Chapter 662

Not long after, [-] Korean cavalry arrived.

I saw the bodies of countless cavalry soldiers who fell at the gate of the city.

Nine thousand Korean cavalry were shocked on the spot.

Under their noses, the cavalry of Dazhou attacked the vanguard of the headquarters.

"See if there is any work... Hurry up to the city to fight the fire and save the food!"

The commanding general said anxiously.

A group of soldiers urged their horses to rush in.

However, after entering, it was found that the grain depot had been burned for a long time, the fire was raging, and the smoke was billowing, making people afraid to approach it.

They could only leave the city.

"Go after, look for, and find these damned guys!"

The horses were thrown out, and the other generals said: "General, our soldiers have been traveling for several days, and they are already tired, and there is no food and grass supplies, so the horses can't go anymore!"

"Oh! Damn it, then go find some food."


When South Korea was harassed and the supplies were burned, the Chuyue Nationalist Army attacking Xiapi was not much better.

Several small grain depots in the rear were attacked, and a team escorting grain and grass was attacked.

Lu County!

The defenders of Donghai Kingdom were surprised to find that a cavalry came from the west.

Ling Xin shot to the city, and after several inspections, it was confirmed that it was the cavalry of Da Zhou.

Plus the standard crossbow of the Dazhou cavalry.

Only then dare to let it into the city.

"I don't know if your army is here to help the East China Sea."

the guard asked.

But after asking, I wanted to slap myself.

Lu Bu's lieutenant general said: "My department was originally the Jingwei, with the designation of Zuoqiwei. This time, His Majesty appointed me as an expeditionary force to come to Donghai to assist your country in resisting the attacks of South Korea and Chuyue."

"Before coming here, I traveled through Nanyang, Runan, and Xiapei in Chuyue Kingdom, and Yingchuan, Chenjun, and Shangpei in South Korea.

There are only [-] cavalry in our department, and the main force of [-] cavalry was led by the team to attack Xiaoxian and Xiayi, cutting off the supply road of the Korean army. "

Be nice!


Da Zhou is interesting enough this time.

During the ten-thousand-mile expedition, all the soldiers and horses of the capital defending the capital were transferred to help us in the East China Sea.

This ally is awesome.

The key is that they pass through the enemy country and kill them all the way.

This kind of arrogance is almost unheard of.

"On behalf of Donghai Kingdom, I would like to thank Da Zhou and warmly welcome Zuo Qiwei. Everyone, please rest first. I will immediately send someone back to the capital to inform His Majesty." General Lu County guard said excitedly.

The lieutenant general of Lu Bu said: "You can rest at any time. You have someone prepare delicious fodder for us and horses. In the end, you should first inform the commander in front of Pengcheng that our department will move north. Take the main force of my left cavalry to the north to pass through the border."

"Okay! Whatever you say is what you say, and I'll arrange it right away." The county guard Lu had no objection.

They came from thousands of miles away, and they were not in a hurry to rest, but focused on military affairs. Their execution ability really made them admire.

After a brief rest in Lu County, Lv Bu's lieutenant headed towards Pengcheng with [-] cavalry.

And the news of Da Zhou's iron cavalry expedition to the East China Sea country also swept through the entire East China Sea country like a whirlwind.

After hearing the news, the defenders and generals in various parts of the East China Sea State were greatly encouraged by the morale of the army and the people.


"Hahaha, I said why the Han army in Pengcheng suddenly suspended their offensive. It turned out that there was trouble in the rear." The defense general of Pengcheng in the East China Sea said happily:
"Your Majesty is wise enough to form a friendship with Da Zhou early on. I am lucky to have this ally in the East China Sea."

"General, Da Zhou has launched a cavalry expedition this time, and we will be able to fight the next battle. I don't believe it will be long before South Korea will withdraw its troops first!" The staff adviser laughed.

The guard of Pengcheng of the East China Sea State smiled and said: "Not only that, the cavalry of the Great Zhou came south from Wuguan, and Chuyue's Nanyang County was probably hit hard by the Great Zhou. gone."

"The war in the empire is not coming to an end, God bless my Great Eastern Sea Country!"

The other generals said happily.

