I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 654? Ruyang Yuan Family

Chapter 654 Ruyang Yuan Family
Don't think about it, since Lu Bu wants to fight Ruyang, he must bring Yuhuatian with him.

After all, the Yuan family has warriors of the fifth rank, and even a sixth rank.

"That's it. I'm the general and I'll do what I want!" Lu Bu finally settled the matter with a big wave of his hand.

Zhang Liao could only give a wry smile.

Reluctantly agree.

So when the two armies were ready, they divided up and attacked.

Starting from Dingying to Pingyu, he could have passed through Shangcai, but in order not to be exposed, Zhang Liao went around and hit Pingyu directly.

Down with a fight.

Ping Yu still didn't understand where the two thousand Zhou cavalry came from, the city fell, and the prefect's mansion was also breached.

As the information showed, all the county soldiers and county soldiers in Runan County were transferred away, and they were all in the border area between Runan and Nanyang.

Chuyue Kingdom knew that Nanyang had fallen, but they didn't know the specific situation.

Not to mention that Da Zhou was so courageous that he dared to send an expeditionary force into the hinterland.

Not to mention that the other party pretended to be one of our own.

"Light the fire, burn everything that can be burned, don't care about civilians, don't kill, don't loot!"

With Zhang Liao's order, the prefect's mansion, granary, armory, etc. were all set ablaze, and even the four gate towers were also doused with oil.

The nobles in the city were also looted.

Zhang Liao took valuables with him before disappearing into the afterglow of the curtain.

Then Zhang Liao's two thousand cavalry all the way attacked Tongyang, Gushi, Ruyin, Xiyang, Song Guo, Xinyang, Sishan, Chengfu and other eight counties and twelve cities.

Violently ravaged Runan County and turned against the people. Wherever he passed, all the treasuries were burned and all the money was looted.

Find a place to bury the ones that can't be taken away, and count them as the activity expenses of Jinyiwei.

All of a sudden, the nobles of the state of Chu in Runan were miserable.

Their people were killed, wounded, and escaped.

All the family property was looted, and all the food and clothing were destroyed.

Zhang Liao's name in Runan can stop children from crying.

Of course, the nobles of the Chuyue Kingdom wanted to find Zhang Liao, but they couldn't catch up at all, because the speed of the cavalry was too fast.

Today in this city, tomorrow in another city, and later went to other places.

Guerrilla tactics are too flexible.

Reporting it to Jiangling also made the officials of the Chu and Yue courts grit their teeth with hatred.

Of course, this is something for later, let’s not show it for the time being!
It is said that Lu Bu and Yu Huatian fought all the way to the Ruyang city.

Ruyang is the private domain of the Yuan family.

Whether it is the county magistrate or the county lieutenant, they are all served by members of the Yuan family.

Even the guards of the city gate are the children of the Yuan family.

"Stop, where did you come from? Why did you enter the city? There is a document!"

The city gatekeeper Yuan Shu asked, with a sword across his waist, holding the hilt in his hand, looking behind the left cavalry guard.

Two or three thousand cavalry, what are they doing in Ruyang?
Lv Bu said coldly: "The gatekeeper of the small city is also worthy of checking my son, so get out of my way."

As he said that, Lu Bu wanted to force his way in again.

But this time it was not as smooth as in Wancheng.

The gatekeeper Yuan Shu drew his sword and pointed at Lu Bu, and all his soldiers blocked the entrance to the city.

"Stop talking nonsense, where are you dispatched from? Who is in charge? Without the permission of my Yuan family, no one is allowed to enter the city!"

The left cavalry guards behind Lu Bu also raised their bows and aimed at the city gatekeeper Yuan Shu and others.

Lv Bu sneered holding Fang Tian's halberd and said, "My son is following His Majesty's order to send you an important item to the Patriarch of the Yuan family. You are worthy to stop me even if you are a dog. Believe it or not, I will kill you right now!"

"Send something to our Patriarch?" Yuan Shu, the city gatekeeper, was dubious, but he still didn't give way, and only said:

"Even if it is His Majesty's messenger, I will wait for you first. I will send someone back to report, and the Patriarch will send someone to contact you. If your words are true, you will welcome me in and treat you with courtesy!"

