I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 682: Empress Youxi Huo Qubing Arrives in Hexi

Chapter 682 Queen Youxi Huo Qubing Arrives in Hexi
Xun You has Xun You's unique insights.

This also explained the doubts of Li Ru and Guo Jia.

"Master" is indeed different.

South Korea's conspiracy is nothing but righteousness.

Ye Qing said with a smile: "In this way, South Korea wants to use the same method to show that I, Da Zhou, colluded with South Korean courtiers and instigated other chaos.

Being inhumane and unrighteous violates the pretext of harmony between the two countries, and it is time to accuse me of Da Zhou! "

"Your Majesty, that's exactly the case!" Xun You straightened up and affirmed truthfully.

"Your Majesty, since this is the case, why not let Gongda plan this matter, and he must tell King Hongnong on the sidelines, so that the disadvantages can be turned into benefits." Guo Jia suggested.

Ye Qing pointed at Guo Jia and said, "That's a good idea. I know it's because you want to be lazy, but I will still agree."

"Leave this matter to Gongda. After all, you have never appeared in front of the world. Neither I nor South Korea know anything about you. It is more convenient for you!" Ye Qing turned to Xun You and said.

Xun You replied: "It's Your Majesty! I'm also planning to compete with the smart people in Korea!"

This is his first battle out of the mountain.

Use South Korea as a gold stone to accumulate fame and fame.

After that, Ye Qing and the three people discussed some specific matters, and then the meeting was adjourned.

When Xun You left, there were two more unfamiliar generals beside him.

They also did not appear in the Great Week.

These two people are Xu Chu and Jiang Wei.

For the time being, I will be dispatched by Hou Xunyou.

"Where is Huo Qubing!"

After seeing off everyone, Ye Qing shouted at the screen.

At this time, a heroic young man came out.

The young man is dressed in armor and looks imposing.

"Chen Huo Qubing pays homage to His Majesty!"

Ye Qing sized up Huo Qubing.

He is indeed a spiritual boy.

Ye Qing was quite satisfied.

Pointing to the sand table, he said, "Come here, take a look at the terrain of Hexi, how long do you think it will take for Da Zhou to take this place!"



After half a month!

The envoys of the Baipu countries in the southwest arrived in Chang'an.

Seeing this magnificent and majestic city, one by one, Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden.

It was an eye-opener.

I was so shocked that I lost my soul.

How could there be such a big city in the world.

The population of a city is so large.

The Great Zhou is big, the Great Zhou is rich, and the Great Zhou is strong.

It is beyond their imagination.

As far as their backcountry is concerned, Da Zhou doesn't like it at all!
No wonder the Dian Kingdom offended Da Zhou, Da Zhou dispatched three sixth-rank realms to easily destroy the country, and then waved his sleeves without taking away a single cloud.

This is Da Zhou's style.

All countries in Baipu in the southwest made pilgrimage and established relations with the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Propaganda came forward to receive them.

Kicked the Ministry of Rites aside.

"Everyone, the reason why my Great Zhou is so strong is because my Great Zhou has a good culture. If you learn Zhou's language and reforms of my Great Zhou, you will naturally prosper."

"Don't worry, everyone. When you go back, our country can give you some books, and we can also send people to teach your people to learn Zhou Wen for free. In the future, your people can also come to my big week to study..."


"Your Majesty! Congratulations, Your Majesty, the queen is so happy!"

After the imperial doctor's pulse diagnosis, his expression was even happier than that of Ye Qing.

Busy congratulations to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing was really overjoyed, waved his hand and said: "Reward, great reward!"

After speaking, he walked forward.

Holding Bu Xiaofan's hand, he said, "Xiaofan..."

"Your Majesty, we finally have a baby!" Bu Xiaofan also had a happy expression on his face.

As the queen of a country, the biggest pressure is to give birth.

As long as you can give birth to a son and a half daughter, it is the greatest contribution to the empire, and it can stabilize the interior of the empire very well.

