I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 659? The stingy Emperor Han

Chapter 659 The Pensive Emperor Han

The officials below complained secretly.

What are you still hesitating at this time.

If your [-] cavalrymen have gone, they will not be able to come back.

You are the emperor, can you stop being so stingy and be more generous like Ye Qing?

Give some courage.

He glanced at the expectant eyes below.

Han Ran gritted his teeth and said, "Then drop [-]...[-] cavalry from the capital to destroy the enemy troops entering the country, and order them to obey the orders of Hou Zhengdong's army and participate in the war against Donghai Kingdom!"

It would be a bit stingy if it was just to deal with the cavalry of the Great Zhou.

Go all the way, don't go around the East China Sea, the frontline soldiers will definitely complain.

So Han Ran said rather reluctantly.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

It's not easy, I finally got [-] riders from the emperor.

If there were more than 1 cavalry, it is impossible to say that the East China Sea Kingdom has been captured.

You must know that the more than 1 cavalry can also come to a raid like Da Zhou, and smash into all parts of the East China Sea.

Cut off its grain roads and attack its hinterland.

However, the Korean royal family is stingy, and every generation of monarchs has inherited this kind of stinginess.


Qiao County!

Lu Bu, Zhang Liao and the others finally met.

One of the two armies ravaged Chen County and the other ravaged Runan County.

The officers and soldiers of the two counties of South Korea and Chuyue State were killed and complained endlessly.

"Wen Yuan, how's the harvest?"

Lu Bu arrived at Qiao County before Zhang Liao and others.

Because of his short distance, he only needs to attack five counties and six cities.

Zhang Liao and the others made a big circle.

Zhang Liao said: "Almost 3000 million taels of silver were robbed, and most of them were hidden. There should be 200 million shi of Chuyue country's food that was burned, and the rest is not worth mentioning."

"Tsk tsk! This Chuyue country is really rich." Lu Bu sighed:

"The money we robbed from South Korea was only more than 1000 million taels of silver, and the food was only 80 million shi. Compared with Chuyue Kingdom, it is more than double the difference."

Zhang Liao also replied with deep understanding: "Chuyue Kingdom is indeed rich, and the fields along the way are not only fertile, but also abundant.

The houses of the aristocrats of the Chuyue Kingdom are also extremely luxurious, and the money and food in the official government are also abundant. If I have so many supplies in Dazhou, why worry about the world being unable to win. "

"Hey, just wait, these are our masters from now on. Your Majesty is a great man. None of the emperors from the Kanto Kingdoms is your Majesty's opponent. They have no money. In the end, they will just be a miser." Lu Bu disdainfully chattered With a sound, he spread out the map and said:
"Let's discuss the next route to march!"

Zhang Liao said, "Feng Xian, what's your idea?"

"I intend to re-enter South Korea, attack the storage of grain and grass in the rear of South Korea, and disrupt the deployment of South Korea's troops!"

Lu Bu pointed to Pengcheng and said:

"In the fight against South Korea, one reason is that there are fewer rivers on this side, and it is easy for our cavalry to cross to the East China Sea.

The second is that South Korea has fewer soldiers and horses, and they will face fewer masters.

The third is close, we can fight immediately without detours.

Fourth, South Korea is poorer, and its family background is not as rich as that of Chuyue Kingdom. No matter how many soldiers and horses we kill, how much food we rob them, and how many cities we destroy, Chuyue Kingdom can recover quickly.

South Korea is different. They don't have so much family background to lose, and a point less is a point weaker. This is conducive to the future. "

This is Lu Bu's analysis.

But Zhang Liao didn't immediately agree.

Instead, he pointed to Chenliu City Road, Chenliu County, the capital of South Korea:
"Fengxian, the distance from the capital of South Korea to Liang is not far away. The Han royal family has cavalry, and there are [-] cavalry. If the cavalry is dispatched, in terms of time, it will be able to kill Suiyang the day after tomorrow." Zhang Liao thought for a while and said. :

"The Chuyue Kingdom has almost no cavalry, but only a few thousand, and they are not good at cavalry. Against us, they will only lose.

