I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 676: King Yelang's Change of Attitude

Chapter 676: King Yelang's Change of Attitude
Who is older, Zhou or me?
King Yelang's question was really abrupt.

There was an arrogance like King Dian in his words.

He is so arrogant that he wants to compare his strength with Da Zhou.

Moreover, that tone is not asking, it is simply declaring.

Ye Qing said to the Mao family: "Translate it to King Yelang, and say that there are six prefectures in Dazhou: Youyi, Ba, Liang, Si, Shuo, and He, and each prefecture is bigger than Dian Kingdom.

There are as few as one million people in a state, and as many as 600 million. "

The Mao family translated the original words to King Yelang.

King Yelang and the civil and military officials of Yelang Kingdom were all shocked when they heard this.

But there was doubt in his eyes.

A state is bigger than a country.

A state has as few as 100 million people and as many as 600 million.

Calculated in this way, Dazhou has at least 2000 million people.

What is this number, this is an astronomical number.

And Yelang is only a little bigger than the Dian Kingdom, so it is not a giant.

Otherwise it would be an empire, not a kingdom.

So Yelang Wang didn't believe it.

Ye Qing went on to say: "The king of Dian rudely suppressed our people in Dazhou, His Majesty the emperor of our country was furious, and sent three sixth-rank masters with the lowest strength in the empire to ask for an explanation.

The king of Dian and the people of Dian ignored them, being arrogant and rude. My Da Zhou envoy had to use barbaric means to kill the king of Dian and Zhuang Yang, a master of his country's defense. "

Speaking of this, Ye Qing stopped talking.

I believe this is enough to deter Yelang King and Yelang people.

"What? King Diandian is dead!"

"Zhuang Yang is dead too!"

Yelang Wang Teng stood up.

The civil servants under him were also terrified.

This is great news!

The king of Dian is dead!

The strongest master of the Dian Kingdom also died.

The kingdom of Dian is finished.

Then my Yelang country will be developed.

If you attack the Dian Kingdom at this time, you will be able to swallow a large area of ​​the country.

But... Then they quickly calmed down.

Da Zhou dispatched the three weakest sixth-rank masters in the empire.


Just to teach the king of Dian to detain their people, and then send three town kings.

There is something wrong with you!

Still really arrogant.

Three supreme beings can be sent out at will, so how many supreme beings are there in this big week.

"May I ask Envoy Zhou, are these three adults also in the team?" King Yelang's voice trembled.

In the absence of the original arrogance and contempt.

If this offends the Dazhou Mission, they will kill my Yelang easily.

Then he would have to cry.

No, there is no place to cry.

After all, he was so close to Ye Qing and the others.

If the opponent wants to attack, it is estimated that his own Supreme will not even have a chance to rescue him.

So King Yelang and all the civil and military men couldn't help swallowing their throats.

Ye Qing replied confidently and positively: "Of course, two of them are in the hall."



Young people, don't talk about Wude.

If there is a Supreme who doesn't show his cards early, he will almost be a dog's tail.

The Yelang country civil and military people around felt their hearts suddenly twitched, and each of them became nervous.

"This... this... Since you are here, why don't you introduce me to this king? How can my Yelang Kingdom be rude and make people laugh when the two adults come here!" Faster than flipping a book.

Everyone in Da Zhou only thought it was funny.

Just now you were telling us who is older, Zhou or Yelang?

At this moment, I know I'm cowardly.

The same thing as the King of Dian.

Ye Qingdao: "I'm one of them. Your Majesty treats me well, and I will also treat Yelang Kingdom and Your Majesty according to the courtesy!"

"You...you are a sixth grade at such a young age!" King Yelang was shocked again.

There is no mistake, sixteen-year-old Liupin.

Could it be that you Da Zhou are birth freaks?

But with the previous lessons.

This time he didn't dare to be suspicious.

Ye Qing didn't say much, and released his vigor.

The next moment, strong winds blew all around.

All the curtains in the hall flew up.

Everyone's clothes were also slightly raised.

