Chapter 665

"He succeeded?"

Ye Qing asked.

Bai Qi said: "Successful, the 18 troops of Chuyue Kingdom did not dare to move in Xiangyang."

"How is the negotiation between the envoy and the Chuyue Kingdom?" Ye Qing asked again.

Zhang Yi from the Ministry of Rites said: "In the beginning Chuyue Kingdom didn't want to be indifferent, both sides were arguing, but recently Chuyue Kingdom has become more relaxed and has no hope of fully regaining Nanyang.

Want to dare but fear to fight, the negotiations between the two sides are still not substantive. "

"As expected, anyway, we didn't want to really fade out anything." Ye Qing held a long pole, pointed at the current line of power between the enemy and us, and said:

"Based on the current actual occupied area, we should maintain a tacit understanding with each other and not expand it!"

According to the current actual occupied area, although Dazhou only occupies one-third of Nanyang.

But the population is two-thirds, more than 100 million.

After all, a large number of people from Huang Zhong, Lu Bu and others on the south bank of the river were relocated here.

So Chuyue Kingdom regained a loneliness.

There is no population, and the big sites are all just in name.

"Where is the East China Sea country?" Ye Qing asked again.

"The South Korean side just launched a new offensive and re-encircled Pengcheng. The two sides were in a stalemate. The South Korean cavalry tried to figure it out, but they were bitten by Lu Bu a few times and lost another 2000 troops. After that, they dared not cross the border again." Bai Qi pointed at the Huai River and said:

"The Donghai Kingdom here is a bit tragic. The Chuyue Kingdom suddenly used a large number of crossbows. The Donghai Kingdom lost [-] soldiers and horses, and lost Xiaxiang, Quyang, and Haixi.

The 20 Chuyue army approached Houqiu and Qu County from the east.

It is estimated that the East China Sea Kingdom will also fall here, and the left wing of the capital will be exposed.

Xiapi City, a single tree cannot support it, and it may become an isolated city. "

"Chuyue Kingdom used a lot of Liannu?" Ye Qing frowned slightly.

This is not good news.

Li Rudao: "Chuyue Kingdom stole part of the Liannu from Donghai Kingdom, and imitated it by themselves. Although the power is not as good as my Da Zhou's, it is superior in quantity.

In terms of its national strength, the army of Chuyue Kingdom will soon be equipped with a large number of equipment. "

It turns out that this is the case, technology leaks, it is a matter of time.

Choosing to export is inevitable.

Even if Da Zhou did not export weapons, it would still be difficult to stop masters from various countries coming to steal these weapons.

"Notify Lu Bu and others, as well as Huang Zhong and Di Qing in Nanyang, be careful of the Liannu of Chuyue Kingdom, try not to attack alone, so as not to be killed by Liannu!" Ye Qing stared at the capital of Donghai Kingdom and said:
"The East China Sea may last for another year or so, but the country's subjugation is a foregone conclusion. Let's focus on the Bohai Kingdom!"

The country of Bohai is now fighting with the country of Wei!
The Huaishui line fell beyond the defense line of the East China Sea.

In addition to the opening of Langya County, the national power of the East China Sea is limited and it is difficult to support it.

Unless you retreat to Taishan County now and use Wanli Taishan to survive.

Otherwise, there is really no hope for the East China Sea.

Next, Ye Qing listened to the news from Bohai State gathered by the Ministry of National Defense.

Wei Guo originally took two younger brothers to fight Bohai State.

It's still the traditional style of play, this is not the first time Wei Guo has done it.

However, the Bohai State is also prepared.

So he can still bear the toss of Wei Guo.

Not long after the war started, there was a problem with Beidai State, and Xianbei attacked Beidai State.

Beidai had to withdraw its troops.

Pulling the Liao Kingdom also westward to attack the Ji Kingdom.

Ji State also had to withdraw its troops.

With the withdrawal of Ji State, only Wei State was left to play with Bohai State.

The State of Wei increased its troops, and the State of Bohai itself also recruited troops in the country.

The two sides come and go, naturally they are fighting lively.

Wei State has an advantage in military strength.

Bohai state-owned land and weapons advantages.

Therefore, it is evenly divided with Wei Guo.

