Chapter 683 Finding Oil
"So complicated!" Huo Qubing raised his eyebrows slightly.

It is extremely difficult to communicate with such a mixed army.

Wei Qing threw a big problem for him.

Huo Qubing's personal guard said:
"General, I will go to the governor to ask for 800 people again. How can such an army go out to fight!"

"Wait!" Huo Qubing raised his hand to stop the guard, then shook his head lightly and said:
"No, if we just go to him like this, wouldn't it be underestimated by others, saying that we are pick and choose."

"But general, this is too..." The guards were extremely unwilling, Huo Qubing was a fifth-rank general after all, and one of the best in the empire.

The generals are all in the pre-drawn sequence.

Just give it to [-] soldiers, and give it back to a group of miscellaneous troops.

"Hahaha, it's actually not the case. This is quite good. It has various advantages. If it is in the hands of others, they are trash. In my hands, Huo Qubing, then they are treasures!" Suddenly Huo Qubing laughed, and everyone was shocked. I don't understand.

Huo Qubing didn't explain, but asked to gather [-] soldiers, because he had something important to announce.


"That's right, this Huo Qubing has a lot of backbone. He didn't come to me to argue, so he seems to be a good man!" Seeing that Huo Qubing didn't come to make trouble, Wei Qing accepted the [-] soldiers and started his own training.

Determined to be a practical person.

Nie Gai held his sword in his chest and said, "Commander, Your Majesty has something to say. Huo Qubing is a genius, he can learn by himself without a teacher, and in the future he will be a person who can shock the west or the grasslands."

"Oh! Your Majesty, with such a high evaluation of this kid, it seems that the governor underestimated him." Wei Qing knew that there were not many people who could be praised by Ye Qing like this.

This Huo Qubing is worth looking forward to.

I just don't know what kind of surprises he can bring with these 800 people.

Time passed day by day.

The frontline scout came back and sent back the latest situation of the dog army in the central area.

Wei Qing immediately called the generals over.

"The information just obtained is that King Inu Rong of the Central Region has contacted the East and West Inu Rong, and the three are preparing to unite to fight against my Great Zhou's alliance army.

Moreover, Tuyuhun at the westernmost end of the Hexi Corridor is also ready to move, and may make some moves, so we must eliminate the central dog army as soon as possible, and disintegrate the three alliances of the dog army. "

This time, the mission is heavy, the time is tight, the combat radius will increase, and other countries and ethnic groups may hesitate, so we need to fight quickly. Next, I will arrange the routes of the various ministries. You follow the instructions of the governor. Just do it! ;”

Wei Qing then explained the new emergency battle plan in the sand table.

Until the generals left, Huo Qubing stood in front of the sand table and said, "Captain, why am I not included in this mission?"

Huo Qubing was a little dissatisfied.

Just give me [-] riders and a bunch of miscellaneous beards.

I haven't been given combat missions yet, am I going to stay for the New Year?

Wei Qing smiled and said: "Young man, don't be impatient, I heard from His Majesty that you are a genius, a genius does not need others to arrange tasks for you, even if I arrange, you may not listen.

In this way, as long as you don't affect our army's overall advance plan and don't disrupt my deployment, you and your fine cavalry can go out and march casually.

The only one is, don't be wiped out and captured by the enemy, after all, I can't afford to lose this man! "

When Huo Qubing heard this, he was overjoyed at first, he didn't like to be restrained, he didn't like to fight, he just wanted to be unruly.

Play how you can win.

Sui said: "Don't worry, the governor, there are only generals who died in battle in Dazhou, and there are no generals who were captured. Wait for my good news!"

After speaking, Huo Qubing went out and prepared to go with [-] cavalry.



It was only a few days after Bu Xiaofan was overjoyed by the news.

Dianhua received good news from the Ministry of Industry from Shangjun.

"Your Majesty! People from the Ministry of Industry discovered the kind of oil you mentioned near Gaonu City in Shangjun." The Ministry of Industry is in charge of the iron ore industry and is now Yi Da. As an old man from Xiaoyao Mansion, Yi Da is quite capable. of.

In a short time, competent personnel were dispatched to find the oil Ye Qing wanted.

Ye Qing said: "How many are there, and how difficult is it to mine?"

Yi Da smiled and said, "Your Majesty, this oil flows out naturally, just as it is written in the materials you gave, it can be directly drained out.

Accompanied by a flammable gas, the oil was black and viscous, like oil, flowing out from the crack continuously.

We found a gap fifty miles southeast of Gaonu City. In addition to estimates, there should be no less than one million stone reserves. "

"We also found a gap in the valley a hundred miles west of Nannu City. It is estimated that the reserves are no less than 500 million stones. However, this place is difficult to mine, and the amount that can be obtained every day is limited!"

A million stones is not a lot, but it is not a lot.

This is inland mining, and Shangjun is a high slope of loess.

It didn't look like there was a big oil field.

"No, these are enough for the empire for a long time." Ye Qing was very happy.

Now industrialization has not fully started, so the more use of oil is war.

It can be extracted to make incendiary bombs.

Gold and stone are combustible, and raging fire burns everything.

"By the way, Your Majesty, we have received news that this kind of oil seems to have flowed out of the rock wall of Mouge Mountain in Yizhou. I don't know if it is true or not. I ordered someone to check it. I believe there will be news back soon." Yi After thinking about it, Da still reported the news he had just obtained.

"There are also in Yizhou? On the stone wall?" Ye Qing couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

What about oil... It seems that some oil is in the rock formation.

What is called shale oil.

However, the extraction of that oil in later generations is extremely difficult and requires strong technology.

So he didn't expect anything from it.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the story over there is very good, it should be true." Yi Da nodded and said.

Ye Qing said: "In this case, let's check it out, if it is confirmed to be there, then we can absorb it and save it, it is in Yizhou, and there is no need to ship it back to Guanzhong.

At that time, a chemical refinery will be established to digest it locally, and you will be watching the oil business. I don’t feel relieved to leave it to others! "

"It's Your Majesty, I must do a good job, arrange it clearly, and definitely live up to your Majesty's expectations." Yi Da replied very moved.

Ye Qing is still the lord, still his son.

Still attach importance to him, still reuse him.

This made him, a grassroots courtier, very moved.

I have not fallen out of favor, and I am still remembered by His Majesty in my heart.

After Yi Da went down, he immediately arranged manpower to set up a mining plant in Shangjun, build a new chemical city, and refine oil.

In order to facilitate the transportation of this strategic material, Dianhua had to ask people to quickly build a straight road leading to Jiuyuan.

Especially the section from Gaonu City to Chang'an.

This section is the most difficult to construct, and it is also the most urgently needed.

(End of this chapter)

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