"No, it's not so fast yet. The Chuyue Kingdom's naval forces have all sailed to the coast of our Donghai Kingdom and landed in Langya County. Moreover, Dongqi Kingdom has also betrayed its promise and formed an alliance with Chuyue Kingdom to attack Langya in our East China Sea Kingdom. County." The general of Pengcheng said worriedly.

All the generals became cold for a while, and they were all shocked.

These news, they don't know.

been pressed all the time.

It is because they are afraid of the commotion of the soldiers in Pengcheng.

Now that there is good news about the Great Zhou Expeditionary Army, it is time to let the soldiers of the East China Sea know the situation in the rear.

The East China Sea country is still besieged on all sides, and the war is still anxious.

It's far from time to relax.

Eventful autumn.

The country's death.

"Okay, go down and appease the soldiers, victory must belong to us, Donghai Kingdom will not perish, and Chuyue Kingdom's plan to swallow our East China Sea Kingdom will not succeed.

If you are united, you will surely win. "

The Pengcheng guard waved his hand, signaling the generals to go down.

Soon, the East China Sea Kingdom discovered that the Chuyue Kingdom had withdrawn 15 troops from the Huai River.

The pressure on the front line of the Huai River suddenly decreased.

As a result, more soldiers and horses may be placed in a bloody battle between Langya County and Chuyue Kingdom.


Xiangyang here!
Da Zhou's mission arrives.

And visited General Zhenxi of Chuyue Kingdom.

Next, continue to go south, and promote peace with great fanfare, saying that this visit was invited by the emperor of Chuyue Kingdom for peace talks.

Soon the Chuyue Kingdom also knew about the existence of the Great Zhou Mission.

"What do you mean by Great Zhou? Before it came, it was building up momentum, making it known to everyone. Now it's hard for me, Chuyue Kingdom, to talk about it."

"Then talk to Da Zhou, it's fine, but the result...hehe, just wait slowly!"

"That is, the fifteen infantrymen of our Chuyue Kingdom, Ma Yijing, have returned to the west, and Nanyang will take it back soon."

In the court hall of Chuyue Kingdom, there was a quarrel for a while, and everyone expressed their opinions.

Soon Xiong Wan entered the hall, and all the officials worshiped.

After boarding the dragon chair and slowly sitting down, Xiong Wan said, "What's new on the Eastern Front!"

The Secretary of the Ministry of War said: "Your Majesty, Zhou Qi who entered the country has been identified. He is the left cavalry guard of the Jingwei in Chang'an. The guard is led by Lu Bu, and his assistant is Zhang Liao.

Just hit the grain roads in South Korea.

The Han army confirmed that they had stopped attacking Pengcheng. The minister estimated that South Korea might suspend Pengcheng and retreat to Xiaoxian County! "

"Korea...useless!" Xiong Wan was so angry that his nose was almost crooked.

Sure enough, there was something wrong with South Korea.

The food road was destroyed, and these stupid pigs were able to ignore such an important link.

"Your Majesty, the morale of the East China Sea army on the Huaishui River is high. Our army has lost battles in the past few days, and there may be no progress in short-term advances!" The Minister of the Ministry of War continued:

"However, Langya County is assisted by the Eastern Qi Kingdom, and now it has captured Dongwu, Langya, Haiqu, Zhuxian County, Yingxian County, Gumu, and Pingchang.

The battle lines remain on the front lines of Dongguan, Dong'an, and Yangdu. "

"When is it expected that Dong Qi will go further south, capture Yangdu, and threaten Kaiyang!" Xiong Wan asked.

This time, Minister of the Ministry of War did not reply.

The Patriarch of the Jing Family stood up and said, "Your Majesty, the next battle will depend on the Eastern Qi. The soldiers and horses of our Chuyue Kingdom are only auxiliary. It may take longer to go south. After all, the weapons of the Eastern Qi Dynasty are not as good as those of our Chuyue Kingdom and the East China Sea. China, I'm afraid there won't be any good news for a while!"

"Hurry up! Let the Eastern Qi Kingdom send out more soldiers and horses to capture Yangdu as soon as possible, otherwise the war will drag on for a long time, and our Chuyue Kingdom's navy will also withdraw." Xiong Wan stretched out his arms and his sleeves were light. light one Buddha.

(End of this chapter)

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