I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 674 Qiao Feng VS Zhuang Yang

Chapter 674 Qiao Feng VS Zhuang Yang
In the Palace of the Dian King, it was a mess.

Masters of the Great Zhou ambushed and beheaded the masters of the Dian Kingdom everywhere.

Li Yuanfang and others shot frequently.

The palace is full of big Zhou masters who set fire.

In the end, the entire Dian palace was covered by fire, especially the sleeping palace of Dian king.

The Dian army fighting the fire finally gave up the rescue altogether.

Because they did not find the king of Dian.

The fire raged, and everyone in Dian Kingdom was shocked.

Countless people flocked towards the palace.

"Where is the king? Where is the king?"

"What are you eating? Even the king has not been rescued, you still have the face to come out alive!"

"Who, who murdered my king of Dian, who murdered the royal family?"

The remnants of the soldiers who had withdrawn from the palace were all disheveled.

Those masters who escaped were even more frightened.

They all shook their heads and said they didn't know.

After fighting for half the night, they didn't know who the enemy was.

Why it broke through the palace guards is also unknown.

The only thing I know is that the person who came to sneak attack this time is very powerful.

A group of well-trained masters with clear division of labor and sophisticated techniques.

Not an ordinary force.

It should be the national power of a certain country.

"Go and search, go and search, we must find these people!"

"Quick, what are you still doing?"

Several important officials of the Dian Kingdom roared.

The people below act immediately.

But he didn't move, and someone came running and said: "The north gate was attacked just now, and all the soldiers at the north gate were killed.

A large number of men in black escaped from the city through the north gate! "

"Damn it, hurry up, immediately!"

The army of the Dian Kingdom immediately went to pursue it.

After dawn, there was a rumor in the Dianchi Lake that Da Zhou sent masters to punish the King of Dian.

Zhou Guo's weapons and clothes were also left where Ye Qing and the others stayed.

Nothing to prove!
"Your Majesty died... the people of Zhou were too cruel. Your Majesty stole Emperor Zhou's woman, so Emperor Zhou sent experts here. Your Majesty... hey!"

"Who says it's not? Your Majesty has caused a disaster for our Dian Kingdom. Who said that Zhou Kingdom is far away, and now it's time for revenge!"

"I heard that there are many supreme masters in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Will our Yunnan Congress be wiped out because of this!"

"No way, the king is dead, but Master Zhuang Yang is still alive. As long as Master Zhuang Yang is still alive, our Dian Kingdom can continue to exist and continue to prosper."


Chengjiang City!
The Acropolis to the north of Dianchi City, the capital of the kingdom.

When Zhuang Yang appeared in the city, he happened to meet Qiao Feng who was going to challenge Chengjiang City's Dian master after entering the city.

"You are Qiao Feng!"

Zhuang Yang looked at Qiao Feng with provocative and contemptuous eyes.

Qiao Feng, who was plain and ordinary, seemed to be a kind person.

But he doesn't like it.

This kind of kind person is often the most cunning.

"A certain person is Qiao Feng, who is your Excellency?" Qiao Feng asked politely, cupping his fists.

"The dead don't have the right to know who I am?" Zhuang Yang moved, flashed behind Qiao Feng, and then slapped him.

Qiao Feng used the scriptures to get used to the recklessness and unruly behavior of the Yunnan people.

So the first time I noticed it, I avoided it with my body.

However, the hair on the sideburns was still blown by the strong wind.

His expression froze suddenly, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Such a strong breath, such a fast movement.

At least a fifth-rank master.

"Flashed, it really has some strength, suffer!"

Zhuang Yang said coldly, moved his body again, and drew the straight knife in his hand.

It attacked Qiao Feng's waist from the flank.

It seemed to cut Qiao Feng into two pieces.

Qiao Feng leapt up, flipped his palms upside down and blasted out in mid-air.

Kang Long has regrets.

Qi Jin converged into two destructive forces and blasted past.

Zhuang Yang raised his knife and chopped it off.


A loud bang.

