I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 660? Withdrawal of Chuyue Kingdom

Chapter 660 Chuyue Kingdom Withdraws Troops

Jiangling City!
In the court hall of Chuyue Kingdom, there was a commotion once again.

Xiong Wan was also on the verge of rage.

"The Korean cavalry attacked my Runan County, such a ridiculous thing, do you believe it?"

Most of the county was looted and burned.

That was one of the three richest counties in Chuyue Kingdom.

It has the same status as Nanyang.

Now most of Nanyang has been captured, and Runan has not been spared.

Can Xiong Wan not be angry?

The Patriarch of the Jing family said: "Your Majesty, this must have been faked by Da Zhou's army, with the intention of destroying the alliance between us and South Korea.

At the same time, it also disrupted the local economy and order of our Chuyue Kingdom, causing panic.

The main purpose is to force us to transfer our troops back to the west! "

"I know that Da Zhou did it, the question is what to do now, how to deal with this Da Zhou's army, and give an explanation to the damaged families!" Xiong Wan snorted angrily.

He can still see such a superficial deception.

Except for Dazhou, no other country can do such a thing.

Mainly panic.

The Yuan family was destroyed, and the Fucheng was attacked again.

The whole of Runan is in chaos.

Will this Zhou Bing go to the front to make trouble?

Or, will Dazhou continue to send cavalry to attack Runan again, and even go to Jiangxia County, Lujiang County, Jiujiang County and other places.

You must know that the Great Zhou is already attacking the eastern part of Nanyang, and it is estimated that these places will fall too soon.

Those local troops can't stop them.

"Your Majesty, send troops back to the west. Only this can come from a once-and-for-all solution. Otherwise, the Donghai Kingdom will not be defeated, and our Chuyue Kingdom will be lost first." An official who sent troops instead and hoped to send troops back said:

"Your Majesty, Nanyang and Runan are the most important counties in Chuyue, with a combined population of 500 million. There is a lot of money, food and taxes here. It cannot be lost or hurt."

This time, there was less resistance among the officials.

Xiong Wan saw that the number of people discussing in the hall increased significantly.

This time, Baiguan had a new view on the proposal.

Now it is not a question of whether the East China Sea can be captured.

It is a question of whether the hinterland of Chuyue Kingdom can bear the big loss.

Nanyang cannot be lost.

Runan can't be in chaos, can't be hurt anymore.

"My lords, what do you mean!" Xiong Wan looked at Zhao Xiang who had just returned to court.

Zhao Xiang stood up and replied: "Your Majesty, Da Zhou doesn't seem to be willing to negotiate. Then Di Qing got the permission of the Emperor Da Zhou, ignored our envoys, and insisted on the premise of compensation, cession of land, and withdrawal of troops before negotiating."

"Bastard, does Da Zhou really think that Chuyue Kingdom can't fight with him?" Xiong Wan slapped the dragon chair hard, very angry.

It is impossible to pay compensation and cede land.

It involves the issue of the honor and face of the empire.

Chuyue Kingdom is not so humble yet.

Nor is it weak enough to kowtow to beg for mercy.

Zhaoxiang continued: "But don't worry, Your Majesty, General Zhenxi said that he and all the soldiers swore to defend Xiangyang to the death. Even if the last soldier dies, he will stick to Xiangyang and prevent the Zhou army from entering!"

The Patriarch of the Qu family asked Zhaoxiang, "When you come back from the front line, can you find out about the situation of the throwing equipment!"

"This, I haven't found it. I was in the city, and I didn't see Da Zhou transporting the catapult into the city." Zhao Xiang shook his head and said:
"However, I saw the tragic situation of the North City of Zhuyang being smashed down. I guessed that the catapult really had the power of landslides and ground cracks. General Zhenxi also said that the soldiers in the army were so terrified and terrified when they saw it. No one had the courage to defend it. So we abandoned the city and withdrew to Xiangyang!"

