Chapter 657

Into the Yamen.

Di Qing sat on it with a golden knife, his shoes were on, and he stepped on the edge of the couch.

"What does your envoy want to talk about here? Let me tell you in advance that your majesty had better be a little sincere. If you don't, I will be angry. Once I am angry, I may immediately attack Xiangyang."

Zhaoxiang's eyelids twitched, this Di Qing, who was wearing half a mask, was really not a friendly guy.

If you open your mouth, you will attack Xiangyang.

But for the sake of the task, I can only endure it.

Zhaoxiang replied: "Di Shuai, I, Chuyue Kingdom, intends to negotiate peace with Great Zhou. I hope that there will be no more wars between the two countries. I will always let it go, and the two countries will build peace and get back together. As long as Di Shuai agrees, Our country will send a mission with the highest courtesy to Da Zhou, and we are willing to pay money and food to make up for the loss of Da Zhou caused in Guanzhong."

Hearing this, Di Qing was refreshed.

Chuyue Kingdom is willing to pay compensation!
This is an anecdote in the world, for the first time.

"How much food is your country willing to pay? How much land are you willing to cede? When will the troops be withdrawn from the Huai River?" Di Qing asked repeatedly.

Zhaoxiang below was dazed and stunned for a while.

You have gone too far, just lose money.

I still have to cede land, and I have to send troops to withdraw from Da Zhou.

Although this was to fool Di Qing and delay the time for the empire's plan, Zhaoxiang still felt uncomfortable listening to it.

"How much food Di Shuai paid is too important. Naturally, the two countries need to sit down and talk slowly. I, Chuyue Kingdom, have shown sincerity, and naturally hope to resolve the estrangement between the two parties." Zhao Xiang said:

"At the same time, I also hope that Da Zhou can calm down and show corresponding sincerity. I hope that Di Shuai can report it to His Majesty the Emperor of Da Zhou. It doesn't matter whether it is in my Chuyue Kingdom or in Chang'an!"

This time Di Qing could hear the smell of meat.

Emotional empty glove white wolf.

Fool me to stop the war first, let's talk.

The co-author Chuyue Kingdom doesn't need to send out anything, but my Da Zhou has to stop advancing troops, and we have to wait for the envoys of both sides to bargain before we can get a result.

Zhao Xiang is also an unofficial mission, and it will take four or five days to return to Chuyue Kingdom, and it may take longer if it is deliberately delayed.

Assuming talks in Chang'an, this mission will go to Chang'an, and it will take more than ten days.

I'm wrangling for one to two months.

The day lilies are cold.

The East China Sea may not exist anymore.

Is it still necessary for Chuyue Kingdom to talk with Da Zhou?
At that time, the army of Chuyue Kingdom returned to the west, and the main force fought decisively.

Even his Suzaku army can't stand it.

After thinking this through, Di Qing turned cold, and said in a cold voice: "Since Chuyue Kingdom has no sincerity to talk, let's continue to fight. His Majesty allowed me to take charge of the southeast war, and I will be in charge of everything. Can call the shots.

If you don't want to fight, give the result within three days, how much will you pay?How much land was ceded?When will we withdraw from the front line of the Huai River?You must give an answer as soon as possible, otherwise you should stop pretending! "

"Di Shuai, it's too much for you to be like this... It takes more than three days for me to go back and forth to Jiangling." Zhao Xiang's heart skipped a beat, feeling like he wanted to cry.

Three days is enough.

Di Qing is too arrogant.

Could it be that you really thought that it would be impossible to capture Xiangyang in my Chuyue Kingdom.

Just a military general, he really thinks he is a prince.

Not to mention the prince, even Ye Qing himself could not say such arbitrary and arrogant words.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a truce between the two countries?
"Whether you can do it or not is up to you, the conditions are like this, come and see off!" Di Qing waved his hand, signaling the guards to drive Zhaoxiang out.

Zhao Xiang was never given a chance to speak.

Although Di Qing wanted to talk about it, the current situation is too favorable for Da Zhou.