"Hahaha, why, Ruyang is no longer the territory of Chuyue Kingdom. As His Majesty's special envoy, I am not allowed to enter the city." Lu Bu looked at the people in front of the city gate and said:

"Or, the Yuan family really regards themselves as the emperor, and they don't even have to obey His Majesty's orders. Why are you, the Yuan family, rebelling!"

The city gatekeeper Yuan Shu didn't expect Lu Bu to speak so toughly, so he put a big hat on him when he came up.

He retorted: "You want to talk nonsense, this Ruyang is the fiefdom of my Yuan family, and it is allowed by the empire, not to mention you are a military general with unknown origin, even if the three Lu and five nobles of the imperial court come, you should guard my Yuan family." The rules of the family, not your unreasonable trouble!"

"Hahaha, what an unreasonable trouble, today my son really is unreasonable." Lu Bu raised his head and laughed, then swung Fang Tian's painted halberd, and chopped Yuan Shu towards the city gate.

All the soldiers behind him also loosened the bowstring of their right hands one after another.


In an instant, hundreds of arrows flew past.

The city gatekeeper Yuan Shu did not expect Lu Bu to make a move.

In a hurry, he drew his sword to block it.

He was directly destroyed by the strength of Lu Bu's second-rank military general.

City gatekeeper Yuan Shu is also a second-rate general.

The disparity in strength is somewhat large.

"Puff puff……"

Ruyang soldiers guarding the city gate fell to the ground with arrows.

Even those who watched the show on the city wall were shot down.

"For the honor and disgrace of the empire, for the dignity of His Majesty, kill, destroy the Yuan family!"

Lu Bu took the lead, brandishing Fang Tian's painted halberd and charged into the city gate, followed by all the soldiers.

Rushing in, some of them headed towards the stairs and quickly attacked the city gate tower.

They are familiar with it.

Lu Bu went straight to the center of the city with the main force.

The people of Chuyue Kingdom in Ruyang City along the way were all shocked.

The court in Jiangling is about to break up with the Yuan family in Ruyang.

What is the situation.

The Yuan family was even more confused, the county government office was breached immediately, and Lu Bu and Yu Huatian rushed to the Yuan family's mansion.

The Yuan family's mansion is even more luxurious and spacious than the prefect's mansion.

There are eight hundred clan soldiers.

Guard according to the mansion.

A hopeful building is built in front of the gate, and people can walk on the wall.

Archers and spearmen lowered their bodies.

Fuzhong masters are also on duty at various points.

"Who are you? My Yuan family has never done anything to usurp, and it is impossible for Your Majesty to touch my Yuan family!"

"That's right, people from my Yuan family are still serving as generals in the imperial court. Some are guarding the border of Han, and some are fighting on the front line of the Huai River. Why are you attacking the county today?"

People from the Yuan family shouted on the wall.

Of course Lu Bu wouldn't tell them the truth, but he just yelled coldly: "Since you haven't done anything trespassing, what are you doing hiding inside, let your Patriarch come out, and your Yuan family put down their weapons, I will give you justice.

If you resist stubbornly, then don't blame me and His Majesty for not giving you a chance! "

The Yuan family looked at the Patriarch one after another.

The owner of the house is an old man in his 50s, who walks into the courtyard with a cane.

"Don't worry about them, if the imperial court really wanted to destroy my Yuan family, they would have their own excuses, and they wouldn't just send this group of people.

Most of them pretended to be the imperial army, and no one dared to report their own names. "

"The master is wise!"

Everyone in the Yuan family praised it one after another.

Then the Patriarch of the Yuan family said to another person beside him: "Ji Gang, please take action. If the enemy really attacks, he will kill him. You don't need to be polite!"

This man named Ji Gang is a fifth-rank master, a guest of the Yuan family, and deeply loves the cultivation and favor of the Yuan family.

Hearing this, he cupped his fists and said, "It's the Patriarch."

(End of this chapter)

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