Chapter 666
"What's up with her?"

Ye Qing said: "Don't hesitate, you are also a reputable man, so you have to be coy!"

Qiao Feng said: "Meimen said that the third princess was trapped in the Dian Kingdom on the way back and couldn't get out. Meimen hoped that the imperial court would send someone to rescue the third princess. It would be best for His Majesty to go in person to show sincerity. Let the people of the former Shu Kingdom support it."

Dian country!

Meng Ying was detained!
Let me go myself!

What the hell is Meimen doing.

true or false.

Ye Qing frowned slightly when he heard the door.

His face turned dark from joy.

Tapping the table with his index finger, he heard the sound of tuk tuk.

After a while, Ye Qing finally said: "Come here, tell Li Ru and Guo Jia to come over, by the way, let Bai Qi come over too!"

Soon Li Ru and Guo Jia arrived first.

Ye Qing asked Li Rudao: "What happened in Bashu?"

Li Ru thought for a while and said: "Bashu and Bashu are not different, except for a few remnant nobles of the two countries who are still being arrested and pursued, most of them are stable by classics.

Some sects such as Meimen have no objection, they are very well behaved. "

"If there is something strange, it should be Dawu Mountain. The Western barbarians seem to be active. The people we are monitoring outside have actually fought with them. We should remind the Tianji Army to be careful and don't be too careless when sailing south. !"

Great Wushan!
This has long been the place Ye Qing focused on following.

It's just that there are not many people who can enter the mountain.

The barbarians are still strong.

Zhang Sanfeng is sitting in Jiangzhou, in order to prevent the Shawu Kingdom from doing things.

Ye Qingdao: "I called you here this time mainly because Meimen contacted Meng Ying, the former third princess of the Shu Kingdom, and Meng Ying also agreed to be my concubine, but on the way back, she was detained by the Dian Kingdom.

Meimen hopes that we can go to rescue, and it is best for me to go there in person.

I would like to know if you Jinyiwei have information about Dian Kingdom. "

"Dian Kingdom!" Li Ru recalled for a moment, pondered for a while and said:

"It should be a small country in Baipu! It's in the northwest of Yelang and east of Yunguo. I haven't got the specific information yet. I need to contact the secret agent in Yizhou."

"So, the Kingdom of Dian is sandwiched between the Kingdom of Yun and the Kingdom of Yelang!" Ye Qing murmured softly. If I remember correctly, two of the twelve teleportation formations given by the Mao family belonged to Yelang. Zolo City and Cloud Country Caiyun City.

Now I can directly teleport to Yelang or Yun Country, and use the fastest speed to Dian Country.

"Your Majesty, is it too reckless to go to Dian Kingdom? What should I do if I encounter any danger? People don't understand the situation there." Guo Jia persuaded:
"Meimen has the strength to let the Dian Kingdom detain Meng Ying, it's unreasonable not to rescue her.

To put it nicely is to wipe His Majesty's sincerity, but to say it badly is to lie to His Majesty to die. Meimen deserves to be vigilant, after all, they defected too quickly and directly at that time! "

Li Rudao: "Your Majesty, I think the Meimen should have more complete information than us. The Meimen should know more about Baipu's specific situation. I suggest sending someone to the Meimen to find out the details first!"

"Well! It's time to send someone to communicate with Meimen!" Guo Xiang's shadow suddenly appeared in Ye Qing's mind.

The best one to go to Meimen is undoubtedly Guo Xiang.

It is inconvenient for others to go.

And Meimen didn't recognize it either.

At this moment, Bai arrived.

"Your Majesty, what is the purpose of summoning your ministers?" Bai Qi asked after paying homage.

I saw that Guo Jia and Li Ru were both there.

I knew it wasn't easy today.

Ye Qing asked Guo Jia to tell the story.

After listening, Bai Qi said: "Your Majesty, I have two opinions.

One: Your Majesty can't take risks. We don't understand the situation in Dian Kingdom, so we may be defrauded if we go in hastily.

Two: Directly lead troops to pacify Dian Kingdom and eliminate it. "

Guo Jia reminded: "General, if you want Dian Kingdom, there is Yelang Kingdom in front of you. From Yizhou, there are other tribes passing through Baipu!"

Bai Qi patted his chest and said: "Then it will be wiped out all at once, until the Dian Kingdom, no matter which country or clan he belongs to in Baipu.

Whoever blocks us will be destroyed, I am worried that I will not be able to expand to the southwest! "

Dawu Mountain blocked the way of the Dazhou army from Bashu to the east.

To the northwest of Yizhou is a vast mountain, unable to climb.

Therefore, the future of Bashu lies in the south, and they have been fighting south.

Otherwise, it would be a waste to put two army groups there.

"The heroic general!" Guo Jia flattered him, but it was hard to tell whether he agreed or disagreed.

Li Rudao: "At present, the Ministry of Medicine has not yet researched medicines that can completely suppress the miasma. The South and Southwest continue to expand, and soldiers are prone to acclimatization, and getting sick is not due to combat reduction. I feel that the time to send troops to the south has not yet come."

This is in line with Ye Qing's thinking.

If you go south, you will definitely go south.

It's just that the benefits generated by going south temporarily are not great.

And Bashu is mainly for road construction.

When will the road be repaired, and the water conservancy will be repaired.

The most important thing is to make the land of Bashu a real land of abundance and the granary of the Great Zhou.

"However, I do have a plan, which may break the unfavorable terrain of Baipu!" Li Ru continued.

Bai Qi said: "Wen You has something to say, we are all listening, if it works, I will support you!"

Ye Qing also nodded towards him.

Guo Jia rubbed his chin with a smile on his face.

As if guessed something.

Li Rudao: "It's simple, send people to the land of Baipu and set fire to the mountain.

The minister heard that in the land of Baipu, there is abundant rain, much sunshine, moderate temperature and lush trees.

Why not set fires more and burn down the mountains and forests.

In this way, the miasma in the mountain is refined by fire, and it will either be burned, or rush out of the mountain forest and disappear into the clouds! "


Really bad.

The idea is simply gone.

A horse is poisoned.

How did you come up with such a poisonous way to burn the entire southwest.

"Although this plan...but it's very good!" Bai Qi was also a wolf, but he was also shocked by Li Ru's outrageous plan.

The commander of Jin Yiwei is indeed not capable of ordinary people.

Guo Jia's expression froze.

A pair of round eyes looked at Li Ru.

It was like seeing Li Ru for the first time.

This kind of desperate plan is a bit different from what he guessed.

"What? There is a better way for Feng Xiao, I am willing to listen!" Li Ru showed his signature sinister smile.

The sharp and thin face bones seem to be able to eat people.

Guo Jia shook his head and said: "No, there is no better way, burn it, burn it if you can, anyway, if you burn the president, it will be a dense jungle again in a few years.

The miasma was accumulating again. "


Li Ru wanted to go over and call Guo Jia to death.

You can die if you don't tell the truth.

Guo Jia reminded him in a different way that this kind of desperate plan is not easy to use in the south.

Forests in the south are very different from those in the north.

Ye Qingdao: "There is no way to get rid of the miasma. In fact, burning is the best way. We have another way. Speaking of burning, is there any place that burns the most and the best place than we did in Zhou?"

What kind of virgin forest, what kind of big rainforest, will be destroyed in the face of industrialization.

Even if there is no industrialization, there is still one thing that suppresses the miasma very well in the land of Huaxia on another planet.

(End of this chapter)

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