I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 675? Zhuang Yang was defeated and died

Chapter 675 Zhuang Yang was defeated and died

Zhuang Yang couldn't escape this time.

Hit hard.

Qi Jin turned into damage and drilled into his body.

Wanton persecution of his body mechanism.


Zhuang Yang bumped into the crowd in pain.

I just felt that my whole body was going to be crushed, and I wanted to stand up, but fell down again.

Blood kept coming out of his mouth.

His eyes frightened.

He was going to die, he could clearly feel it himself.

Not as strong as Qiao Feng.

The same is the sixth rank, and was easily counter-killed by others.

He is the dignified supreme of the Dian Kingdom, the person with the highest authority in the Dian Kingdom, and he is about to die.

Dian Kingdom will also be destroyed because of his death.

Dian Kingdom...


The chest rose and fell for the last time, and a mouthful of blood-colored black water gushed out.

Zhuang Yang straightened his neck and tilted his head.

fell to the ground.

The surrounding Dian kingdom masters and common people were all shocked.

Master Zhuang Yang is dead?

The sixth-rank master was beaten to death by Qiao Feng of the Great Zhou.

How does this look like paper.

A dignified sixth-rank realm, couldn't bear it a few times and died.

The people of Dian Kingdom were terrified and retreated one after another, as if the sky was falling apart.

The masters of the Dian Kingdom also felt fear in their hearts, and their eyes were cold.

However, someone still roared and rushed towards Qiao Feng, who was sent flying by Qiao Feng's palm.

"Kill, kill Qiao Feng, he is the weakest now, kill him!"

I don't know which expert from the Dian Kingdom yelled, urging everyone to rush towards Qiao Feng.

So all the masters from the Dian Kingdom rushed towards Qiao Feng one after another.

Siege him in a team fight.

Qiao Feng was not afraid at all, he fought one by one, and continued to fight against the masters of the Dian Kingdom in Chengjiang City.

Before three o'clock, the masters of the Dian Kingdom in Chengjiang City were either dead or injured, and they all fell to the ground.

"The Kingdom of Dian offends me, and this is the end. From today on, there will be no Kingdom of Dian in the world!"

Zhui Ming stood up, pointed his sword at the sky, and proclaimed on behalf of Zhou.

The sound spread everywhere, and the people of Yunnan did not change their color.

Sad in my heart.

Zhuang Yang, the number one master, died, and the Dian Kingdom could no longer keep its name.

It must be attacked by groups.

The king of Dian mistook me for Dian!
It's not good to provoke anyone, if you insist on provoking Da Zhou, you must detain the concubine of the Emperor Da Zhou.

So that it caused the disaster of destroying the country.

Soon Ye Qing and the others came to Chengjiang, joined Qiao Feng and the others, and then headed east.

The Dian army that was chasing them heard the news of Zhuang Yang's death.

All are horrified.

There is no longer any thought of chasing Ye Qing and the others.

Instead, they lost their backbone and all withered.

The king of Dian is dead!

Now Master Zhuang Yang is dead too!
Where does Dian Kingdom go, this is what they have to consider next.


Ye Qing and the others did not return to Yun Country, but headed towards Yelang Country.

The guide of Yunguo returned to Yunguo silently with shock.

He wanted to report the affairs of Dian Kingdom to the relevant departments of Yun Kingdom as soon as possible.

Come up with corresponding countermeasures as soon as possible.

Although the Kingdom of Yun is not prone to war, but with the fall of the Kingdom of Dian, the surrounding countries will inevitably divide into groups.

No country despises its own small territory.

Yun Kingdom will also use this opportunity to divide part of the territory of Dian Kingdom.

to strengthen oneself.

Of course, Ye Qing and the others don't care about this.

After leaving Tonglao City in Dian Kingdom, it completely disappeared from Dian Kingdom.

"Your Majesty, head east. To the east is Yelang, to the west is Luo Dian Kingdom and Liupan Cave Master. After these, the intersection with our Qianwei County is Qilan Kingdom." Meng Ying said:

"If you don't want to take a detour, you can go directly to the Road of Thorns through Luo Dianguo and Liupan Cave Master's site!"

