I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 684: Chuyue Kingdom is Ready

Chapter 684 Chuyue Kingdom is Ready

After the autumn harvest, the progress of a large number of projects has accelerated!

Manpower is completely released.

Many people even spontaneously went to various construction sites to help.

Strive to widen the roads everywhere.

Because during the whole year of publicity, they knew that the road is wide and the road is open, which will bring benefits to Da Zhou and them.

So everyone is very positive.

Besides, the empire will not treat them badly, and will take care of food and housing.

After a winter's work, not only will you not lose weight, but you will also gain weight.

Most of the people were afraid that the government would fail to select them, so they asked them to return to their hometowns and stay honest.

Looking at the poll report sent by Jin Yiwei, Ye Qing was quite proud.

In his hands, Da Zhou gradually became stronger and stronger.

The situation everywhere is developing in a good direction, which makes him more confident to bring Da Zhou into a new track.

"World, wait for me!"

Just as Ye Qing continued to paint his grand blueprint, Li Ru walked in.

"Your Majesty, there is a new movement from Chuyue Kingdom. This time, Chuyue Kingdom has assembled an army of 50 people, and is preparing to take back Nanyang. The Suzaku Army is in trouble!"

Ye Qing closed his deep eyes, sat back on the dragon chair, and said:

"With an army of 50, Chuyue Kingdom is about to take action. Let me tell you about the specific situation!"

"Your Majesty, the Chuyue Kingdom has mobilized 40 new troops from Yangzhou and the newly occupied counties of the Donghai Kingdom, and gathered more than 50 people from the original Nanyang County to form an army of no less than [-]. Take back Nanyang, and eat my Great Zhou's Suzaku army."

"The news was discovered by its internal high-level officials. At the same time, the [-] crossbows of the Chuyue Kingdom were completed in a hurry, and they will be involved in this battle. And..." Li Ru paused at this point, and then said:

"There is also the possibility that South Korea will send troops to support it. Of course, they will definitely use the Chuyue army as a cover to attack. I guess they want to touch the real combat power of our Da Zhou army, so that they can fight against my Da Zhou from Luoyang in the future." Get ready for war."

"In this way, the joint operation between Chuyue Kingdom and South Korea requires at least 60 soldiers and 70 civilians. This is a big battle, with more people than any previous military operation!" Ye Qing thought for a while. road:
"Let's transfer troops, transfer half of the Jingwei to Wuguan, and at the same time transfer 1 horses from Bashu to Hanzhong, and recruit 1 horses from the Sandi tribe to Wudang and other places."

"Let Han Xin go back to Chang'an again, I have something to explain to him!"

When Li Ru went down, Dianhua issued another order, asking Yi Da in Shangjun to speed up the transportation of refined oil and crude oil, as much as he could.

Da Zhou's war machine started slowly.

Luo Cheng and the others who originally planned to go for a stroll to the north of Yinshan Mountain had no choice but to be patient and stopped attacking the Turks.


Chuyue Kingdom!
Jiangling City!
Xiong Wan summoned important ministers and ordered to recover Nanyang and annihilate the commander of the Great Zhou Suzaku Army.

"Jing Aiqing, Nanyang of the empire is entrusted to you. I hope you can lead the army of the empire to avenge the shame and rebuild the glory of the empire!"

Standing in front of Xiong Wan is Dongzheng coach Jing Hong.

Jing Hong stood up, and Hong Sheng replied, "It's Your Majesty. This time, our Chuyue Kingdom has 60 soldiers and horses, and we will definitely be able to wipe out the Great Zhou Suzaku Army in one fell swoop, and take back our Chuyue Kingdom's Nanyang."

"Okay! It's good that Jing Aiqing has confidence, and I also have confidence in you. This time, Chuyue Kingdom has raised the largest number of soldiers and horses. We have brought out [-] Liannu ordnance and spent half of the money. We will surely win the battle." Xiong Wan said to the other confidantes:
"This time is an important battle that our Chuyue Kingdom has never had before, and it needs the cooperation of all the lovers."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, we will do our best to provide protection for the army!" Everyone in Chuyue Kingdom replied one after another.

The next day!

The senior generals of Chuyue Kingdom began to follow Jing Hong to the north.

Arrived in Xiangyang City!
Xiang Yan led people to welcome Jing Hong.

Jing Hong entered the hall and asked directly, "Have the soldiers and horses arrived at the designated positions?"

Xiang Yan replied: "Report to Commander, Xiangyang City's 12 troops are ready, Xinye's 15 troops are ready, Yuyang's [-] troops are ready, Jiyang's [-] troops are ready, and Bowang's [-] troops are ready.

There are still [-] troops joining the [-] troops of the Han army, and they will gather at Wo Niu Mountain next. Once the various ministries launch an attack, they will intersperse with Xi County and kill the rear of the Da Zhou army.

Block the back road of the Da Zhou army, and surround the Suzaku Army in my entire Nanyang County. "

Jing Hong was quite satisfied after listening.

He nodded his head and said: "Very good, since that's the case, then Xiangyang will still be handed over to you, and you will take the lead in attacking Zhuyang, and then pin down part of the main force of the Suzaku army.

Remember that you can attack violently, but you can't really take it down. You are an auxiliary army along the way, in order to attract the soldiers and horses of Dazhou, pull them here firmly, and lay a good cover for our troops to intersperse! "

"It's the commander-in-chief!" Although Xiang Yan was a little unwilling, the soldier's bounden duty was to obey the orders of the masses.

After staying in Xiangyang for a day, Jing Hong continued to go north, to Xinye, Yuyang, and Jiyang, he gave instructions to the generals from all walks of life.

"Commander, do we still have to go to Bowang?" Sun Miao, the military advisor who followed him, asked.

The Sun family has its own position in Chuyue Kingdom.

They are all assisting generals and coaches with other surnames.

Jing Hong shook his head and said: "No need, I believe there will be no problems over there. Now I want to know the situation of Da Zhou most. What unusual behavior did they have recently?"

Sun Miao thought for a while, went through the news recently received in her head, and then replied: "Recently, Da Zhou also strengthened the guards in Nanyang, and also moved away the people outside the city. I guess, Da Zhou It should have received some wind!"

"Heh, this is normal. If Da Zhou can't even notice the movement of our soldiers and horses, then it won't be the current Da Zhou." Jing Hong vowed:

"From all indications, after Ye Qing came to power, Da Zhou put a lot of emphasis on intelligence gathering. This time, although Chuyue Kingdom did it secretly, they were still able to find out about the large-scale mobilization of troops and horses.

The difference is only the real numbers that are mastered are different. "

"The commander-in-chief is right. From this point of view, Di Qing should ask Guanzhong for help. In the past five days, the masters we sent to the north were repeatedly robbed and killed by the masters of the Great Zhou. We did not find any information about Wuguan. .” Sun Miao guessed:
"Maybe some of Da Zhou's soldiers and horses are already in the pass. Every time we kiss, it indicates that Da Zhou's new soldiers and horses will join the battle."

"This is Da Zhou's usual tactic. He likes to hide soldiers and send them out at critical moments, so as to determine the world in one fell swoop and turn defeat into victory." Jing Hong stared at the map and said with a sneer:

"However, this time they won't have too many troops to use. It should be the Beijing Garrison in Chang'an. If it's a big deal, they will come with [-] troops.

Although these troops are elite, this time our Chuyue Kingdom and South Korea used six to seven times as many soldiers and horses as theirs, and more armaments than Dazhou. I want to see what Ye Qing can do to fight with Chuyue Kingdom. "

(End of this chapter)

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