I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 664 Steam Engine and Rails

Chapter 664 Steam Engine and Rails
Add ten regiments, that's [-] more soldiers and horses.

Cao Zhengchun and others behind him couldn't help being surprised.

Isn't a group army a maximum of [-] soldiers and horses?

The Hanxin Group has not made any achievements, and has not fought in the First World War, but the number of soldiers and horses has increased exceptionally.

Also, Luoyang needs to be built like Chang'an.

Your Majesty wants to move the capital to Luoyang in the future?
Can it be the capital of the country?

"Your Majesty, since the main troops of South Korea and Wei are being restrained by the East China Sea and the Bohai Sea to the east, why not take the opportunity to send the Qinglong Army to attack the Han and Wei cities near Luoyang.

In this way, Marshal Han Xin will have no objection to adding troops and horses. "

Ye Qing shook his head and said, "No need, without the East China Sea and Bohai States, our soldiers and horses from the Great Zhou Dynasty want to advance eastward, and the two countries, Han and Wei, can't stop them.

They thought that my Great Zhou needed allies in the east to contain them, but they were wrong.

The soldiers of my Great Zhou look down on the world, and they are invincible without allies. Let them fight. My Great Zhou needs to rest and recuperate to accumulate some strength. "

"As for Han Xin, there are only [-] soldiers and horses, which is too few. There are not [-]. How can Marshal Han send troops to fight with such good intentions? It doesn't look awkward."

The imperial decree was sent to Luoyang.

All the generals in Luoyang gathered one after another.

"Marshal, has His Majesty approved our dispatch of troops?"

All the generals looked forward to it.

Han Xin smiled wryly and said, "Your Majesty did not agree to our sending troops, and even added [-] troops to us."


All the generals were a little surprised.

If there is no approval for us to send troops, what is the purpose of adding [-] troops?
Han Xin accepted the imperial decree and said, "Your Majesty has said that our Qinglong Group Army will not cause any trouble and cannot send troops. We have to repair Luoyang. When we make Luoyang into Chang'an, we can send troops at any time!"


The generals are even more confused!
Repair the city!

Our majestic Qinglong Group Army wants to build cities and become engineers!
Isn't this a joke?

Just one Luoyang, the capital city of Chang'an is as big as the capital, is it necessary?
Luoyang does not have so many people, so it will become a ghost town if it is so big!
"There is no need to question it. This is His Majesty's order. For this reason, His Majesty asked the Ministry of Industry to open a cement branch factory in Luoyang. All the cement produced by this branch factory will be used to build the city." Han Xin's eyes flashed brightly, A confident look rose on his face.

"In a word, it's right to do it. As long as we repair it quickly, the time to send troops will be early. You must know that the Kanto region is very large. Why did Luoyang build such a large area? civil.

Only one big city is in the east, and after the big Sunday, the countries in the Kanto region can be deterred, and they can continue to develop eastward from here without affecting Chang'an.

After Chang'an, the main energy must be directed westward, towards Hexi, which is thousands of miles away, to the desert, thousands of miles to the north, and to Wuman, thousands of miles to the south. "

Han Xin is undoubtedly smart.

With Ye Qing's simple order, he has comprehended a lot of information.

The Great Zhou wanted to unify the East.

How can a big country have only one capital.

Both countries are just underweight.

To unify the East, more Chang'an is needed.

Luoyang is just the first, not the last.

His Han Xin position is the most important position.

The Qinglong Army is the core army of the empire.

Fame is only a matter of time.

Going out of the base in the east, he Han Xin made a decision.


The battle on the front line is watched by the cabinet.

Ye Qing took Guo Jia and Li Ru to start private visits around Chang'an.

Investigating the current basic situation of Da Zhou.

At the same time, I also went to various places to inspect factories, mines and the like.

The most important thing is that Ye Qing has arrived in Hedong.

Hedong Bingcheng, this is Dazhou's new industrial base, and Chang'an's industrial zone, is the embryonic form of Dazhou's current industry.

The development of smelting technology in Hedong has made great progress on the basis of the original.

A steady stream of imports of iron ore and coal mines in Beishi country.

Let Da Zhou's steel blood flow continuously.

A small figure following Ye Qing kept recording something.

Ye Qing approached and asked, "Ou Yezi, I want to build a machine driven by steam.

After this kind of machine is built, it can replace cattle and horses. Two tracks are laid on the ground to pull objects of thousands of catties.

The key is that it doesn't need to eat, it only needs to add water and coal! "

"Your Majesty, you want me to design a steam engine." Ou Yezi thought for a while and said:

"Before you mentioned the principle of this aspect, and I have also tested it. It is feasible, but I don't know how powerful this steam engine can generate. If it is not as good as a cow and a horse, it is not worth it. It is better to let the cow and horse in the track. run!"

Let cattle and horses run on the track, a train driven by livestock?
It seems to be feasible, although the power is not strong, but it can also save a lot of energy.

Ye Qing was suddenly enlightened by Ou Yezi.

Then he laughed and said: "You create simple ones first, and gradually improve them. As long as you have the first one, there will be better ones."

After speaking, he said to Guo Jia: "For the record, inform the Ministry of Industry to build a track in the east of the river, and pass the door to pull coal, using oxen and horses.

Check out the applicability of this track.

If feasible, it will be laid in Guanzhong. My idea is to lay a railway track from Chang'an to Luoyang first.

In order to transport troops and supplies in the future.

By the way, it would be best to lay a road from Chang'an to Ziwu Valley, so that in the future, the materials from Bashu can be sent to Chang'an as soon as possible, and to the eastern part of the empire as soon as possible! "

"It's Your Majesty! I will step up the arrangement so that the cabinet will discuss it earlier and allocate money and food earlier." Guo Jia also thinks that Ou Yezi's little proposal is good.

Young people with imagination.

Next, Ye Qing continued to inspect and guide.

I went to see the glass factory, and also went to the glass greenhouse to check the improvement of vegetables.

After turning around, he turned back from Hedong and went to Huashan School to inspect the construction of Huashan School.

When I return to Chang'an, it will be a month later!

"Your Majesty, Nanyang has sent a battle report that [-] Suzaku Group, euphorbia warriors, and right cavalry guards totaled [-] people, confronting the Chuyue Army in Xinye and Wancheng.

Di Qing withdrew from Xinye, gave up Chaoyang, and retreated to the champion.

The Chuyue Nationalist Army in Wancheng has been besieging the city for more than ten days and has not launched a new war! "

The first time Ye Qing came back, the Ministry of National Defense reported the news.

Ye Qing walked to the sand table map and took a look.

He asked, "Wancheng asks for help, how does Di Qing plan to fight?"

"Wancheng didn't ask for help. Zhang Yun's euphorbia soldiers were all in the city, and the Chuyue Kingdom couldn't get in. Huang Zhong was in Nieyang, and he could interfere with the attacking Chuyue Kingdom's army at any time.

In addition, Di Qing voluntarily retreated to Anzhong, his troops were still strong, and he was able to continue going south, so the Chuyue army was distributed in various cities, and the shared strength was not enough to launch a fatal attack on Wancheng! "Bai Qi said:

"Di Qing intends to let Zhuyang's troops go south, pretend to attack Xiangyang, and suppress the Chuyue army so that they dare not send more troops to go north!"

(End of this chapter)

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