I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 658? South Korea's Bad News

Chapter 658

Soon, the Ministry of Rites of the Great Zhou Dynasty sent a mission to Nanyang.

Professional things are done by professional people.

Not only facing the Chuyue Kingdom, but also dealing with the Hexi Governor's Mansion, Da Zhou also made a series of actions.

First, the White Tiger Group Army dispatched ten regiments to gather at the border of Wuwei.

Then Jia Xu was transferred to Wei Qing, who served as the long history of the Hexi Governor's Mansion.

The Ministry of Rites also sent a mission to formally visit the Yuezhi, carrying the salt, grain, and cloth that the Yueshi was in short supply for business cooperation.

Finally, in Beidi County, ten regiments of the Xuanwu Army were transferred to garrison Lingzhou and Wuhai.

Consolidate Shangjun, protect the left wing of Shuofang County, and relieve the pressure for Luo Cheng's Greedy Wolf Army.

Of course, in order to support Di Qing and ease the pressure on Wuguan, Ye Qing transferred Xiahou Dun's right foot guard and Gao Shun to take over Wuguan as the trapped camp team.

When necessary, you can go out to help the Suzaku army.

On the one hand, Di Qing stepped up his defenses to build the sun, built the sun, and left [-] troops, including the lieutenant here.

Another 1 people were sent south to occupy Shandu County, and then [-] people were sent eastward to Chaoyang and Xinye.

Taking advantage of the comprehensive defense of Xiangyang by the Chuyue Kingdom, Huang Zhong and the cavalry of our army were sent across Bishui to attack the counties in the east of Nanyang.


South Korea!


In the palace, above the main hall.

Han Wang Hanran took the letter sent from Yingchuan and reported: "I heard that cavalry from Chuyue Kingdom invaded the country. What's going on?"

Speaking of dogs together, fight the East China Sea together.

Get rid of the border guards together.

As a result, the soldiers of Chuyue State crossed the border.

The Minister of the Ministry of War stood up violently and said: "Your Majesty, according to our judgment, the attack on Wuyang is not a soldier of Chuyue Kingdom, and it may be someone fake!"

Han Ran said, "How can you see that?"

Bao Yuan replied: "Your Majesty, the arrows used by the enemy troops attacking Wuyang are different from those of Chuyue Kingdom. The arrows are Mitsubishi cone-shaped and have a long range and great damage. They cannot be forged with the inferior iron of Chuyue Kingdom." .”

Han Ran heard half of the words.

Gong Zhongpeng below also said: "Your Majesty, I heard that the Chuyue Kingdom mostly uses bronze wares, and arrows are mostly made of copper. This enemy should be the army of the Great Zhou!"

Chuyue Kingdom is rich in copper mines, so there are many copper wares. Before iron wares were used on a large scale, weapons were the sharpest.

It's just that all countries are actively developing iron ore, making steel and making ironware.

Iron is a scarce resource in Chuyue Kingdom.

Han Ran frowned: "In this way, Da Zhou intends to get involved in Yingchuan, South Korea, and Nanyang County of Chuyue Kingdom may not be guaranteed!"

Shen Buhui stood up and said: "Your Majesty, Da Zhou's involvement in Yingchuan of our country is not enough. It should be to stir up conflicts between us and Chuyue, and then indirectly cut off the alliance between our two countries. Otherwise, they don't need to wear clothes. The clothes of the soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom!"

Han Ran was even angrier when he heard this.

Shen Buhai then continued: "Your Majesty, in order to prevent Da Zhou from going too far, we should ease relations with Da Zhou as soon as possible, clarify our respective difficulties, open up business, and avoid further friction. Otherwise, Da Zhou will always use Harassing and harassing our country in the name of the Chuyue Kingdom may be detrimental to domestic stability."

"Hmph! To boost other people's aspirations and talents, destroy one's own prestige." Gong Zhongpeng snorted coldly, then bowed his hands to Han Ran and said:

"Your Majesty, I think that you don't need to pay attention to Da Zhou's harassment. They are just rats who only dare to provoke trouble secretly. Our only need is to make the border cities guard their cities well.