On the Huai River line, although there are many rivers and networks, it is difficult to pass through, but it is still difficult for the infantry of the Chuyue Kingdom to stop us.

Not to mention, we are here to help the East China Sea. If we can destroy or delay Chuyue Kingdom's attack on the East China Sea, then our expedition will be meaningful. "

After finishing speaking, Zhang Liao added: "Of course, I'm just providing a reference. The specific route to take depends on the information provided by Jin Yiwei."

What Zhang Liao said was not unreasonable.

The risk on the southern front is a bit greater, but the results must be brilliant.

It would undoubtedly be a victory if five thousand cavalry could stir up the army of Chuyue and prevent Chuyue from attacking Donghai.

This achieved the purpose of the expedition.

Taking the northern line does not mean everything will be fine.

South Korea may send out cavalry and chase after it.

Speaking of intelligence, Lu Bu looked at Yuhuatian.

Yuhuatian really wanted to give these two a blank stare.

Can you give a unified opinion and involve him, who is not in charge, every time.

He really doubted why Ye Qing made the two into a couple.

Obviously it doesn't match.

However, as the nanny of the expeditionary force, Yu Huatian said: "According to Jin Yiwei's information, the Chuyue Kingdom made a false move to deploy troops a few days ago, with the purpose of paralyzing the Donghai Kingdom and breaking through the Huai River. However, the Donghai Kingdom is not a fool. Not fooled."

"Although Chuyue Kingdom is allied with South Korea, the two countries are not inseparable, but they are wary of each other. South Korea attacked Pengcheng, and Chuyue Kingdom attacked Xiapi. There is an uninhabited middle ground between Pengcheng and Xiapi. .

And Lu County happens to be there, and the city is currently not being attacked by the armies of the two countries. If we want to cross the river, we can go there from now on. "

According to Yuhuatian, there is a gap between Shangpei County and Xiapei County that can be exploited.

Lu Bu asked: "Let's talk about South Korea's main defense and food!"

Yu Huatian thought for a while and said: "The main force of the Han army is 20 in Xiao County, and the main force of the East China Sea that besieged Pengcheng on three sides is [-]!

The direction of its grain road is Xiao County, Yuqiu, and Xiayi.Among them, Xiaoxian County and Xiayi should be the places where grain and grass are hoarded and transshipped.

Xiao County is the nearest major Korean town to besiege Pengcheng. Xiayi is connected to the grain and grass of Liang County, Chenliu, and Chen County in the west, and the grain and grass of Jiyin, Sanyang, and Rencheng in the north. "

"Then go to attack Xiao County first, take down Yi, and then go east to Donghai Kingdom." Lu Bu said:

"At the same time, send a team of people, disguised as a large army, to threaten the rear of the Chuyue Kingdom's army from the east, and then pass through Lu County. It's true and false, false and true."

Zhang Liao said, "You're not going to divide your troops again, are you? The front line is no better than the rear."

"No, send my lieutenant to go. 800 people are enough. The main purpose is to restrain them. They stay in day and night and bring more torches. The Chuyue people can't tell the difference. There is no need to fight this way. Go to Lu County as soon as possible to get in touch with Donghai Kingdom. Just boost their morale!"

"So, it's fine." Zhang Liao had no objections.

The three discussed some details.

The next day, after the nearby Jinyiwei sent the information, the army moved eastward, passing through two counties, and directly hit Xiangxian County, the capital of Shangpei County in South Korea.

However, it was not defeated because there were quite a lot of defenders in the city, ten thousand soldiers.

It is also to prevent the East China Sea Kingdom from coming to attack.

Failed to take advantage, Lu Bu asked the deputy general to lead [-] cavalry to continue eastward and go to the rear of the Chuyue army to make trouble.

Then he and Zhang Liao headed north with four thousand cavalry to attack Xiao County.

(End of this chapter)

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