Chapter 663

Di Qing put down the letter sent by Jin Yiwei.

"Chuyue Kingdom has finally mobilized troops from the front line, ordered Huang Zhong and others to withdraw westward, abandon the eastern part of Nanyang, and consolidate the front line of Wancheng.

All the people who can be relocated will be relocated here, and not a grain of food should be left for the army of Chuyue Kingdom! "

15 troops.

In addition, there are still 15 veterans in Nanyang Chuyue Kingdom, and tens of thousands of local troops have been reinforced from various places, and there will be 40 by then.

With the current strength of the Suzaku Army, this defensive counterattack is not easy to fight.

Chen Liucheng!
South Korea's Chaotang is completely fried.

"The grain road was robbed, and all the grain and grass hoarded in the two cities were burned. What will the frontline soldiers eat?"

"The morale of the army is unstable. The soldiers of the Eastern Expedition are probably going to fight hungry."

"I heard that the army has returned to Xiao County after the scriptures, and Pengcheng of the East China Sea has been relieved. It is replenishing food and soldiers. Is it going to take another three or four months?"

Han Ran entered the hall with a dark face.

Baiguan immediately silenced.

Two thousand soldiers and horses of the royal guard cavalry were wiped out.

This is the treasure of the royal family, but in the end, it was wiped out by two thousand without making a sound.

Can His Majesty not be distressed, can his face not be black?

"Can the Eastern Expedition continue?"

After Han Ran sat down, he asked directly.

Very abrupt.

All officials were stunned.

Han Ran didn't lose his temper.

"Based on the current situation, can South Korea continue to march eastward with Chuyue Kingdom?"

Can we still continue the Eastern Expedition?
Pengcheng, which had been besieged for several months, was able to breathe.

Now we have to re-surround again, not even the mobilization of food and grass will take a certain amount of time.

"Your Majesty, I have heard that the Chuyue Kingdom has withdrawn 15 troops from the Huai River to Nanyang. The battle of the Huai River is likely to drag on for a long time!" Shen Buhai said:
"And Dazhou has now sent cavalry to help the East China Sea. Our South Korean expeditionary force will be greatly hindered. The most important thing is that Dazhou can now send troops to the east, and the enemies in the west and north can be eliminated."

Shen Buhai is the one who most disapproves of having a bad relationship with Da Zhou.

The current environment is extremely conducive to the Great Zhou, but not conducive to the Kanto countries.

South Korea should take advantage of the war between Da Zhou and Chu Yue, maintain neutrality, reform internal affairs, and accumulate strength.

Otherwise, South Korea must be the first to be wiped out from the east of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

South Korea's strategic location is too special.

The Chuyue nation has a great cause, even if it has been defeated several times, the Great Zhou cannot swallow Chuyue.

At that time, new targets of attack will inevitably be found.

South Korea is undoubtedly the best target.

This was what Shen Buhai was most worried about.

What South Korea is doing now is to keep giving Da Zhou excuses.

This time the expeditionary force is a signal.

Da Zhou still kept a secret and didn't directly show his flag, but next time it might not be so.

According to Shen Buhai's calculation, South Korea will definitely lose in the battle between Han and Zhou.

The war against the East China Sea is dragging on. Even if the East China Sea is occupied, it will not be able to make up for South Korea's original losses in the short term.

On the contrary, the national power is weakened.

"Your Majesty, how can the important matter of the country be abandoned halfway." Situ Gong Zhongpeng stood up and said:

"Precisely because the Chuyue Kingdom dispatched 15 troops to return to the west, it should continue to march eastward.

Because with this 15 army, the war in Nanyang can be guaranteed, and Da Zhou will not take advantage of the loopholes and rush over with cavalry.

Since Da Zhou is unkind, he sent troops to plunder our Da Han, which is an act of declaring war. Our Da Han should retaliate, close all the passes, and ban all business in Da Zhou. "

But this time it hit Han Ran's heart.

He also hated the fact that Da Zhou sent out cavalry to plunder South Korea and burn food.

That's all money!

"Military Department, can we find out new information about Luoyang!" Han Ran asked Bao Yuan.