The tyrannical energy scattered around, blowing Zhuang Yang's clothes and hair backwards.

His body also moved three steps backwards.

Looking at the knife, there was a hole missing.

And Qiao Feng landed gracefully, standing there steadily, watching Zhuang Yang calmly.

"Hmph, little tricks, watch me slash wildly—explosive!"

Zhuang Yang danced and swung straight, slashing left and right, so fast that it was almost invisible to the naked eye.

Countless afterimages flew by, and countless blades shot out, without any rules.

When the blade reached a certain distance, it exploded again.

Qiao Feng waved his left and right hands, each of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, defusing all the flying blades.

Zhuang Yang swung the straight knife and drove straight in, approaching Qiao Feng.

The two retreat one by one and advance one by one.

Light and shadow flashed, the blade kept flying, and the sound of explosion kept ringing.

The people who watched the excitement around also kept retreating, for fear of being affected.

The two played extremely fiercely on the field.

One to attack and one to defend.

The strength of the sixth rank, the energy leaks out, and some people can't even open their eyes, so they can only block it with their hands.

Stand still, for fear of being blown away by the whirlwind.

"Qiao Feng, you are catching my move, Wind and Thunder Slash!"

Zhuang Yang jumped lightly, with a straight knife in his hand, and slashed down from below.

The blade and the knife are combined to form a super big knife, which is crushed like Mount Tai.

The two wings are assisted by countless wind blades formed by strong winds, blocking all of Qiao Feng's escape routes and dead spots.

The intention was to hit Qiao Feng hard in one fell swoop.

Kill Qiao Feng.

I have to say that Zhuang Yang thought very well and killed very fiercely.

Rank-[-] battle against rank-[-], also want to decide the outcome with one move.

"See the dragon in the field!"

Qiao Feng had been on guard for a long time, he saw that his left palm was round and his right palm was straight, laying a defense around his body.

Forcibly blocked Zhuang Yang's deadly move, Feng Lei Zhan!


With Qiao Feng at the center, all the countless gas explosions came out, and the smoke, dust, and sand were scattered in all directions.

All of a sudden, everyone outside the arena stared quietly.

When the dust settled, Qiao Feng's figure was still standing tall and straight.

Even Zhuang Yang was a little surprised.

Qiao Feng was unscathed.

There was no ash on the clothes on his body.

Unbelievably clean.

"You are still alive!"

Qiao Feng said with a smile: "Although your moves are fierce, decisive and extraordinary sharp, but your internal strength is insufficient, you can't fight for a long time, so naturally you can't hurt me!"

"Now it's Joe's turn to attack."

Qiao Feng turned around, slightly bent his left leg, bent his right arm inward, drew a circle with his right palm, and pushed it outward with a whistling sound.

A weathered dragon chant roared away, majestic, thick and powerful.

Zhuang Yang dodged and swung his knife.

There was no hard connection, so he shook his body back a few steps, and there was another gap on the knife edge.

It's not over yet, only Qiao Feng's Shuang Xie is heard.

"Shocked Baili!"

The second push arrived quickly and abnormally, and the stamina continued without fading.

This is a very powerful move in the Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon.

Zhuang Yang hastily swung his knife and slashed wildly, using his energy to resist.

With a sound of "Boom!", Zhuang Yang's knife snapped, as if the string of a kite had been snapped, and he was sent flying ten steps away.

He landed heavily, vomited blood, and his face changed drastically.

But at this time Qiao Feng jumped up and swiped his hands to change his shape and shouted: "The flying dragon is in the sky!"

Hitting from top to bottom, it is extremely powerful.

This trick is hit and not dead or disabled.

Zhuang Yang was so frightened that he quickly rolled around and avoided it.

There was a loud bang on the ground just now, and a pothole appeared.

Just when Zhuang Yang stood up, thinking that he had saved his life, Qiao Feng's figure was beside him.

With both hands pushing, the inner strength is constantly blasting out.

"The dragon swings its tail!"

(End of this chapter)

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