Chapter 656 The Yuan family is broken, and the sun is built

"You... Da Zhou, you are so despicable!"

Ji Gang held Wu's chest with one hand, and pointed at Yuhuatian who jumped down and blocked the entrance with the other.

Yu Huatian gave him a cold look, and rushed towards him with a wave of his sword.

Don't talk nonsense to him at all.

Fighting for the country, where does justice and fairness come from?

The means are the necessary methods.

Regardless of whether the cat is black or white, a cat that can help His Majesty conquer the world is a good cat.

Living people are qualified to talk about everything.

A dead person can only be a dead person!

Ji Gang swung his sword to block.

But every time you do an action, every time you exercise.

The injury to the lungs is aggravated once.

In the end, my body was extremely itchy, with a rash on the outside and some cramping inside.

The body starts not to act according to its own thoughts.

On the opposite side, Yu Huatian danced the long sword faster and faster, making his sword moves more ruthless.

After Ji Gang struggled for several moves, he finally missed a single move. Yu Huatian seized the opportunity and cut his throat with a sword.

Fifth rank battles fifth rank, Yuhuatian wins.


Ji Gang fell down heavily.

Yuhuatian didn't show any pity, so he swung his sword and slashed.

The blade of sword energy appeared, cutting Ji Gang's neck extremely flat.

Even the blood froze at that moment and did not flow.

"Old Freak Ding's stuff is easy to use, I'll ask for more next time, but... it's just a waste of money!"

Yu Huatian raised Ji Gang's head with a sword, then leaped onto the roof, and made a few moves back to the gate of the battle.

Throwing Ji Gang's head away, he gently folded the long sword in his hand.

Several masters who were still fighting with Lu Bu were shocked.

Lu Bu hurriedly retreated.

The countless broken swords flew past his eyes.


Several members of Yuan's family were injured, they took a look at Yuhuatian, turned around and ran away.

Ji Gang is dead, and the opponent is at least the fifth rank, maybe it is the sixth rank.

Those of us of the second and third grades, it is still important to save our lives.

Yuhuatian didn't chase after him, and Lu Bu waved his hand towards the gate of Yuan's house.

More soldiers rushed in.

The mansion was soon fully breached.

Including the Patriarch of the Yuan family, everyone in Ruyang was basically beheaded.

"Except for the money, everything else was burned."

A more thorough fire engulfed the Yuan Mansion.

Fires broke out in various parts of the city.

The soldiers robbed everything that could be taken away.

Then take advantage of the darkening sky.

Disappeared at the south gate.

Why go out from the south gate, because they want to use this to disguise, and after going out of the city for a dozen miles, they turn east to Chenjun, South Korea.


Nanyang County!

After several days of bombardment, the fragile North City collapsed.

Throughout the northern part of the city, countless places were blasted out of the gap.

The city gate tower and the place close to the inner city wall were smashed into potholes.

Although a small number of Chuyue soldiers guarding the city were at the front.

But there were still [-] casualties.

"General, now that the northern city has collapsed, the Zhou army can drive straight in, and Zhuyang may not be able to defend it!"

Xiang Yan's confidant said worriedly.

Xiang Yan said: "The army of the Great Zhou has only [-] people, and our army has [-]. Why can't we defend, our army has an advantage in close combat!"

That's right, the soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom are generally shorter, but their feet are stronger, and they can stand more stably in close combat.

Good at fighting in narrow places.

It is more cost-effective to go shopping with Da Zhou in the city.

"General, our army has a lot of strength, but the morale of the army is not stable. The soldiers below were terrified by the stone catapults from Chuyue Kingdom. Once the army of the Great Zhou entered the city, they would shrink back in fear!" Xiang Yan's subordinates explained. road.

Catapults are powerful, not just destructive.

The power of deterrence is unprecedented.

Di Qing didn't attack the city, just relying on the trebuchet to smash stones for a few days, he kept weakening the morale of the Chuyue army.

This trick he used is perfect.

Repel the enemy without fighting first.

Xiang Yan looked at the dazzling catapult outside the city.

My heart is full of emotion.

The Chuyue Kingdom acquired the Liannu of the Great Zhou Dynasty and imitated it on a large scale.

But the big killer like the slingshot was not obtained.

It is really passive.

If you leave Zhuyang today, you have to leave Xiangyang tomorrow, and you should leave Jiangling the day after tomorrow.

This is a bad sign.

"General! Please make an early decision!"

Everyone please order.

Just when Xiang Yan was about to speak, a rider came running behind him and said, "General, the imperial court has sent an envoy to visit Da Zhou."

Visit Big Week!

Visiting at this time.

No wonder it's time for the imperial court to speak up and admit cowardice.

Xiang Yan then went to meet the envoy.

After talking about it, I realized that this is a strategy of deception and delay.

So he sent people to the city gate and waved a flag outside the city to ask the Zhou army to stop attacking the city.

"Commander, the Chuyue Kingdom in the city is waving a white flag, asking for a truce, and saying that they want to send envoys. Moreover, they are envoys from the Chuyue Kingdom's court, and they should want peace talks!"

Hearing this, Di Qing suddenly opened his eyes and stopped dozing.

"Go, go ahead and have a look!"

Di Qing came to the front in person, and saw that the other side was still waving the flag and shouting.

After hearing it clearly, he said: "Tell the Chuyue people that we want to talk about it in Zhuyang City. We allow the Chuyue army to retreat to Xiangyang. If we don't pursue it, we can talk about it. If it doesn't work, we will attack the city and wipe out its [-] troops. talking!"

The subordinates shouted Di Qing's words to the opposite side.

The Jiangling envoy on the opposite side stomped his feet angrily.

"Damn it, Zhou Jun is cunning, he didn't even give us a chance to go out."

Now they are fighting, and the battle is about to start now, and the city will be captured in a bloody battle.

How could Di Qing be willing if you called to stop at this time.

The other party is not a fool.

Xiang Yan said: "Why don't we give up Zhuyang, so that we can win this opportunity for you, otherwise we won't be able to hold back morally, and we won't be able to stop the Great Zhou army."

"This...isn't very good. Once Zhuyang was lost, the soldiers of the Great Zhou were pushed to Xiangyang. The threat to Xiangyang is too great!" Jiangling envoy said worriedly.

Xiang Yan said: "You have also seen that, with such a city defense, can it still stop the troops of the Great Zhou? If we fight a bloody battle with the Great Zhou here, our army will suffer too many losses, which is not good for defending Xiangyang."

Zhuyang has lost its strategic value.

Such a small town is too vulnerable in front of the trebuchet.

It is better to concentrate the main force to protect Xiangyang.

"Hey! That's the only way to go. You retreat and leave me a hundred soldiers. I'll wait for Di Qing to enter the city!" The envoy from Jiangling knew Xiang Yan's helpless move when he heard Xiang Yan's tone.

The majestic General Zhenxi, doesn't he want to defend this place?

Since it can't be defended, it is natural to put our troops in Xiangyang, which is the most valuable.

Next, the [-] troops of Chuyue Kingdom continued to retreat southward.

Three hours after he left, Di Qing received the notification of Chuyue Kingdom's consent.

Only then did the army slowly enter the city.

"Minister Chuyue Guozhao pays his respects to the commander-in-chief of the Great Zhou Suzaku Army!"

The person who claimed to be Zhaoxiang hurriedly worshiped Di Qing after seeing him.

Di Qing pointed to the government office and said, "Excuse me, your envoy is here for the sake of peace between the two countries, so let's talk inside!"

"No!" Zhao Xiang nodded and replied respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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