Chapter 678


When King Lan heard this, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and really passed out.

If there is a cause, there must be an effect.

Retribution came so fast!
"Kill, escort the king back!"

The people of Qilan Kingdom shouted loudly, resorted to killing moves, and rushed towards the masters of Da Zhou.

The first one at the fourth stage directly rushed towards Ding Chunqiu.


"The Great Law of Transformation!"

Ding Chunqiu swooped down from above, his palms slammed directly.

Fight against this fourth-rank master of Qilan Kingdom.


He knocked it down with two palms, hitting the ground hard.

Then his head crooked.

Seeing this, the other Qilan people were all horrified.

Sixth Grade Realm!
Still playing hair!


"Your Majesty! You..."

It was only later that Meng Ying realized that Ye Qing's so-called barbecue was like this.

Ye Qing pulled her back and moved the burning Fenguan Mountain.

"Ying'er, this is the cruel fact between countries. If we don't kill them, they will kill us." Dianhua said:

"The world is cruel, and even if we don't want to get in trouble, trouble will get in us anyway.

The world is big, anything can happen.

There is no right or wrong in war, nor is there any justice or evil. "

Meng Ying was not the ignorant and ignorant girl before.

He sighed softly: "Your Majesty, I know that war is bloody and cruel. I have no objection, but feel that life is fleeting and changeable."

She has long been used to seeing bloody storms during this journey.

The land of Baipu is not a paradise on earth, on the contrary it is a purgatory on earth.

The savagery and bloody cruelty here are even worse than those in the Shu Kingdom, the Great Zhou Dynasty, or the land of the Central Plains.

Ye Qing put his arms around her shoulders and said softly:

"If it is possible, no one wants to have a war. The world is in harmony, and the beauty and beauty are shared, which is what we are pursuing."

Soon Ding Chunqiu came back with the fainted King Qilan.

"Your Majesty, King Qilan's [-] troops and his personal guards have all been wiped out, this is King Qilan!" After speaking, Ding Chunqiu threw King Qilan to the ground.

Somebody brought water to wake King Qilan up.

Qi Lan Wang woke up with doubts on his face.

Seeing that there are masters in Zhou people's costumes all around, he suddenly came back to his senses.

"You guys... don't mess around, I am King Qilan, kill me, and Qilan Kingdom will live forever with you forever!"

Qi Lan Wang wanted to climb, but he couldn't exert any strength on his body.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The big Zhou masters around had mocking and disdainful expressions on their faces.

If you don't die, it's up to you Qilan Kingdom.

If it weren't for my Da Zhou not wanting to open up to the southwest now, Bashu hasn't digested it yet.

It's a matter of minutes to destroy you Qilan country.

"King Qilan, do you want to die or live!"

Ye Qing approached, knelt down and looked down at King Qilan.

Qi Lan Wang had a puzzled look on his face, he puffed his throat and replied, "This Da Zhou...what do you mean?"

Qi Lan Wang certainly wanted to live.

His majestic king still has a lot of beautiful days to think about, who wants to die.

"If you want to die, then we will fulfill it now, and end it with a knife.

Then go to your king's capital by the way, and destroy you Qilan country. "Ye Qing waved at a follower and asked him to take down the pen and paper. That's right Qi Lan Wang said:
"It's easy to want to live. From now on, Lan Guo surrenders to the Great Zhou Empire. It is a vassal state of the Great Zhou Empire. It guards the southwestern frontier for the Great Zhou. It will never be betrayed."

"You... don' want to kill me Qilan!" King Qilan's eyes widened, wanting to refuse.

However, sharp gazes from all around suppressed what he still wanted to say.

Ye Qingdao: "My Great Zhou has no intention of destroying any country, whether it is Bashu, your Qilan, or Dian.

It's all because you provoked my Da Zhou first, and wanted to harm my Da Zhou, so you couldn't fight back.

To be honest, I, Da Zhou, really look down on you, Qilan, and the wild people. "

"Although you and Lan Kingdom are my Great Zhou's subjects, my Great Zhou will not interfere with you in exercising your king's power in the country, except that we will send corresponding officials of rites and education to assist you in managing the vassal state.

You think about it carefully, now that Luo Dian Kingdom and Yelang Kingdom are vying to become my Da Zhou's vassal state, I, Da Zhou, didn't agree because it was troublesome, and instead helped them kill the King of Dian. Conversely, you Qilan Kingdom..."

"I am willing, this king is willing!" Qi Lan Wang hurriedly responded.

Ye Qing's threatening words were too strong.

If you don't surrender, Qilan will be destroyed.

And there is no need to send troops in the big week.

Luo Dianguo and Yelang could kill them.

This is horrible.

Only then did he understand what Luo Dianguo Zhou envoys were doing in Luo Dianguo.

It is to destroy the Dian Kingdom.

Intelligence error.

It's too easy for Dazhou to destroy Qilan.

He has no choice.

After King Qilan was persuaded, he signed the vassal form and stamped the seals of the two countries.

From then on, Qieran belonged to Da Zhou legally.

Although this Qilan still has a high degree of autonomy.

But Da Zhou has the right to enter the country to interfere in its military affairs.

Although Ye Qing will not do this yet.

Mostly, officials are sent to Qieran to transform and export culture.

But in the future, if Qilan country dares to have evil thoughts, Da Zhou will be famous as a teacher, and if Qilan is beaten, all the tribes of Baipu countries will have nothing to say.

Next Ding Chunqiu escorted King Qilan to King Qilan's capital.

Let King Qilan announce this great event in front of the people of King Qilan.

And Lan Wang's sixth-rank master was the first to rush out, but after being beaten up by Ding Chunqiu, he became honest.

Only now did the people of Qilan understand what kind of existence they had provoked.

Even if the [-] troops were not burned to death.

Moreover, the Lan Kingdom was also vulnerable in front of Da Zhou.

Now there is no subjugation after all.

It is the best result to surrender to Da Zhou and use the scriptures.

After dealing with the matter of Qilan Kingdom, Ye Qing and others continued to go north, and Ding Qiuchun and others followed after a few days.

Entering Yizhou, first went to Meimen.

Meng Ying chatted with Nagato Meimen.

Ye Qing and Guo Xiang lived together warmly.

"How are you doing? What's so special about Meimen's secret knowledge!" Ye Qing asked.

Guo Xiang smiled slightly and said, "Fortunately, Meimen's unique art is indeed very special, very obscure and difficult to understand, but to know why, after I read it, I felt a sense of déjà vu.

I was able to comprehend it all at once, and learned a general idea very quickly. Now I have cracked two martial arts based on scriptures.

However, further practice is needed, and only after it has been mastered can it be completely cracked, so as not to bury hidden dangers for those who will learn later! "

"It's good if I can crack it. My Xiang'er is really the best." Ye Qing stroked Guo Xiangren's hair, and the two sat on the bench hugging each other, watching the beautiful scenery under the sunset.

"We will be returning to Chang'an in a few days. You should be more careful here. Do not rush to practice martial arts. Take your time. We are still young and Da Zhou is still growing. We have plenty of time!"

"Hmm! Good Your Majesty, my concubine will pay attention, Your Majesty don't have to worry about me!"

(End of this chapter)

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