Chapter 672 Entering the Palace at Night
"It's the king!" Zhuang Yang simply replied two words.

Then he jumped and disappeared in place.

He is the sixth rank supreme, not only the martial arts is the highest in Dian country, but also his seniority is beyond Zhuang Yong.

It's completely okay not to give him face.

Don't look at Zhuang Yong's beauty in front of people, in fact, the entire Dian Kingdom depends on the face of this Uncle Zhuang Yang.

Including Zhuang Yong himself, is no exception.

So when he saw Zhuang Yang leaving directly, he didn't have any temper at all.

No matter where it is, strength is the most effective magic weapon to determine attitude.

"When will this king be able to have such strength, that's where the real king will be.

No!It should be the real king, and this king also wants to be the emperor, and also wants to unify this big world.

Both Yelang and Yunguo should submit to this king. "


Dianchi City!
Zhuang Yong didn't know that the uninvited guest had arrived

Yijing lurks in the city.

Ye Qing, who had carefully made up, brought a group of people to Dianchi Lake for two days.

The four gates of Dianchi City are all surrounded by masters of the Jianghu of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Here in the imperial palace, Ye Qing and Ding Chunqiu took turns guarding.

Suddenly a figure flashed past.

Unusual way of leaving the palace, very special.

And very arrogant.

There is no shyness at all.

Seeing this person leave, Ye Qing and his subordinates all had smiles on their faces.

"Your Majesty, this person seems to be Zhuang Yang, the only sixth-rank expert in the Dian Kingdom, and the uncle of Dian King Zhuang Yong. Judging from the direction he left, he probably went to the north gate. He should be going to exchange for Qiao Feng and the others. "Wolong Zhuge analyzed with a smile.

Ye Qing nodded and said: "This is the arrogance and rudeness of the Dian people.

If you have a little strength, you will show off. Wait for the information from the Xiabei City Gate. After you are confirmed, you are using the astronomy to check the Dian Palace and find out the whereabouts of the three princesses! "

In fact, there is no need to inquire, Ye Qing and others can easily know that Dian King Zhuang Yong detained Meng Ying and others in the palace.

The reason why there is no action these two days.

Just waiting for Zhuang Yong to transfer his sixth-rank uncle Wang out of the city.

It's not that Ye Qing and the others are afraid of Zhuang Yang, but because they don't want to waste Qiao Feng's resources.

Zhuang Yang left it to Qiao Feng to kill.

Ye Qing and others directly rescued people, got rid of the arrogant Dian king, destroyed the central nervous system of the Dian kingdom, and paralyzed its rule.

It is easy to destroy the Dian Kingdom.

This is the most labor-saving method.

I believe that there will be no Dian king and the Zhuang family.

The so-called rising Dian Kingdom will immediately fall into civil war.

Without the rank-[-] masters in charge, Yunguo and Yelang would also send troops to annex the territory of Dianguo.

Let the three countries fight each other and weaken each of them.

Soon the people who were stationed in the north came to report and convinced Zhuang Yang to leave Dianchi City.

In this way, there is no existence in the entire palace that can compete with Ye Qing and others.

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang can also safely and boldly use the technique of spying, so as not to be discovered.

Eight cards are thrown out.

The vision of heaven and earth fights out.

In the cloudless Dianchi City, dark clouds began to gather.

Everyone in the Dian kingdom raised their heads one after another, thinking that it was going to rain, they all started to rush home.

Even Zhuang Yong in the palace cursed and was in a terrible mood.

Only Meng Ying looked puzzled.

Then it seemed to recall something.

A line of surprise and surprise flashed in the clear eyes.

"This cloud and this wind are so familiar, he...wouldn't really be here!" Meng Ying uttered something secretly, and her mood suddenly became complicated.

Would that man with a handsome face who was somewhat impressed come here for his own sake?
Is it worth him to come here?

This man is really like a fan.

Can never figure it out.

In a certain residence outside the palace.

Beside Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang, there is a second-rank master wearing Qishan Pavilion clothes, constantly driving the hexagram body to search and explore.

As the body of the hexagram went away, more and more sweat flowed from his forehead.

In the end, I had to close my eyes and concentrate.

"Have it!"

Suddenly the person opened his eyes, with a flash of light in his eyes, and said:

"In the southeast corner of the palace, in a very secluded place, there are all women inside, about ten people, and there are many people watching outside..."

With this person's description.

Ye Qing and others can almost conclude.

This is Meng Ying and others.

"Kong Ming, you can withdraw now."

Crouching Dragon Zhuge Liang only collected eight cards.

After taking it back, I began to draw the situation of the Dian Palace on the ground.

The men from Qishan Pavilion supplemented and perfected it at the side.

The two worked together to get a clear picture of the situation in the Palace of Dian.

This is not only the terrain, but also the arrangement of the palace guards inside.

Figured out the situation.

Ye Qing and others waited until after dark.

This is the action.

The southeast corner of the Dian Palace.

Ye Qing and others climbed over the palace wall and entered directly.

Ye Qing holds Mengqi in one hand.

He and Ding Chunqiu jumped up first, one after the other.

After observing, he jumped off the wall.

"Mengqi! Start your performance!"

Ye Qing touched Meng Qi's ear.

Meng Qi showed a cute expression.

When Ye Qing left his hand, his eyes suddenly widened.

Then a strange scream was found in his mouth.

Ability to mobilize the whole body.

Begin to use dreams as knives to invade the surroundings.

The Dian masters who were monitoring Meng Ying dozed off one by one.

The stronger one shook his head, feeling confused for a while.

Wanting to force himself not to fall asleep, in the end he lowered his head and leaned against all available places beside him.

Soon one by one fell asleep and passed out.

Even the Meimen disciples in the room fell down one by one.

Meng Ying also felt something strange, and reached out to touch something, but she was so awake that she couldn't use her strength.

"The King of Dian is shameless..."

Meng Ying thought that Zhuang Yong, king of Dian, had given the drug.

I want to be strong!
"I do not know……"

In the end, Meng Ying couldn't bear it anymore, her eyes were heavy, her head was dizzy, and she finally fell asleep.

Although Mengqi's dreamland is easy to use, it also has a disadvantage.

That is an indiscriminate attack, without distinction between the enemy and ourselves.

The only controllable thing is the direction.

It can be cast in a specific direction, which is a slice kill.

Therefore, it is generally possible to avoid it by hiding in the opposite direction of its strike direction.

"Let them all in!"

Ye Qing said to Ding Chunqiu.

Ding Chunqiu sent a signal to the outside world.

Only then did the outsiders sneak into the palace one by one with the help of tools.

Ye Qing went straight to Meng Ying's position.

Ding Chunqiu raised the saber and wiped the necks of the Dian masters who had fainted.

The people who followed behind, according to the original plan, went to various intersections and stood guard in front of the courtyard gate.

Li Yuanfang flew to a big banyan tree, hiding the movement of looking down at the Dian Palace.

"This is me..." Meng Ying woke up leisurely, but before she opened her eyes, she mobilized the inner strength of her whole body and turned into a knife in her hand to chop.

But her hand was forcibly caught.

Then came the words of jokes.

"Why, Concubine Ai just woke up and was about to murder her husband!"

Not Zhuang Yong.

It was a somewhat familiar voice.

Meng Ying's eyelids finally opened, and the familiar yet unfamiliar handsome face came into view...

(End of this chapter)

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