The sixth-rank master of the Yelang Kingdom who protected King Yelang's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help saying: "Seventh rank!"

Seven products!

King Yelang and the others' expressions were so ugly that they were extremely ugly.

I have mixed feelings in my heart.

Envy, envy, hate!
He is not only a Supreme, but also a Supreme who is not as weak as a crown. Most importantly, he is a seventh-rank.

In one's lifetime, one might reach the eighth rank, or even the ninth rank.

If you make a bold guess, it is possible to break through the ninth rank and go up to another legendary level.

Anqing, lucky.

King Yelang and the others secretly rejoiced.

"Come on, let's take a seat, hurry up, give your lord a seat!"

King Yelang suddenly became warm and hospitable.

Next, Ye Qing communicated with him again.

And proposed to send envoys to each other and build an embassy.

King Yelang agreed all the time, and Ye Qing did whatever he said, so he almost offered Yelang Kingdom.

Now that he knows how thick Da Zhou's legs are, how dare he play Da Zhou's idea.

Instead, he wanted to curry favor with Da Zhou so that he could use his power to unify the Quartet.

Ye Qing naturally didn't point it out, everyone got what they needed.

Coming out of the palace, Meng Ying asked, "How is Yelang Kingdom and King Yelang?"

"The copy of King Dian is arrogant and ignorant." Ye Qing said with a smile:
"But hurry up, Yijing has been trained by me, and we will stay in Zolo City for a few days in the next few days.

Find a suitable place to build the museum, and leave some people here to return to Chang'an! "

"Returning to Chang'an, not Yizhou." Meng Ying seemed to have noticed something.

Ye Qingsui said again: "Arrange them well, we will go north to Luo Dianguo by choosing a route.

Of course, after arriving in Yizhou, I went to Chang'an. "

Although Meng Ying was a concubine in name at this time.

But she's not a concubine, she's her real woman.

So Ye Qing didn't tell her about the teleportation formation.

The next day, Wolong Zhuge and Mao's family went out to find the teleportation seat.

The location is under an abandoned grain depot.

After mentioning it to King Yelang, all within a radius of one mile or five miles were assigned to the Da Zhoujian embassy.

At the same time, the Yelang Kingdom also prepared for war.

The order to mobilize spread to the cities and villages.

When Ye Qing and others left the border of Yelang Kingdom, the army of Yelang Kingdom moved towards the Kingdom of Dian with the direction of war.

Go out of Yelang Kingdom and pass through the site of the master of Liupan Cave.

Every tribe mainly lives in caves.

Compared with Yelang and others, he is more barbaric and uncivilized.

When Ye Qing and others passed by, two tribes came to attack and plunder Ye Qing and others.

Ye Qing and the others wiped it out with a wave of their hands.

Two fires turned Liupan Cave Masters into four.

The other four cave masters shunned them when they saw them, and they didn't dare to provoke the troops with the red flag and the pattern of Zhou written on it.

Entering Luo Dianguo through Liupan Dongzhu's territory, Luo Dianguo also sharpened his sword and rushed to Zhuyang, preparing to attack Dian Kingdom.

However, when they heard that Ye Qing and others were coming, they hurriedly used the army to receive Ye Qing and others.

One is to show grandeur, and the other is to fear that Ye Qing and others will destroy Luo Dianguo.

So when meeting King Luo Dianguo, King Luo Dian and the other nobles should be more polite.

Ye Qing didn't make it difficult for them, and routinely said the request of sending envoys to each other and sending ambassadors.

Luo Dianguo dared to say no, so he readily agreed.

All he wanted was to send Ye Qing and the others away to share food in the Dian Kingdom as soon as possible.

After Luo Dianguo was settled, Ye Qing and others entered Qilan Kingdom.

And Languo handed over to Qianwei County, Yizhou, Great Zhou Dynasty.

Moreover, the demise of the Dian Kingdom had no conflict of interest with them.

So from the moment they entered Qilan country, Ye Qing and others were targeted by Qilan people.

(End of this chapter)

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