Dazhou needs to maintain sufficient deterrence.

Do not reveal your stated goals.

Xiangyang doesn't know how to fight, but he has to act like he will win.

If the Chuyue Kingdom does not withdraw its troops from the East China Sea Kingdom, then the activities of the Suzaku Army in Nanyang will not stop.

Zhao Xiang was driven out of the south gate.

Turning around and looking at the South City Gate, he also snorted coldly.

Soon go south and return to Xiangyang.

Xiang Yan asked: "What's the matter? Da Zhou agreed to talk together?"

Zhao Xiang shook his head and said, "No, this Di Qing doesn't want to be fooled. He insists on attacking Xiangyang. He not only wants to pay Dazhou's money and food, but also wants to cede the land of Chuyue Kingdom and let us withdraw our troops from Donghai Kingdom. , is really abominable."

Xiang Yan didn't feel anything when he heard the words.

The main purpose of Da Zhou's dispatch of troops this time is to help the East China Sea, and to want them to withdraw their troops from Chuyue.

If this condition was not met, how could Da Zhou be willing to talk about it.

Besides, people now take the initiative.

The three-way army is victorious.

If it was him, Xiang Yan, he wouldn't be willing to talk about it.

"Then you should go back to Jiangling and report the situation to His Majesty and the court officials." Xiang Yan said:

"It is impossible for Xiangyang to retreat. I will stick to this city until the end of the battle. I hope the empire can come up with a useful plan. Xiangyang is a place that the empire must not lose."

"Okay! I'm going back to Jiangling now, I'm going to trouble General Zhenxi for the battle in Xiangyang!" Prime Minister Zhao cupped his hands, and then headed towards Jiangling at full speed.


On Di Qing's side, of course, he also reported the news of Chuyue Kingdom to Ye Qing in a timely manner.

After Ye Qing received Di Qing's secret report, he just chuckled.

"Reply to Di Qing, and say that the matter of Nanyang is still left to him to decide. They have the final say on how to fight, where to fight, and how much land they will occupy. Even if we withdraw from Nanyang, I will not Blame them."

"But one thing must not be forgotten. The population of Nanyang must be captured by me, and the soldiers and horses of Chuyue Kingdom must be attracted to me. Chuyue Kingdom cannot be made comfortable, and Xiong Wan'an cannot be allowed to live!"

Cao Zhengchun picked up a pen to write, and Ye Qing stamped it after finishing writing.

Send it to Nanyang by a special courier.

Then Ye Qing said again: "Call Zhang Yi and Li Ru over here!"

Soon Zhang Yi and Li Ru came over.

Ye Qing told the truth about the envoys sent by the Chuyue Kingdom to pretend to have peace talks.

Li Rudao: "Your Majesty, so far, Jin Yiwei has not received any sign that the Chuyue Kingdom has transferred troops to the west. Instead, it has stepped up its attack on the East China Sea Kingdom. There is no news from Jiangling that the Chuyue Kingdom wants to talk about peace."

Zhang Yi said: "Your Majesty, you want to act first and send a mission to the Chuyue Kingdom to force the Chuyue Kingdom to negotiate peace and take the moral high ground."

"Haifeng is the one who knows me!" Ye Qing nodded and said:
"That's right, since the Chuyue Kingdom wanted to paralyze us, we took the opportunity to make a fake show and take the initiative to send a mission to Jiangling to show the people of the Chuyue Kingdom that we didn't want a war, not a war, but a war. Peace, with sincerity to want a truce.

But what really wants to fight is the Chuyue Kingdom themselves, to make their surnames tired of their emperor and the people, and to make the Chuyue people less resistant to us. "

"In this regard, Jin Yiwei can cooperate with the Ministry of Rites to publicize news that is beneficial to our Great Zhou, and label Chuyue Kingdom as the troublemaker, and label Chuyue Kingdom as the initiator of the war."

Zhang Yi and Li Ru looked at each other.

Your Majesty is still Your Majesty, that is, Gao Ming.

The two took orders at the same time: "No!"

(End of this chapter)

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