I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 655 You are Zhou people

Chapter 655 You are Zhou people

The door of Yuan's house could not be opened, and Lu Bu was not wasting time. With a wave of his hand, the left cavalry guards began to shoot arrows towards Yuan's city.

Some soldiers began to pile up firewood in front of the gate and at the foot of the wall.

Pour over the collected oil.

Several rockets shot past.

The raging fire engulfed the door and wall of Yuan's house.

The strong and pungent smell of smoke made the Yuan family inside cough non-stop.

This style of play is too shameless.

"Quick, go get water and put out the fire..."

Yuan's family went to get water to pour on the door and down the wall.

The ones at the inner door were okay, but the ones on the wall were shot and killed when they stood up.

Moreover, Lv Bu conveniently not only attacked the main entrance, but also set fire to the back, shooting rockets from the left and right sides, and planned to burn the entire Yuan family down.

"Damn it, Patriarch, they are trying to kill our Yuan family, so fight them!"

"Patriarch, it's impossible to go on like this. The fire is raging. Our mansion will be burned down sooner or later."

"Patriarch, it is estimated that the county government has been captured by the enemy, and the barracks treasury has also been taken, so we can't just sit around and wait for death!"

The members of Yuan's family asked to fight to the death one after another.

The Patriarch of the Yuan family had no choice but to say: "Okay, then we will fight with them.

Inform everyone, get out.

Kill the enemy first, then kill the soldiers! "

"It's the head of the house!"

The Yuan family opened the door and rushed out with weapons in hand.

In front are ordinary soldiers, who can be regarded as cannon fodder, and behind them are the diners of the Yuan family, who are basically martial arts masters in the world.

And Na Ji Gang led a dozen of the strongest ones up the wall, and when the accomplices rushing out of the gate attracted the left cavalry guard, they jumped off the wall one after another.


The soldiers of the left cavalry were unable to react in time, and some of them were killed by these masters.

Ji Gang was the strongest and went straight to Lu Bu.

With one foot on the ground, he stabbed Lu Bu with a sword.

Lu Bu had been guarding against the masters who came out from inside.

He is a second-rank military general himself, so his sharpness is naturally not bad.

Sensing the crisis, he swung Fang Tian's painted halberd to face him head-on.


The sword and the halberd collided, Ji Gang used his strength to turn over and jumped, the man was in the air, and rushed down, the long sword was facing Lu Bu, the man and the sword seemed to be integrated at that moment.

The speed was so fast that it was difficult for even Lu Bu to react.

After all, he was using the long weapon Fang Tian Huaji.

It's too late to intercept upwards.

The opponent is a fifth-rank expert, whose speed and strength are far superior to others.

But just when Ji Gangdu Yijing wanted to stab down from Lu Bu's Tianling Gai with his sword.

Suddenly there was a crackling sound.

Ji Gang only felt that there were countless hidden weapons attacking him.

The body turned 360 degrees again and swung the sword.

"Clang clang clang..."

Ji Gang's hunch was right, countless fragments were blocked.

However, two or three pieces came through and cut his clothes.

There were several bloody cuts.

And Lu Bu also reacted back, slashing towards him.

Hastily catches up.

Ji Gang was sent flying and hit the wall.

The fifth-rank warrior was beaten back by the second-rank general.

It would be a surprise if it were any other time.

However, Ji Gang who hit the wall did not look at Lu Bu, but turned to Yuhuatian who had just used a hidden weapon at him.

The man standing facing the wind on the wall of the common people's house opposite was dressed in a black robe, blue brocade, and a black official's cap with a jade hairpin.

A fair face, and that soft face shape, handsome eyebrows.

He still held the hilt of the sword without the body in his hand.

The hidden weapons just now all came from that sword.

The other party deliberately concealed his breath.

He didn't even use the folding sword just now.

It can be seen that this method of folding swords is probably very proficient, so it should be used frequently.