At the same time, they are sending people to Da Zhou to reprimand Da Zhou for his despicable behavior and expose his country's obscene actions.

The minister wanted to see, the emperor of the Great Zhou would be ashamed. "

Why did they fight again.

Han Ran wanted to cry, and so did Bao Yuan.

Gong Zhongpeng, you are a dignified Situ, a person of the older generation, and you have nothing to do with a junior Shen Buhai, a servant of the Ministry of Justice.

But as soon as the words were finished, there was an urgent report from outside.

The palace gatekeeper shouted: "Report! Your Majesty, Chen County is urgently reporting that Chen County has fallen."

The air in the entire hall seemed to be frozen, turning into frost.

Everyone's brains are a little out of order
What the hell?
Chen County fell, how could this be possible.

That is the prefecture of Chen County.

How could it fall, and there are no enemies nearby.

"Xuan come in, hurry up!" Han Ran urged.

How could the majestic county mansion suddenly fall?

Who did it?
How did it break through.

Soon the palace gate will be brought in.

Xiao ran to the front and handed over the letter sent by Chen Jun.

He also just heard the messenger yelled such a sentence in front of the palace gate, and he didn't know anything else.

So Han Ran had to read the letter to know what happened to Chen Jun.

The eunuch in front of the palace came down to receive the letter and handed it to Han Ran.

Han Ran couldn't wait to take it apart.

The officials below stretched their necks, not daring to breathe.

Han Ran frowned while watching, his face getting darker and darker.

In the end, the hand holding the letter formed a fist, and slapped the dragon chair hard.

"Too deceiving!"

All the officials were shocked, their hearts almost jumped out.

It was the first time seeing Han Ran get so angry.

"There was a cavalry disguised as the Chuyue Kingdom, which attacked Chen County, not only looting Chen County, but also burning down the government treasury and the four city gates.

He also attacked and plundered cities in various parts of Chen County in our country, burned, killed and looted. "

At the end, Han Ran was so arrogant that he gritted his teeth and was speechless.

"What, it's cavalry again, they really broke through Chen County!"

The hundreds of officials in South Korea immediately started talking about it.

Although Chen County is not big in area, it is densely populated and is a rich county.

It is conceivable how much the loss was when a county was plundered.

The point is, the war is still going on in the east, and food supplies are needed here.

"Your Majesty, this must be done by the army of the Great Zhou, and it must be the army that attacked Wuyang!" Bao Yuan stood up and said:
"Your Majesty, please mobilize troops to encircle and suppress. Once this army is destroyed, it will definitely affect our army's offensive on the eastern front!"

Bao Yuan is the minister of the Ministry of War, so she naturally understands the next move of the Great Zhou army.

Da Zhou dared to attack Chen County, judging from his whereabouts, it should be heading east to Liang County and Shangpei County.

It happened to be behind their Korean Orient Securities Army.

This cavalry may not be strong enough to fight against the country's army, but it is still possible to be active in the rear, attacking grain roads, burning army grain, and looting cities.

The threat is too great.

Han Ran said: "Where to send the soldiers?"

The Zhengdong army in the east must deal with the Donghai Kingdom, and the army in the west must guard against the Qinglong Army of the Great Zhou.

Not only can't it be adjusted, but the time is not in a hurry.

The opponent is cavalry.

Come and go like the wind!

"Your Majesty, you can send troops from the capital to the south, and send troops from the north to protect the capital!" Bao Yuan suggested.

South Korea has cavalry.

Thanks to the relationship between Wei Guo and Da Zhou.

In the past, Korea bought horses from Beidai and Ji, the vassal states of Wei.

Also bought from Da Zhou.

So South Korea has cavalry.

And the number is not small, there are two armies riding.

But they are all staying in the capital, they are precious, and I have been reluctant to use them.

Even if he conquered the East China Sea, Han Ran did not let him take it out.

You must know that the [-] cavalry are the imperial guards.

To lose is to weaken the strength of the Korean royal family itself.

For a moment, Han Ran hesitated.

(End of this chapter)

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