Bao Yuan bowed her fists and said: "Return to Your Majesty, the Zhou army in Luoyang has not moved recently, the Qinglong Army has withdrawn, but there is something wrong with the Wei State in the north!"

"Wei Guo, what's the situation with Wei Guoneng?" Han Ran was puzzled.

The officials were also puzzled, at this time Wei Guo also jumped out to make trouble?
Bao Yuan replied: "The State of Wei has increased its troops on Beiman Mountain, strengthened Mengjin's troops, and there are still a large number of troops mobilized in the country. It seems that they intend to attack Bohai Kingdom!"

"Good! That's great!" Gong Zhongpeng laughed and said:
"Your Majesty, this is a good thing. Wei Guo should also be aware of Da Zhou's wolf ambitions, so he strengthened the troops on the border with Da Zhou to deter Da Zhou.

On the one hand, solve the threat from the east, get rid of the Bohai state, and cut off the outer arm of the Great Zhou, so that it cannot gain a foothold in the Kanto region! "

"Your Majesty, our country should do the same, speed up its attack on the East China Sea Kingdom, keep the same pace as Chuyue Kingdom and Wei Kingdom, and solve the threat from the east.

In this way, the Three Kingdoms will not be restrained by the Great Zhou! "

All the officials agreed after hearing this.

Even Han Ran's ambition was inspired when he heard the words.

Fighting again.

"Okay! Since the Kingdom of Wei, like us, intends to deal with the enemies in the east, it means that there is nothing wrong with our Eastern Expedition." Han Ran said:

"The Ministry of War is sending an additional [-] troops to the front line of the Eastern Expedition to step up food collection. Within fifteen days, I will hear news that the Eastern Expeditionary Army will continue to advance."

"It's His Majesty!" Bao Yuan replied.



The Ministry of War forwarded a copy from Luoyang.

The person who sent the booklet was naturally Han Xin who guarded there.

Ye Qing opened it for the first time and took a closer look.

"Your Majesty, since South Korea increased its troops on the border, Wei State has also increased its troops stationed at Beiman Mountain, and Meng Jindu has also assembled a large number of warships.

Commerce and trade were also interrupted in large numbers. Although there was no war on the eastern border, it looked like a war and the atmosphere was tense.

Fighting without fighting is not good for us, so it is better to start a war.

Drive the power of Wei across the north of the Yellow River, and directly take Mengjin and Pingxian and other places in Beiman Mountain.

At the same time, troops were sent to break through Nanchuan County, take Hulao Pass, threaten the capital of Han, and transfer troops from three passes to take three passes in the south, in case it will go south to Yingchuan in the future.

Once at Yingchuan, the north can threaten the capital of Han, the east can enter its hinterland, and the south can support the Suzaku army.

Kanto Ketu also..."

I have to say that Han Xin's letter is very attractive.

According to him, the maneuverability is great.

Now South Korea's main force is also on the eastern front.

Once it expands, South Korea will be under great pressure.

"Really, no one is the owner of An Fen, and they all want to kill them." Ye Qing can understand Han Xin.

Now all the armies have fought.

And the credit is great.

Only the Qinglong Army was still lying at home and hadn't moved.

I just go out of the city to practice occasionally to scare Han Jun.

Ye Qing put down the letter, put on a thick fur coat, and walked out of the imperial study.

Look up to the sky.

The sky began to snow.

Goose feathers fluttered down gently.

"This year, it's time to take a break. The common people have been tense for a year, and it's time to enjoy the rare winter vacation!"

Recall that this year's wars have become more frequent.

Through a series of battles, Da Zhou solved many troubles.

The southwest and north are basically settled, so there is no need to worry about the damage to the hinterland of Dazhou.

Many things that restricted the development of Da Zhou were removed.

Don't be so urgent, Da Zhou.

Things in the east can be delayed, and there is no need to rush for success.

"Come here, pass the decree, clearly order Han Xin not to send troops, not to cause trouble, continue to train more soldiers, and expand Luoyang City at the same time, tell him, when Luoyang City will be built like Chang'an, Qinglong Group can go out!"

In the end, Ye Qing added another sentence: "Order, the Qinglong Army will add ten regiments!"

(End of this chapter)

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