I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 681?? Xun You's View

Chapter 681 Xun You's Viewpoint
"Your Majesty! First of all, it is unrighteous for South Korea to contact the instigator and the officials of Dazhou in private.

It is unwise to try to overthrow my Da Zhou regime.

It is inhumane to seek information about our Great Zhou Group Army. "Ye Wei said impassionedly:

"For such an unkind, unrighteous and unwise move, my Dazhou has every reason to send troops to crusade, question Han Huang, ask for an explanation, and become famous as a teacher. I believe that Marshal Han will be happy. If he is better than my Dazhou, it will be of great benefit!"

The name of sending troops has been obtained.

That's a really good excuse.

very perfect.

Ye Qing nodded slightly.

motioned him to continue.

Ye Wei went on to say:

"Secondly, since South Korea wants to play a black hand on me, as long as I reveal the degree of difficulty, South Korea can increase investment and consume more resources.

Even South Korea will contact Wei Guo and Chu Yue Guo to invest together for this opportunity to overthrow my Great Zhou.

My Dazhou is short of resources. Since the Three Kingdoms have such kind intentions, if they don't accept them, it will not chill their hearts. "

Yin man, Ye Wei is serious.

He couldn't win against his brother Ye Qing.

Still can't beat South Korea.

"Brother Huang, I suddenly feel that there is a position that is very suitable for you!" Ye Qing suddenly popped a word in his mind when he heard this.

Ye Wei's eyes lit up.

Although he is a prince, he has no authority.

He hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, please make it clear!"

"Strategic deception!" Ye Qing said simply.

Strategic deception!

what is this?
Never heard of it at all.

But the word "Flicker" seems to make people understand something.

"Okay, I'll bring up this matter later, after all, will you be enthusiastic about it or not." Ye Qing said:

"Go ahead and talk!"

Only then did Ye Wei restrain his expression, and returned to the topic:
"Your Majesty, now that the Dongguo Kingdom has been crippled, it can only retreat to Mount Tai. The worries of the Chuyue Kingdom and South Korea are relieved, and they can naturally deal with our great Zhou with all their strength.

Therefore, they are intensively instigating against the officials of our Dazhou, instigating ministers and others to overthrow the new reform of the empire, causing civil strife.

Then march in the joint army and attack me in Dazhou. "

"This time, their main force may advance towards Luoyang, supplemented by Wuguan. According to the tone of the South Korean envoy, the Chuyue Kingdom may support Liannu to South Korea in exchange for the advantage of advancing troops.

South Korea will launch a surprise attack in Luoyang City at the first time, attack our Qinglong Army, and behead Han Dashuai and others! "

After all, among all the armies of the Great Zhou, the generals of the Qinglong Army are the weakest.

From Han Xin to the generals below, there are no outstanding generals.

Ye Qing also didn't dispatch a general with high martial arts skills from himself.

The Qinglong Army is all the original generals of the Great Zhou Empire.

Although the strength is not weak, it still lacks some pillars.

"Heh, South Korea is very beautiful. I think if they really want to do this, they will be surprised, and they will be in trouble!" Ye Qing sneered, expressing his disdain.

The system just sent him a few generals to strengthen his strength.

It just happened to be added to the Qinglong Army.

"Emperor brother, you go back first, I will let the imperial intelligence department cooperate with you, you can act boldly and show your talents."

"I've said it before, the Great Zhou is our Great Zhou, and the Ye family needs to grow as a royal family. One person can't support an empire. I'm not afraid of your ability.

I am afraid that you are not capable, but you are pretentious, want to sit in high positions, want to have great power, that will only be the scourge of the empire. "

"The world is very big, and there are dozens of countries in the east. My great wish is to plant the flag of the Great Zhou in thousands of mountains and rivers.

I also hope that you can rest with the country and go out together to the broader world.

The outside world is huge and exciting, and it should be held in the hands of our Ye family royal family. "

Ye Wei was very excited when he heard that, and also excited.

This is what he wants!

For him now, it doesn't matter whether he is emperor or not.

Importantly, men need power.

Need to go around.

The outside was given to them by Ye Qingxu, whether they have the ability to go out, and whether they have the ability to take it.

You need to fight for it by yourself, and you need to have strength.

Idiots don't deserve to have everything.

"It's Your Majesty, I'm taking my leave first!"

After getting what he wanted, Ye Wei bowed and resigned.

Then Ye Qing had someone call Li Ru and Guo Jia over.

He told about Ye Wei's sneaking into Beijing.

After listening far away, Li Ru had the original expression.

Immediately replied: "Your Majesty, don't worry, Jin Yiwei will cooperate with King Hongnong, cover up, and deceive and monitor the Koreans."

Guo Jia frowned.

Ye Qing asked, "Feng Xiao, why don't you frown?"

Guo Jia replied: "Your Majesty, I'm thinking, why did South Korea look for King Hongnong? Why didn't they go to King Wucheng and King Luoyang who are more powerful! This way the chances of success will be greater!"

Ye Mu, king of Luoyang, was born to Princess Wei.

Wucheng King Ye Miao was born to a Korean princess.

They are the candidates encouraged by the first sequence of wooing.

And it's easier, and it's natural to connect, without leaving clues, and without being suspected.

South Korea chooses King Hongnong who has no power, deviates from the core of power in Chang'an, and lives in the local area.

Li Ru's eyes darkened, revealing a gloomy look.

"What Feng Xiao means is that this is a conspiracy in South Korea, King Hongnong is just their pawn, and they have been fooled!"

Ye Qing also repeated the matter.

There are indeed many doubts.

Guo Jiadao: "Your Majesty, no matter whether it's a scheming set by South Korea or not, and deliberately hitting the gun, I, Da Zhou, can of course formulate a more careful counter-plan. Since South Korea wants to play, we will accompany it."

Ye Qing came back in a daze, glanced at the aggressive Guo Jia, then clapped his hands and said, "Xun You hasn't come in yet."

Word down!

The temple door opened.

Into a young man.

The man was dressed in silk brocade, dressed as a Confucian scholar or a scholar.

Although he is not very old, he is mature and good.

"Sir, Xun You pays homage to Your Majesty!"

Ye Qing raised his hand and said, "Xun Aiqing doesn't need to be too polite, we are just discussing the matter between King Hongnong and South Korea, and you are also giving advice!"

"Promise!" Xun You replied.

Then after knowing the ins and outs of the future, there was a gleam of viciousness in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, I feel that there is one thing that needs to be paid attention to." Xun You bowed:
"My Da Zhou wants to become famous as a teacher, so does South Korea. Although the relationship between the two countries is tense now, my Da Zhou has not broken face with South Korea after all. It has been many years and there has been no war.

So neither side can find a suitable excuse to occupy the righteousness.

According to Yichen, the biggest purpose of South Korea's operation this time is the name and identity. "

"They want to be famous even more, so they are planning. They just want to occupy the righteousness like Da Zhou like me. The one conspired by King Hongnong is also the same in South Korea. So what we need to pay attention to is that before South Korea breaks the game, we must first Break the game and send troops before they send troops.

In the war with Han, we need to act first.

If you start later, you will really suffer! "

(End of this chapter)

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