This is his opponent.

Ji Gang knew that the other party was waiting for him.

I am the guest official of the Yuan family, protecting the Yuan family comprehensively.

Since the other party came to Yuan's house, they must have investigated and prepared long ago.

"Hmph, I'm here to see how strong you are!"

Ji Gang snorted coldly, jumped up, charged at a Zhou army soldier with his sword, stomped on the horse's head, and rushed towards Yuhuatian.

Seeing this, Lu Bu waved Fang Tian's painted halberd and jumped to fight with the other masters of the Yuan family who rushed out.

"Liannu, shoot!"

More and more soldiers and masters of the Yuan family rushed out, and Lu Bu's lieutenant hurriedly called down the rear crossbowmen.

The soldiers of the Yuan family in front of the gate of the Yuan family were hit by arrows and died.

Then the lieutenant pointed his sword at the city again.

The soldiers holding the crossbow shot upward again.

These private soldiers of the Yuan family who wanted to condescend to attack the left cavalry outside were shot to the ground one after another.

"This way!"

The lieutenant general was pointing at the masters of the Yuan family who came close.

The crossbow can not only shoot in bursts but also in bursts.

So it has an advantage in close combat.

The Yuan's disciples who charged over were suddenly shot by an arrow.

The original speed is reduced immediately.

Even the members of Yuan's family who killed Zuoqi indiscriminately were easily shot by short crossbow arrows.

Although fighting like this would accidentally injure one's own people, but on the contrary being fought close to each other by the opponent, the lieutenant would rather get some injuries on one's own people, but also to clean up these masters.

After all, these martial arts masters are too threatening.

Killing one more will give the army more protection.



Armies are efficient killing machines.

After all, the family is just a family, and the disciples are just good players who fight alone.

He has high martial arts skills and strong internal strength, but he has not reached that certain level.

After all, it is not an opponent of the army.

A left cavalry with superior organization and weapons.

The private soldiers and retainers of the Yuan family are just a joke.

The elite soldiers of a hundred battles may not be a joke.

In addition, Lu Bu also has the strength of a second-rank military general, and fighting with several second- and third-rank warriors with one manpower is also fierce and exciting.

Wasn't he still stabbed and killed by Lu Bu with a halberd.

On the other side, Yu Huatian also swung the long sword in his hand, fighting with Ji Gang.

The two hit the street from the wall, and then jumped from the street to the roof.

The tiles rustled down.

The sound of sword strikes can be heard endlessly.

The combination of punches and kicks is equally fierce and exciting.

It is really difficult to distinguish between fifth-rank and fifth-rank under normal circumstances.

However, Ji Gang became more and more anxious as he fought, because the battlefield below was obviously inclined to the left cavalry.

The private soldiers of the Yuan family were almost killed.

Zuo Qiwei entered Yuan's mansion with scriptures and began to storm inside.

Even those masters of the second and third ranks who have always followed behind their buttocks were also injured or fought by Lu Bu.

More were shot and killed by the army's Liannuo.

"Are you Zhou people?"

The Liannu is only available in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The kind of lethal weapon that fires continuously.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom is not fully equipped.

So these are the army of the Zhou people.

How could they come here.

Just when he was distracted, Yu Huatian raised his left hand, and saw a bag of powdery strange things flying out from his cuff.


Ji Gang swung his sword thinking it was a hidden weapon.

Unexpectedly, it was the medicinal powder that confused the lines, so he hurriedly closed his eyes and stepped back.

But as soon as he retreated, Yuhuatian set off a wave of flying, blowing the powder and chasing after him.

Ji Gang jumped off the roof and fell into the courtyard.

Just as he was about to run out the door, he suddenly became short of breath and felt a strange pain in his chest.

"Not good... poisonous!"

Ji Gang was still too careless, he never thought that this was not something that disturbed his vision, but a poisonous powder that could poison internal organs through breathing.

(End of this chapter)

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