I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 677 ? Large Barbecue Site

Chapter 677 Large Barbecue Site
Qilan country!
"My lord! We found out that some people from Zhou came out from Luo Dianguo and wanted to return to Qianwei, and Luo Dianguo is mobilizing troops and gathering troops. The intention is unknown!"

The spies came back and reported the bits and pieces of news they had learned.

King Qi Lan frowned slightly when he heard this.

The Qilan people below are directly cheating.

"My lord, it's reasonable that the people of Zhou sent envoys to contact Luo Dianguo, intending to attack our country, swallow up our land, and our people!"

"My lord, you can't let these Zhou people go back, and you can't let Da Zhou unite with Luo Dianguo, or we will be in danger for Languo!"

"That's right, Wang, Zhou people are extremely greedy. They will destroy Ba first, and then swallow Shu. Sooner or later they will invade Qilan, Wang. It is better to strike first."

King Qilan was not a good person either. Hearing this, he stood up, held up his scepter, and shouted loudly:
"Okay, let me tell you that the men in Lan Kingdom are all warriors, and you all have the courage to fear nothing.

There is also Zhongyong who has served the country, and the god of the Lan Kingdom will bless you.

Kill the envoy of Zhou and cut off the relationship between Zhou State and Luo Dian State.

Whether it's Dazhou or Luo Dianguo, don't even think about passing through my Qilan country at will! "

"King! King Wang! Qilan! Qilan..."

And the people of Languo cheered loudly.

King Laqie mobilized the surrounding soldiers and horses to kill Ye Qing's team.

Fenguan Mountain!
This is the place where Ye Qing and others must pass when going north. After fifty miles away from here, it is the boundary of Yizhou.

Of course, this boundary is very vague.

There is no actual demarcation between the two countries.

"Your Majesty! Languo's intentions are not good for us, and they mobilized 3 troops to ambush at the Fenguan Pass in front!" Li Yuanfang reported:
"Among them, there are 20 masters of the first and second ranks, three of the third ranks, one of the fourth ranks, none of the fifth ranks, and none of the sixth ranks!"

"Oh, I really think of us as soft persimmons. The sixth grade has not been dispatched, and they still want to make trouble!" Ye Qing said:

"What is the identity of the leader, can you figure it out?"

Li Yuanfang guessed: "Yichen guessed that he should be their king, he was dressed in a different way, with gold ornaments on his body and a gold ring in his hand.

Others are either wearing silver jewelry, wearing silver rings or copper rings in their hands.

Either it is a batch of copper ornaments and an iron ring. "

Ye Qingxun asked the Mao family.

The Mao family replied: "Your Majesty, it should be the king of Qilan! Besides, only the royal family can use gold in Lan. Others, even nobles, cannot wear gold unless it is rewarded by the royal family."

"Your Majesty, what shall we do then?" Meng Ying asked.

3 million people.

Now Da Zhou's team is full of players, even if it is full, there are less than 30 people.

Although all of them are masters with high martial arts skills.

But two fists are no match for four hands.

After all, the Lan Kingdom has a large population and is extremely barbaric.

A little carelessness may cause accidents.

Ye Qing looked at Fenguan Mountain and said with a smile: "What should I do? BBQ of course? Wouldn't it be a pity that there are so many pigs not used for roasting?"


Meng Ying didn't know what it meant.

But Ding Chunqiu and others quickly realized it.

set fire.

fire attack.

Besides, the Lan Kingdom's [-] troops were not lying in ambush on the mountain.

Okay, I will set fire under the mountain, burn the mountain, and burn you all on skewers.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I'll do it later!"

There is almost no need to explain.

Those who can bring Zhongye Qing out are all seasoned hands.

Anyone who offends my Great Zhou will be punished even if he is far away.

The little Qilan country actually wants to launch an ambush, so go ahead and dream.

If I don't teach you a lesson, I really think I can go to heaven.

