Chapter 668
When I got here, I was still selling it.

Ye Qing and Guo Xiang followed suit.

After a while, I went around to the mountain on the shady side.

At this time, the scenery is unique.

The Milky Way waterfall hangs in front of the river, and the birds and beasts fly to the forest and say goodbye.

A small hall appeared in front of the eyes through the dense forest.

"Your Majesty, here we are, this is the real main hall of our sect!"

The supreme leader of the sixth rank made a gesture of invitation, and he stood in place without passing.

Ye Qing and Guo Xiang walked forward.

The front and rear small halls are beautifully built, but the architectural style is not like that of Bashu.

Instead, it tends to be in the Central Plains, with grandeur and grandeur, but judging from the traces left by history.

These may have been as long as thousands of years.

When I got closer, I realized that it was a bit old.

"It's a bit like the past. Black is the beauty, and black paint is mostly used in buildings." Ye Qing pointed to the lacquered surface of the small hall.

Walking to the main entrance, there was a person in the hall with his back facing them.

"Meimen Xuemen, Yijing pays respects to His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor and Concubine Shu."

Just as he was speaking, the head of the eyebrow sect turned around and bowed to Ye Qing.

Without entering the palace, Ye Qing could see clearly that this woman was the head of the sect who led the eyebrows up and down to talk to them in front of the lotus pond.

"Sect Master, you are being polite!" Ye Qing pulled Guo Xiang into the hall.

There is no one in the hall except the head of the family.

The delicate fragrance of sandalwood permeates the whole hall, making people feel peaceful.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Shu, please sit down!" Rong Yijing said: "I know why Your Majesty is here. Here is a piece of information about the various ethnic groups in Southwest Baipu. I hope it can be helpful to Your Majesty."

Saying that, Yijing picked up the black lacquer box from the side incense table and sent it to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward.

He took the box and said:
"The eyebrow door has a heart."

"It should be done, please put it away, Your Majesty." Rong Yijing clasped his hands together and said, "At the same time, I would like to ask Your Majesty to avoid it for a while, I want to have a private talk with Concubine Shu, I wonder if it is possible!"

Ye Qing looked at Guo Xiang, and Guo Xiang nodded firmly.

Ye Qing said: "I will go out first."

After coming out, Ye Qing just opened the lacquer box.

Inside is a book strung together with parchment scrolls.

Open it and check, there are indeed some records of the various ethnic groups in Baipu.

Ye Qingrao looked at it slowly and interestingly.

Baipu is just a general term.

It's not actually a racial caste.

Not many can establish a country, Yelang, Dian, Yun, Qiongdu, Gui, Luo Dian, Qilan, Dali, Nanzhao, Guozhan, Ziqi

The rest are cave-dwelling tribes, with one hundred and eighty barbarian kings.

The language and culture of each country are different, just one word is mixed.

As for masters, each country has at least one rank six.

Those who do not have the sixth rank cannot form a country.

This is almost the unified standard of the East Kingdom of the Soaring Dragon Continent.

Even if it is a barbaric country.

Whether a country is an empire or a kingdom, if it does not even have the sixth rank, it will be swallowed up by other countries.

Without the sixth rank, the established country will be quickly destroyed by other countries.

However, in the land of Baipu, there are no strong masters, but they have many secret techniques.

In this piece of land, there are natural advantages.

Although there are many masters in the Mei Sect, they overwhelm the Baipu countries and make the Baipu countries fearful.

But it's just out of fear. These Baipu people have aggressive personalities and are naturally very active. They are not afraid of death. They belong to the kind of people who would rather be free than be restrained.

A little bit of dissatisfaction, fists and kicks, swords and swords.

It is divided into masters to decide life and death.

Therefore, the people of Yelang, Dian, Yun, Qiongdu, Gui, Luodian, Qilan, Dali, Nanzhao, Guozhan, and Ziqi often rebelled.

It is common for the lower ranks to kill the higher ranks and seize the throne.

Well, it's chaos and no rules.

They only believe in their own way.

I am my way, I am my fist and my sword, and I am my way.

Don't think that these small countries are weak. In fact, they prefer that all the people are soldiers, and every man is a soldier.

Once the king issued an order, he would soon be able to organize a large army, whether it was going out to fight against the enemy.

There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers.

Yelang, Yunguo, Dali, and Nanzhao are big countries with not small bases, and they have 20 soldiers.

Let’s look at Dian again.

Its range is in the Dianhai Sea, and the surrounding Dianhai Sea is an important area of ​​the country.

Relying on the resources of the Dianhai Sea, its national power remains relatively stable.

And has the ability to expand around.

Especially in the past few years, the development has been very rapid. Dian Kingdom defeated Guo Yelang's troops and Yun Kingdom's.

The King of Dian began to swell, constantly annexing tribes and countries in the north and south, and wanted to be promoted to an empire.

After reading the information slowly, Ye Qing had a new understanding of Baipu in the southwest.

"His Majesty!"

Guo Xiang came out from the hall.

Ye Qing then withdrew his thoughts and closed the parchment.

"How is it? What did the head master tell you?" Ye Qing stood up and asked.

Guo Xiang replied: "Your Majesty said that he was so polite to me, and he was willing to let me learn the martial arts in his sect, mainly because he wanted to help them decipher some of the martial arts in the sect that they couldn't practice. These martial arts are all Created by the first generation of the Meimen Sect, they want to use my hands to pass on these exercises.

That's why there are such superior conditions. "

This time Ye Qing finally understood what the hell the Meimen was up to.

Of course, they couldn't treat Guo Xiang specially just because she looked like the first generation leader.

Meimen just thinks that Guo Xiang might be the descendant of the first generation of masters, and many of the first generation masters in the sect have not learned the martial arts, so they want to invite Guo Xiang to practice and crack it down.

If they succeed, they can take advantage of this opportunity to carry forward the martial arts of the first generation of sect masters to strengthen the Mei sect.

Although it is very risky to do so, there is no profit and great gain.

Also for Ye Qing, this method has advantages and disadvantages.

Will there be problems if you rashly practice Meimen's martial arts, it will be a threat to Guo Xiang's life.

It's all unpredictable.

Meimen disciples cannot practice and cannot crack it.

Can Guo Xiang do it?
"Xiang'er, according to my original intention, I don't want you to practice these martial arts that even they themselves can't crack. The factor is very dangerous." Ye Qingyu said earnestly:

"However, I respect you for that."

Take others' hands short, eat others' mouths short.

Ye Qing regretted taking over the black lacquer box from the head of the family.

It is simply a hole dug in advance.

If you want to say that Meimen is not malicious, it really doesn't count.

But if you say that they have no scheming, they cannot be ruled out.

There are quite a lot of routines in eyebrows.

And always inadvertently.

Make you unable to refuse.

It is indeed a sect with women at its core.

Women are naturally good at attacking the heart.

Guo Xiang pursed her lips and nodded, "Your Majesty, we have taken everything from others, so we are embarrassed to return it.

And I feel like, I can swab it, I want to crack it.

The head of the family said that as long as it is deciphered, these martial arts can be practiced by the royal family of the Ye family, and they will not interfere or pursue them. "

(End of this chapter)

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