the Jiangling court.

On the contrary, Ruyang is different.

This is the private domain of the great noble Yuan family.

The wealth generated is all from the Yuan family, and has been accumulated through so many generations.

The wealth of the Yuan family must be astonishing.

If you fight this kind of family, if you don't open for three years, you can eat for three years after opening.

"..." Zhang Liao, Yuhuatian!

Why does it feel like our team is going to be blackened.

We are the regular army, the left cavalry guards of the sacred Great Zhou Empire, how did we become bandits and bandits?

You're also hooked.

"How about it, do something big." Lu Bu said, "I'll just take 3000 people there. Wenyuan, you take 2000 people to attack Pingyu, and then create momentum to attract the attention of all cities and counties in Runan. I'll take the opportunity to attack Ru Positive.

Afterwards, our two troops marched eastward and met at Qiao County. "

(End of this chapter)

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