"Well, we have a child, and we will have to work hard for you, Xiaofan." Ye Qing looked at Bu Xiaofan tenderly.

The news of the queen's happiness quickly spread throughout the palace.

Then there is Chang'an City, and various parts of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

All the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty heard about it, and they all prayed.

The emperor is about to have a queen.

The future of Da Zhou is more secure.

In order to welcome the newborn, Ye Qing immediately pardoned the world.

Except for several severe punishment laws, the rest can be pardoned.

It is universal celebration again.


Hexi Duwei Mansion!
A group of mysterious people came.

Wei Qing looked at the people who came, they were all sent by Chang'an Emperor Ye Qing to help him.

"Your Majesty did not introduce you in detail. Since you are here, please introduce yourself!"

For the Hexi Governor's Mansion, Ye Qing has been strengthening him.

But in the past, only soldiers and population were added.

Experts don't.

Instead, Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao were transferred back.

This made Wei Qing quite regretful.

Zhao Yun and Li Cunxiao are so easy to use.

And the strength of the general is there.

It can be released alone to fight, don't worry.

In addition, they are fine cavalry, the old foundation of the empire, so they can be used with confidence.

The leader is a young man, only seventeen or eighteen years old.

He only heard him say: "Huo Qubing is the fifth rank of strength. Your Majesty said that after I come, I can command a cavalry alone. Please give me a fine cavalry from the governor. I will pierce the dog army in the middle and capture the dog army king alive!" "

Five grades!

Such a young fifth grade.

Wei Qing couldn't help being puzzled, but since he was sent by Ye Qing, he wouldn't dare to lie if he thought about it.

But young people are good at everything, but they are too arrogant.

I want Laozi's cavalry to come up, and I want to capture King Quanrong alive.

You are probably thinking too much.

I, Wei Qing, have been here for almost a year, and it was only through steady and steady efforts that I established the forward position of Wuwei County, the Hexi Governor's Mansion.

The cavalry also worked hard to train five or six thousand cavalry, what did I fight for you.

It is rare to have a fighter with fifth-rank strength, but Quanrong is not without sixth-rank masters.

Wei Qing didn't dare to finish torturing his own cavalry for Huo Qubing.

He only said: "Hexi Governor's Mansion doesn't have many cavalry, and this governor can only give you [-] cavalry."

"Okay! Eight hundred rides is eight hundred rides!" Huo Qubing was not shouting.

As long as there are soldiers.

Eight hundred riders, he also wants to kill King Quan Rong.

Break through the central dog army.

Wei Qing didn't look at him, but looked at a master with a sword behind him.

The man was also very handsome, about thirty, with a masterful demeanor in his calmness.

At first glance, he is not a simple person.

"Nie Gai! Seventh grade." Nie Gai clasped his sword and cupped his fists:
"According to His Majesty's order, come here to wait for the command of the governor to attack and destroy the dog army!"

Seven products!

The strongest master in the empire.

Even in the entire East, there are very few of them.

While amazed, Wei Qing's breathing became heavier, and he immediately became excited.

With such a master, it is easy to sweep Quanrong.

"Mr. Lao Nie is here." Wei Qing saluted Nie Gai.

Such a master, even the emperor should treat him with courtesy, not to mention him as the Hexi Governor's Mansion.

With the masters and talents sent by Chang'an, Wei Qing began to rethink the battle plan and revise the plan for dispatching troops.

And Huo Qubing went to receive his hundred and eight cavalry.

I thought it would be an elite big Zhou soldier, and if he pulled it out, he would win the battle.

As a result, Huo Qubing was disappointed.

"General, after checking just now, the [-] cavalry are mixed troops, [-] are soldiers from Guanzhong, [-] soldiers from Yizhou, [-] soldiers from Bajun, [-] soldiers from Qiang, and [-] soldiers from Qinhu, Xiutu, and Xian. Soldiers from various ethnic groups in the west of Hexi, rank zero, are extremely diverse."

A bodyguard brought by Huo Qubing came over with a worried expression to report.

(End of this chapter)

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