Chapter 679

It is said that although Ye Qing and others have left.

But in the land of Baipu, there are more and more topics left.

The name of the Great Zhou has also been thoroughly spread throughout the countries.

Kill the king of Dian and punish him as a sixth-rank national protector.

Destroy the two cave masters and subdue Qilan Kingdom.

Tyrannical, tough means are all awe-inspiring.

Those who offend the Great Zhou will be punished even if they are far away, but whoever dares to provoke the Great Zhou will die and the country will be destroyed.

All of a sudden, all ethnic groups in Baipu countries were in awe of Da Zhou, but also a little curious.

Just how strong Da Zhou is and how many masters he has.

This strongly attracts all nations and races to explore.


This trip, the time is not short, the road is turnover, and the itinerary is very long.

As soon as he returned to Taiji Palace, Ye Qing went straight to the cabinet!
"Recently, what major events have happened at home and abroad?"

Ye Qing asked directly.

Zhang Juzheng replied first: "Return to Your Majesty, because the reform of our household department has been completed, the Encyclopedia Inspectorate has achieved remarkable results, and a large number of former court officials have been investigated and dealt with.

Now it is facing a nationwide promotion, so...many family officials have started to panic, and many people have recently resigned voluntarily. "

"This is a good thing, since they have resigned, let those who have won the previous imperial examinations be recruited into the yamen of various ministries.

Promote those officials who have meritorious service in front of them. "What else is Ye Qing doing?"

This situation is expected.

Zhang Juzheng continued: "Your Majesty, the biggest problem is that those who resigned are basically urging people, and they all went to Hongnong County. I feel that there must be something hidden in this."

"Oh! There is such a thing!" Ye Qing looked at Li Ru, who was in charge of intelligence.

Li Ru stood up and said, "Your Majesty, according to Jin Yiwei's surveillance, the Cui family has been in close contact with South Korea recently.

Moreover, they frequently entered and exited King Hongnong's mansion, and we don't know what to discuss specifically. "

"Heh, go to the third child's place, South Korea? It's interesting!" Ye Qing sneered, his eyes darkened.

Because of the expansion of the opponents of the Great Zhou and the continuous victory, Ye Qing restored the titles of the princes.

Whether it's Ye Tao or Ye Wei, he has re-promoted them to princes.

To show grace, so that Da Zhou can be more cohesive.

Now the Cui family and Hongnong Palace are active again.

"Okay, put this aside for now, let's talk about other things!" He had his own ideas about how to deal with King Hongnong, so he skipped it.

Then everyone mentioned the problems encountered in the country.

Finally, Bai Qi stood up and said: "Your Majesty, during your absence, Chu Yue launched an attack on Wancheng, but was blocked by Di Qing. Chu Yue Kingdom lost 5000 soldiers and horses, and we also died and injured a few." With [-] people, Nanyang is currently in a confrontation again."

"5000 people were killed or injured, and the Chuyue Kingdom fired their crossbows in large numbers!" Ye Qing probably guessed the reason.

Bai Qi said: "That's right, Your Majesty, the Chuyue Kingdom is still manufacturing like crazy. According to the news from our Ministry of National Defense, the Chuyue Kingdom may want to build 1 Liannu, and form ten companies with [-] people each." Crossbow Army, in order to gain an overwhelming advantage in the direction of ordnance!"

Having money is willful.

A strong national strength means that it can be built with great strength.

This is the advantage of Chuyue Kingdom.

"It seems that Xiong Wanye's vision is not small, with one hundred thousand Liannu, I don't know when his treasury will be exhausted!" Ye Qing smiled, motioned Bai Qi to sit down, then looked at the Ministry of Industry and said:
"Our ordnance department in Dazhou should get more new weapons. We must have a preemptive advantage before we can win the next battle against Chuyue Kingdom!"

The Ministry of Industry has a heavy task now.

Either build bridges or build roads.

Or build cities in each new county.

Be on the go all day long.

The manpower is stretched.

However, Lu Ban stood up bravely and said, "It's Your Majesty, people from the Ministry of Industry have already been researching and developing new ordnance, and I believe it will be put into the battlefield soon."

Then Zhang Yi talked about the princes of the Guandong.

Pengcheng fell, and South Korea finally captured the city.

However, they are not marching towards Taishan County.

Because the soldiers and horses of South Korea are exhausted, and after attacking for so long, the casualties are more than those of the East China Sea.

The most important thing is that South Korea's finances are a bit too much.

The consumption of food and grass is huge, and the national strength is limited.

It is not as hard to build as the Chuyue Kingdom.

As for the Eastern Qi State, it can only be described as paddling water, and there has been no progress.

Wei State and Bohai State have also undergone changes.

The loss of a county in Bohai Kingdom is regarded as a loss.

Now the confrontation continues, and the two countries are still fighting for national strength.

"The governor of Hexi can send the message back!"

The situation in Kanto is roughly the same.

Zhang Yi went on to say: "The governor of Hexi has received good news that the Yue clan, the governor of Hexi and other small countries and clans have launched a joint attack on Quanrong.

Quanrong was a little caught off guard, and was attacked everywhere, causing many casualties, and lost a large area of ​​land.

Rouran also got in touch with the governor of Hexi and established a communication channel.

Rouran should send an envoy to Dazhou next month.

It is estimated that they will discuss how to deal with the Turks! "

Turkic in the north of Rouran has always been the enemy of Rouran, this thorn pierced Rouran and has been restless.

If Da Zhou can help solve the Turks, then Rouran doesn't mind Da Zhou taking over the Hexi area.

Swallow three dogs together.

"That's good. Don't neglect the matter of getting ready for the reception. Rouran and Yueshi are the targets we are trying to win over in Xi'an. Before the empire's character has skyrocketed, our control in Hexi will be slightly insufficient." .

Need to be razed to yourself. "Ye Qing instructed:

"We must do everything possible to promote the charm of our Great Zhou culture, the advanced nature of our Great Zhou civilization, and the benefits that our Great Zhou culture can bring to people of all ethnic groups in Hexi.

I will use my Dazhou culture to influence them as much as possible. In this regard, the Ministry of Education must form a group of people to help the Ministry of Rites.

The same is true for the Propaganda Department. They need to send people to Hexi to understand the various countries and ethnic groups thoroughly, and then make corresponding propaganda strategies to be targeted! "

"It's Your Majesty!" Cai Lun, Mencius and others replied one after another.

Next, the focus of the Great Week is going west and going east.

Two directions are the key, one is related to the growth and rise of the Great Zhou, and the other is related to the future and long-term existence of the Great Zhou.

Both are indispensable.

After the meeting was over, Ye Qing returned to the imperial study, and listened to the intelligence report from Jin Yiwei alone.

busy into the night.

Only then did Ye Qing finish handling the basic government affairs.

"Your Majesty, where are you going tonight?" Cao Zhengchun asked.

Ye Qing thought for a while, and replied: "Go to Concubine Xian's palace! Concubine Xian may be a little uncomfortable just coming here!"

Concubine Xian is Meng Ying's title.

Arrived in Chang'an with Ye Qing.

From now on, they will live together in the palace.

"No!" Cao Zhengchun led the way.

Ye Qing walked in the middle, heading towards where Meng Ying was going.

At this time, a long-lost mechanical sound suddenly sounded in my mind.

"Ding! My lord, the Yelang Kingdom wants to know if there is any move to go south to swallow Yelang after Dazhou's conquest and Lan Kingdom is a vassal state, so as to prepare for this, and is willing to spend 1 taels of silver as a reward!"

(End of this chapter)

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