I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 673 Hug my neck tightly, I'm going to fly with me

Chapter 673 Hug my neck tightly, I'm going to fly with me

Meng Ying didn't break free from the hand of the owner of this face.

There was also a gentle smile on his face.

"You're really here!"

At this moment, Meng Ying felt peace of mind that she had never felt before.

There is also a touch of sweet touch.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "My beloved concubine has been robbed, how can I rest assured, it would be rude not to come!"

Meng Ying took off her veil.

Showing a beautiful face.

"Your Majesty, we are not married yet, I am not your concubine, I am still the third princess of Shu!" Meng Ying stared at Ye Qing.

The two stared at each other.

Surprise flashed in Ye Qing's eyes.

Meng Mei's beauty is very soft, tender like water, gentle and graceful, yet elegant.

She is a princess after all.

Even though she has been raised in Meimen, the nobility exuded in her bones still makes her temperament outstanding.

"Yes, you are still the third princess of Shu, so I didn't take off your veil, nor kissed your red lips, nor put you on the dragon bed!"

"Puff!" Meng Ying was amused.

Ye Qing is a real gentleman. Although he is a bit skinny and can play hooligans, he is more humorous.

But it is different.

"Let's go, third princess, I don't think there is anyone here that you need to miss, hold me tightly around my neck, I'm going to fly with me!"

Ye Qing exhorted, then practiced his skills and hugged Meng Ying's waist.

Then he rushed out of the room, stomped his feet on the ground and jumped onto the roof opposite.

Meng Ying put her arms around Ye Qing's neck unnaturally, it might be the first time, a little unfamiliar.

Ye Qing didn't care about these things, his feet hurriedly stepped on the waves, and his figure quickly disappeared on the roofs of each house.

With one last leap, he jumped out of the palace from the wall.

Then the masters of Da Zhou jumped out with two disciples of Meimen.

But Ding Chunqiu brought Li Yuanfang and others, but did not come out immediately.

Instead, he quietly touched the bedroom of Dian King Zhuang Yong.

Ding Chunqiu doesn't need Mengqi, his martial arts are high.

Carrying a whole body of poison, he touched it first.

Release the poison silently.

The masters and soldiers of the Dian Kingdom along the way were poisoned one after another.

Those with low force directly foamed at the mouth, grabbed their necks and fell to the ground without making a sound.

Those with high martial arts skills also experience unbearable itchiness all over their bodies.

It was like being drilled by blood worms in the body.

Generally, there is nowhere to use Qi Jin.

"Someone invaded..."

A master of the Dian kingdom with the strength of the third rank let out a cry, and threw the weapon in his hand to the eaves next to him.

The sound of "Pa!" instantly awakened more palace guards.

However, this third-rank Dian master also attracted Li Yuanfang's round blade.


More big Zhou masters jumped out from every corner with sharp knives in hand.

Kill the soldiers of the Dian Kingdom Guard who rushed over.

Or the masters of the Dian Kingdom who came in ambush.

"Set it on fire, burn it!"

Soon everyone picked up the torches on the ground and ignited everything that could be ignited.

Then they all converged towards the King of Dian.


Dian King's bedroom!

"King! It's not good, there are thieves coming to kill you, let's go!"

Dian King Zhuang Yong had just fallen asleep, and beside him was a woman who was lucky tonight.

Dian King Zhuang Yong was a little confused and even a little annoyed.

"What's going on? Without my king's order, do you want to die?"

The general who broke in kowtowed and said: "King, don't be in a hurry. The thief is too strong. If you don't leave, you can't leave. I cover you and go first. We will explain on the way!"

Dian King Zhuang Yong wanted to say something, but at this moment there were sounds of fighting and screams not far away.

Zhuang Yong, King of Dian, was in no hurry to wear clothes.

He picked up a shoe and walked outside.

The general who came in also turned around and raised his sword to protect Dian King Zhuangyong before going out.

But there was a gust of wind blowing in front of us.

This sent the body flying upside down, hitting the wall, spitting out a mouthful of black blood and dying.

Blown by the bad wind, Zhuang Yong lost all sleepiness.

The whole person was extremely awake, and at the same time, his back felt a little cold.

Just now this will have the strength of the second rank.

He is one of the strongest generals in the Dian Kingdom.

That's why he stayed by his side as the commander of the guards.

Unexpectedly, he was killed by the other party after a face-to-face meeting.

You can imagine how strong the opponent is.

I am afraid that only Zhuang Yang in his own country can do it.

Sixth grade!

How is this still alive?
"Jie Jie... King Dog Dian, where else do you want to go!"

Before you see anyone, hear their voice first.

The eerie laughter makes people shudder.

Zhuang Yong himself has a level of strength.

In fact, it can be regarded as a master.

But in front of Ding Chunqiu, it's not enough to look at.

Always arrogant, he immediately gave up and crawled towards the inner room of the dormitory.

A shadow came in from outside.

Zhuang Yong crazily crawled inside, but at this moment, he found that his legs were extremely heavy as if filled with lead water.

I want to climb, but some can't.

"Hey, this is the King of Dian. I thought the King of Dian who ignored my Great Zhou was just like that." Ding Qiuchun walked in, spilled a bag of powder in his hand, and landed inside and outside the hall.

Smelling the strange smell in the air, Zhuang Yong quickly held his breath and climbed faster.

The potential for survival is enormous.

Zhuang Yong stood up all of a sudden, and rushed to the dragon bed with a cat body.

He took a sword that was placed next to him.

Draw the sword to face the outside.

The other hand grabbed Lin Xing's woman.

Only then did he see Ding Chunqiu approaching.

A white-haired young man.

It doesn't look as hideous and terrifying as imagined.

However, Zhuang Yong still throbbed his throat, not daring to relax.

"Who are you! If you dare to break into this king's bedroom, this king will tear you to pieces."

The corners of Ding Chunqiu's mouth twitched slightly when he heard this.

He continued to approach step by step, and was not in a hurry to make a killing move.

Zhuang Yong walked into the dragon bed, and put Lin Xing's woman in front of him to block him.

"You don't want to come here, or this king will really kill you. I have a sixth-rank supreme in Dian, and you will die soon!"

"Hahaha, King Dian, can you be smart when you are about to die? Isn't your Uncle Wang sent out of the city by chest?"

"Furthermore, if he comes, he will be able to beat me. You are too stingy. I am a master of the Great Zhou, and I am a high-ranking member of the Great Zhou. Killing people at the same level is common.

It is not uncommon to kill by leapfrogging. "

"You...you are from Zhou, how could you enter the city? If you dare to come to the capital of our Dian king, you don't want to live. If you kill me, you will not be able to escape!" Zhuang Yong tried to win a bargaining chip for himself, but Ding Chunqiu looked at him like a fool.

Come on, it's useless for you to talk to me about this.

Afraid to come and kill you?

"Don't come here, if you come here, I will kill her!"

Zhuang Yong didn't know if his brain had a twitch, and he put the sword across Linxing's woman's neck.

The woman's skin is tender, and the blade is sharp, with a line cut by the scriptures.

Blood seeps.

The woman was terrified and desperate, her body twitched.

It couldn't be softer.

Ding Chunqiu wanted to nod his head, extremely contemptuous.

"It's so disappointing, no wonder His Majesty is not interested in dealing with you, because you are not worthy!"

Flicking Ding Chunqiu's sleeves, a gust of strong wind blows past, the vigor and poisonous powder rush towards his face.

Zhuang Yong just wanted to block with his sword with his arm.

His own neck was cut by the sutra.

The poisonous powder is inhaled through the nostrils.

The whole person stared wide-eyed, and then fell on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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