The Patriarch of the Qu family nodded, and then said to Xiong Wan: "Your Majesty, I think we can use the strongest experts in the empire to go to the enemy camp and make one at any cost. Even if we do, we must know its structure and principle so that Copy it, otherwise our country will remain passive, which will be disadvantageous in future wars!"

After a while, Xiong Wan nodded and said: "Yes, after the meeting, you wait for the eight families to come to the imperial study."

Three Lu, five nobles and eight families, plus the royal family, the masters of the nine families will be dispatched.

The Patriarch of the Zhao Family, who is in charge of the Ministry of Rites, said: "Your Majesty, the North has come to report that Dazhou has sent a mission to come to Jiangling, and the mission has just left Wuguan.

Whether to access! "

Da Zhou sent a mission.

What does Da Zhou want to do?
No, they also want to talk about peace.

Di Qing refused earlier, but here Ye Qing sent another mission, what the hell is going on.

Xiong Wan said nonchalantly: "The reception is just, let's see what Da Zhou wants to do?"

The Patriarch of the Zhao family withdrew.

The Patriarch of the Jing family stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I just thought about it a little while ago. Our country should be able to withdraw 15 troops from the front line of the Huai River and return to the west. It's hard to fake it."

"Oh! Why?" Xiong Wan didn't refute.

The Patriarch of the Jing family said: "Because the cavalry from Dazhou will go to attack South Korea, if they succeed, the South Korean army will be in disarray, maybe there will be problems with the supply of food and grass.

So that the weakening of Pengcheng's offensive will also affect the entire battle situation.

So instead of waiting for South Korea to slow down its offensive and give the East China Sea army a chance to breathe, it is better for us to give it ourselves, and by the way, keep Chuyue Kingdom from chaos. "

This statement was endorsed by most court officials.

They Chuyue Kingdom can hold on.

But South Korea may not be able to hold on.

Dazhou will inevitably attack the weaker South Korea.

The war on the Eastern Front will obviously loosen up, which will be unfavorable to the coalition forces.

"Since South Korea won't be able to stand it, then... just follow Jing Aiqing's words!" Xiong Wan was still a little unwilling.

Played for so long.

In the end, the troops still had to be transferred back to the west.

Let Da Zhou's trickery succeed.

Really upset.


If you are in a bad mood, stand up and wave your hands, not discussing state affairs.

After returning to the imperial study, after a while, all the families of the three Lu and five nobles followed.


Xiao County!

A force of four thousand cavalry came from the west.

The troubled soldiers of the Han army guarding the city from afar discovered it.

"Cavalry! There are cavalry coming!"

"Where, let me see!"

The soldiers of the Han army on the west city wall were blown up in an instant.

scrambling to look ahead.

"It's not easy, His Majesty is finally willing to dispatch cavalry!"

"Yes, these cavalry are precious. They are the royal guards, and they will not fight easily. It seems that His Majesty wants to end the Eastern Expedition as soon as possible and break the predicament of Pengcheng."

The city gatekeeper raised his hand to cover his eyebrows, glanced at the guard and said, "Go and inform the general, and say that the empire has sent cavalry. I don't know which son is in charge!"

The personal guard immediately went to the city to inform the guard.

The cavalry is the royal guard, and the leader must be a general from the royal family.

It is more likely to be the prince, prince or something.

This requires a trip out of town.

Don't be negligent.

Soon the guard came with his own soldiers.

I didn't believe it at first.

I saw that there were really cavalry coming over loosely.

That speed is like a turtle crawling.

There is no doubt about it.

Because his Korean cavalry is proud, with their eyes higher than their heads.

It's good to be able to come to the front line, you really expect them to have a positive combat attitude.

It is also impossible to have enemy cavalry in this direction.

If there are, people will attack slowly and quickly to the city, and use their speed to break through the city.

How could it be so loose.

"Open the city gate and come out of the city to greet me. Don't talk nonsense. If anyone offends these masters and makes them go away, don't blame me for being rude!"

With a wave of the guard's queen, he quickly walked down the stairs in the inner city.

The city gate in the city cave creaked and slowly opened.

(End of this chapter)

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