Soon Ding Chunqiu, Li Yuanfang and others found themselves at the foot of Fenguan Mountain.

The crowd is divided into four directions.

Fired almost simultaneously.

The inner strength is released outward, and the fire is blown up the mountain.

The fire was raging, and the smoke was billowing, rushing up the mountain.

The Qilan people who were ambushing on Fenguan Mountain were choked by the thick smoke.

They covered their mouths and noses and said, "What's going on, where did the smoke come from?"

"Damn it, go down and have a look!"

Moreover, under the protection of a group of masters, King Lan did not feel well.

After a while, the person who went down to see the inspector ran back.

"King, the big thing is not good. The mountain is on fire. The fire is fierce and it is burning towards the mountain!"

"What? Who set the fire, which direction is there no fire now, which direction should we go down the mountain!"

Saying that, King Qilan was about to leave.

The messenger said with a mournful face, "My lord, there are fires all around, and they are all burning up the mountain. We... can do it, but we can't run away!"

"What? You bastard!" Qi Lan Wang kicked the man away.

Looking at the mountain with thick smoke billowing all around, he gritted his teeth and said, "Forcibly cross the sea of ​​flames and let me go down the mountain!"

"Come on, protect the king down the mountain!"

Qi Lan's masters rushed in one after another, wielding their swords and clothes one by one, driving away the smoke.

Forcibly rushed down the mountain.

There are countless Qilan soldiers in the back.

Rather than waiting to die on the mountain, it is better for King Zhong to forcefully descend the mountain.

Besides, King Lan and the others are easy to say, they are guarded by a group of masters who can split the smoke.

The ordinary Qilan soldiers in the back did not have this treatment.

One by one was fumigated.

I can't breathe.

Finally fell to the ground.

Foaming at the mouth, or fainting.

"Open!" The smoke is easy to talk about, but the sea of ​​fire is difficult to deal with.

The masters of Qilan Kingdom tried their best to split the flames and clear a path.

Use inner strength to isolate the fire.

However, some people still couldn't resist and were left behind after being burned.

Then it was engulfed by the fire, rolled on the ground, and screamed terribly.

"King! Help me...help..."

Moreover, there are fewer and fewer masters around King Lan, and those with low force are gradually eliminated.

In the end, there were only masters above the second rank left.

And each of them is painful.

His face was blackened.

And Lan Wang is not much better.

But fortunately, finally broke out of the flames.

"Ahem... Wang, we finally came out alive!"

Someone said happily.

Qi Lan Wang heard the words and looked back, only to hear the shrill screams coming from the mountain from time to time.

That was the magic sound of the [-] army being swallowed by the fire.

Thirty thousand troops.

And King Lan couldn't cry out when he was in pain, and he wanted to cry but had no tears.

Looking at the only eighteen black people around him, he felt like dying.

Once the fire poured out the elite of Qilan Kingdom.

This is the foundation of Qilan Kingdom.

This is Qilan Kingdom...


Qi Lan Wang spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body went limp and fell down.

But not dizzy.

The masters around him hurriedly caught him.

"I'm fine, come back quickly!" King Qilan knew that the fire was strange, so he waved to leave.

At this time, a strange cry sounded.

"Jie Jie... I want to leave at this time, isn't it a bit late!"

On a tree opposite, Ding Chunqiu's figure stood on a branch.

On the ground floor, there were also more than a dozen masters of Da Zhou costumes.

They once half-surrounded and blocked the way of King Qilan and his party.

"You... are Zhou people!"

"It was you who set the fire, you are so ruthless!"

Ding Chunqiu sneered and said:

"It was you who had nothing to do first, you ambushed us with 3 people and a few dozen people, and you have the nerve to call us ruthless.

I, Da Zhou, have no grievances or enmities with you and the country of Lan, but I just passed by your country, and your country treats you with this great gift. If we don't return some gifts to you, wouldn't it be a breach of courtesy! "

(End of this chapter)

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