I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 667? Going to the Eyebrow Gate

Chapter 667 Heading to the Eyebrow Gate
It's just that when this thing comes out, there are advantages and disadvantages.

The lethality is too great.

The whole society will undergo great changes.

It will accelerate the change of the world.

There are too many uncontrollable variables.

It's like a Pandora's box.

Industrial pollution, this is a good idea.

The tall chimneys and the thick smoke soaring into the sky are indeed a great nemesis of miasma.

Li Ru, Guo Jia and the others couldn't help but see their eyes light up.

It's still His Majesty who has strange bones and unique ideas.

"Okay! This matter will be brought up in the future. I will definitely go to Dian Kingdom. Since Meng Ying is my concubine in name, she is my daughter. My woman, I can save it by myself, and no one else needs to do it. "Ye Qing said to Bai Feifei:

"When I am not in Chang'an, you will lead the Ministry of National Defense to preside over the military affairs of the Great Zhou Dynasty. You should take good care of the internal and external military affairs, especially Nanyang. When it is time to help Di Qing, you should help. Don't worry about it, don't be afraid. Taking care of things, I grant you the power of general, that is to trust you.

Not only trust your loyalty, but also trust your ability. "

"It's Your Majesty! I understand." Bai Qi bowed to accept the order.

Undoubtedly, Bai Qi was extremely moved by Ye Qing's words.

Military and state affairs are in his hands alone.

Throughout the ages, there are not many such emperors.

It is the greatest blessing in his life that he can get such a wise king in vain.

Next, Ye Qing discussed some other matters with the three of them.

Come out from the royal study.

Cao Zhengchun said: "Your Majesty, do you want to drive to Concubine Shu?"

Ye Qing stopped and stared at Cao Zhengchun: "You know all this?"

"Slaves don't dare!" Cao Zhengchun seemed to feel the chilling murderous intent rushing towards him, and hurriedly bowed his head in admiration.

Ye Qing said: "You really know! Then... go to Concubine Shu!"

Ye Qing's harem has only four women with status.

One is Empress Bu Xiaofan, I dare not mention this more.

There is also Huanhuan who was born as a maid and was favored by the Queen Mother Dong.

There are also Concubine Shu Guo Xiang and Concubine Wu Linglong.

The other inferior ones are the princesses sent for marriage by various countries like Zhao Feiyan.

Ye Qing was not in a hurry to touch these things, it was to cultivate a good impression.

If there is something he really doesn't like, he still won't accept it.

The place is serving the bed now, and there are only three people who are the most favored.

Go to the bedroom of Concubine Shu Guo Xiang.

Some words of love and greetings.

Turning Luan and Phoenix down, after scoring twice.

The two hugged each other tightly.

Ye Qing stroked Guo Xiang's beautiful hair from top to bottom.

"Xiang'er, there is something I've always wanted to ask, but I don't know where to start!"

Ye Qing reached out and stroked Guo Xiang's cheek.

This flimsy face is really lovable.

Guo Xiang blinked her elf-like eyelashes, her pretty face still blushing.

"Your Majesty, you want to ask me what's in the box Meimen gave me?"

Ye Qing said: "I'm really curious, why Meimen treats you so well."

Guo Jia said: "Your Majesty, Meimen gave me a token and a letter.

Meimen didn't say what the token was for, but asked me to keep it safe.

In the letter, it said that I hoped that I could go to Meimen to follow the current headmaster to learn the secret knowledge of Meimen, and also said that I might be a descendant of their first generation headmaster of Meimen. "


A descendant of the first generation head of the Meimen.

It's so bullshit.

Where Guo Xiang came from, he couldn't be more clear.

It has nothing to do with Meimen.

Meimen treats her so warmly because Guo Xiang looks like the stone statue.

Also teach the unique knowledge of the door.

It's ridiculous.

But now Ye Qing couldn't see that the other party had any unfavorable intentions.

"Your Majesty, are you unhappy? If you don't want me to go, then I won't learn it. Xiang'er's martial arts are so advanced, so there is no need for Your Majesty to worry that I will be harmed by others!" Guo Xiang herself felt that something was wrong. Strange, eyebrow door is too abnormal.

But his mind was pure and simple.

I didn't even try to guess in other crooked ways.

Ye Qing shook his head and said, "No, you can learn as long as you want."

"As long as you want to do, I will support you. I don't want to lock you up in the palace like a canary."

"If Meimen didn't have any crooked intentions, I wouldn't stop you from going to Meimen. There is one more thing I want to tell you today, and that is that Meimen's disciple Meng Ying was detained..."

Ye Qing did not lie to Guo Xiang, and explained this matter to Guo Xiang in detail.

"Your Majesty, you are going to the Kingdom of Dian to save people. This matter...Xiang'er supports you." Guo Xiang's eyes dimmed:
"Your Majesty, you are a man of love and righteousness. Although Meng Ying is just a title, you are willing to risk yourself to do this, Your Majesty. Don't say that Meng Ying is fascinated by it. I think all women in the world will admire Your Majesty, and even more envy A woman who can be close to His Majesty."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I will go to Meimen to find the most complete information for your Majesty's reference."

Ye Qing hugged Guo Xiang tightly and said, "My Xiang'er is fine, I will accompany you to Meimen."

You agree with me, and the two scored three goals next, and continued to devote themselves to their warm-up career.


The next day.

Ye Qing led a group of masters from the teleportation array to Chengdu City, Yizhou.

Then accompanied Guo Xiang to Mount Emei.

Meimen listened to Ye Qing and Guo Xiang coming.

Receive with the highest courtesy.

The disciples of the outer sect came to meet him at the foot of the mountain.

The disciples of the inner sect also escorted Ye Qing in the martial arts arena of the outer sect.

"Your Majesty is welcome from the top and bottom of Meimen, please follow me up the mountain!"

This time Meimen was really careful.

Let the supreme of the sixth rank come forward, and it is not an underground passage.

Instead, take the ropeway from another cliff path.

This surprised Ye Qing and Guo Xiang.

Passing through the cableway, I did not come to the small flat land of the lotus pond that appeared last time.

Instead, along the steep hillside, the winding path leads to secluded places, step by step towards the most mysterious core of Meimen.

"Your Majesty, even the disciples of my Meimen can't leave here. And Your Majesty is one of the few emperors in the world who can come here."

The sixth-rank supreme woman explained as she walked.

Ye Qing and Guo Xiang looked at each other.

The relationship is good, and the treatment this time is ahead of schedule.

"Dare to ask your family, how many warriors above rank six?"

There was no one on the left or right, not even the disciples of Meimen saw a single one.

Ye Qingsui asked boldly.

It was a very taboo thing, but the sixth-rank Supreme replied: "Return to Your Majesty, there are four of us including the head!"


Not much for a super big pie.

But as a mountain gate, there are many scriptures.

One of the general sects can produce one, just like the existence of Tongxiu with the country.

For example, Tumen Town, Qishan Pavilion, Lantian Valley, and Baibo Valley in Dazhou.

There are four Mei sects at once, and their strength surpasses the original Ba and Shu countries, and it can even be compared with Da Zhou.

What's more, there are five sects and eight teachings below to support it.

"May I ask why the noble family is so keen on me? With my talent, I don't think I should be treated so favorably by you. Even if I have the blood of your founder, I wouldn't be so important to you." Guo Xiang asked.

This question was asked for Ye Qing.

The person with the strength of the sixth level of Meimen said with a smile: "When you arrive in the inner hall, Concubine Shu will be enlightened!"

(End of this chapter)

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