"Your Majesty, are we going to export technology to Bohai?" Bai Qi asked.

Ye Qing shook his head: "No need, the Liannu was sold to them, they will imitate it themselves, don't worry about it.

And the war in Kanto, let them go, no matter how it develops, it will be beneficial to us.

Our Dazhou is now resting well and developing internally. Only a strong people's livelihood and military equipment are the core, regardless of whether it is Wei, South Korea or Chuyue.

As long as they don't change their internal affairs, they will be wiped out one by one by my big week sooner or later. "

The cold wind in winter is still biting.

Most of the land of Dazhou is in the north, which is deeply disturbed by the severe winter.

The temperature is getting lower and lower every day, and everything is covered in silver.

The Kanto War is still going on, and the Great Zhou has entered a dormant period.

Winter goes to spring, spring is warm and flowers are blooming.

Spring plowing began, and all parts of Dazhou began to plow the land and divert water to loosen the soil.

The fighting in Kanto has also been suspended long ago.

That's right, a pause.

Wei State entered into a long confrontation with Bohai State.

The State of Wei also seemed to know that it would not be able to attack the Bohai State by force, so it turned to competition and consumption, trying to exhaust the Bohai State with its strong national power.

East China Sea.

Donghai Kingdom had already withdrawn from the capital, and the main force was stationed in Kaiyang and Philadelphia, defending the capital.

Closing the gate of Taishan County will not give Chuyue Kingdom any chance.

Of course, this is exactly what Chu Yueguo hoped to see.

Because Chu Yue State swallowed half of Donghai State and Xiapi State.

Xiapi also stormed down after three months of siege.

South Korea is a bit miserable, although it also occupies half of the East China Sea and the entire Pengcheng County.

But Pengcheng has not yet been defeated.

There is no shadow of Taishan, a super county that should belong to them.

I can't find someone who wants to cry.

Begging Chuyue Kingdom, I can't afford to lose this face.

Besides, Chuyue Kingdom will not help South Korea fight Pengcheng.

Because the Chuyue Kingdom mobilized most of its soldiers and horses, and began to gather towards the western front of Nanyang.

It is intended to take back the entire territory of Nanyang.

Although the Eastern Qi State, which came in later, also took Langya County.

But Kaiyang was unable to fight.

Chuyue Kingdom withdrew its troops again, so it had no choice but to stop its offensive against Donghai Kingdom.

Although the East China Sea has lost most of its territory.

But Taishan County was saved.

So that I still have the hope of being able to survive.

"Strengthen Nanyang County, tell Di Qing to be careful of Chuyue Kingdom!" After hearing all the battle reports in Kanto, Ye Qing could only sigh for Donghai Kingdom.

Gou up to now, it is lucky that Donghai Kingdom has not been destroyed.

In the future, it is estimated that the name of the country will be changed to Mount Tai!
Lü Bu, Zhang Liao and others set off with scriptures and crossed the border to reinforce Bohai.

"Your Majesty! Old Qiao Feng of Dayan Wusi Pavilion, please see me!" The voice of the eunuch in front of the hall sounded from outside the hall.

Ye Qing stopped the pen in his hand and said, "Show him in!"

"See you, Xuan Qiaofeng!"

Soon, Qiao Feng, dressed in a quack outfit, came in.

"Sir Qiao Feng pays homage to my emperor!" Qiao Feng came in according to the etiquette of the Jianghu.

Ye Qing is not surprised either, this is what he allowed Dayan Wusi.

All elders have this privilege.

So no matter whether it is my own people or people from other factions, they all agree with this point.

"Qiao Feng! Are you here for business?"

Dayan Wusi, under normal circumstances, Ye Qing dare not take too much care.

If you have to send troops, you won't dispatch Dayan Wusi's rivers and lakes forces.

There will be some cooperation between the Ministry of National Defense and Dayan Wusi.

Just like the lecture hall.

Qiao Feng replied: "Your Majesty, there is a message from Meimen that the former third princess of Shu Kingdom, Meng Ying, has been found, and she also expressed her willingness to marry Your Majesty, and does not want to see wars in Shu.

Only now she..."

(End of this chapter)

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