Ye Qingdao: "Let's go to Zolo City, the capital of Yelang! Let's also experience the customs of Yelang!"

Meng Ying was in a hurry to return to Shu, and said, "That's fine, I haven't been there either."

The route of Meng Ying’s journey to the west is to go west along the Jinsha River along the Thorn Road, to Qiongdu, Guozhan, Yun, Dali, and Nanzhao, and then go south to the east and return to Ziqi, Guiguo, and Dian. Originally, I still wanted to go Yelang turned around and headed north to Luo Dianguo.

As a result, the Dian Kingdom blocked the way.

So Ye Qing's intention is to harmonize with her own.

And she even wants to enhance the relationship between the two of them through traveling all the way.

She also does not want to become a political victim herself.

Although she is not needed in exchange for any political chips.

But there is always some discomfort.

Entering Yelang, the environment here is very different from Yun Kingdom and Dian Kingdom.

The landform belongs to the plateau and mountains, and the terrain in the territory is high in the west and low in the east. Yelang is known as "eight mountains, one water and one field".

Therefore, there are many steep mountains, vertical and horizontal river valleys, and very little cultivated land.

Mostly hunting.

There is no such thing as a village, and most of them live in cottages, and some live in caves.

The climate here is warm and humid, warm in winter and cool in summer, which is slightly different from that of Yunguo.

Therefore, there are few cities in Yelang Kingdom.

Except for a few important cities such as the capital, most of the common people live in the mountains.

Seeing Ye Qing and others passing by the various hills, the people of Yelang were more vigilant.

Experts from all over the world poured out, and the weapons in their hands were extremely outdated.

The Mao family conveyed goodwill to the Yelang people from all over the country, saying that they would pass by and go to Zolo City.

The people of Yelang, this and put away the hostility.

Watch them go.

Zolo City is in the northern part of Yelang Kingdom.

When they arrived at Zolo City, Ye Qing and others knew that the Yelang they knew was different.

"Your Majesty, this is the real core of Yelang. Zolo City is the main city, and there are many cities built around it. These cities have 1 people in the big ones, and thousands of people in the small ones. They are scattered all over the city and defend Zolo City."

The members of the Mao family recounted the news from a small city lord in Yelang.

"In this way, the Yelang Kingdom is not very primitive and uncivilized. Although it is a little behind the Yun Kingdom and the Dian Kingdom, it still has its own unique cultural features!" Keep the open land ahead at eye level.

Meng Yingdao: "Yelang is similar to Yun, Dian and other countries. Most of them are slaves, which is still very barbaric."

"It's good to be barbaric, we have excuses and opportunities to be barbaric!"

Ye Qing pointed to the city road of Zolo City, the largest city in the distance:
"Let's go, let's meet King Yelang."

Everyone continued on the road, passing countless small towns along the way.

As said, it is very small.

It is a bit similar to the castles in the Western Middle Ages on the earth.

Zolo City is built entirely of stones, about two feet high, not very high.

The walls are not thick either, less than a quarter of the size of the great city of Chang'an.

The city gate is very small, which may be related to the people of Yelang.

The people here are generally shorter, and there are few tall and mighty people.

I heard about the intention of Ye Qing and others.

The city gate will quickly send someone to notify King Yelang.

King Yelang was very happy when he heard that the envoys from the distant Zhou Dynasty had come.

So he ordered Ye Qing and others to enter the city and enter the palace.

Along the way, the roads in Zolo City are narrow and narrow, and most of the houses are built of stones.

The city is not big, and Ye Qing estimates that it can only accommodate 8 people at most.

Compared with Chang'an, where millions of people can live, it is nothing.

Yelang's palace is very special, with countless horns piercing the wall.

There is no inscription on the palace gate, and there are also big horns embedded in it.

It can be seen that Yelang people worship cattle very much.

Soon Ye Qing and others came to the main hall of the palace, saying that it was the main hall, which was the area of ​​a county government office in Da Zhou.

"Emissary Zhou came all the way to see the vast territory of my Yelang, who is older, Zhou or me?"

When King Yelang came up with the first sentence, he asked with a smile.

Ye Qing and others who just came in were a little surprised!

Who is older, Zhou or me?
(End of this chapter)

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