Chapter 685: Another Battle in Nanyang
Five days later, Jinghong received a letter from South Korea.

The [-] Chuyue army joined the [-] Han army and advanced into Woniu Mountain by scriptures.

"Come here, order the cities to do it!" Without any hesitation, Jing Hong issued the commander-in-chief immediately.

After receiving the news, the cities and armies immediately set off towards the established target.

Undoubtedly, the Jiyang army led by Jing Hong himself was the first to reach the target point.

An army of 15 went straight to Wancheng, the defender was still Zhang Yun, and Liu Bowen, the military adviser of the Suzaku Army, was also in the city!
Because they had been prepared for a long time, they were not surprised by the 15 troops advancing from Chuyue Kingdom.

"Report! Military division, General Zhang, Chuyue Kingdom has [-] troops coming from Bowang to Wancheng!" Tan Ma ran up the city to report to Liu Bowen and Zhang Hehui.

Liu Bowen waved his hand to express his understanding, staring at the 15 troops outside the city, he said:
"It seems that the Chuyue Kingdom is planning to deploy 25 troops in Wancheng, and other troops are either attacking Zhuyang, or they are used to penetrate the rear of our army."

"Jinyiwei's information shows that the Chuyue Kingdom has mobilized 50 troops this time, and we put 25 here, and Zhuyang must have at least [-] troops. Such an attack on the champion and Cong'an will not be less than [-] troops. , with a hundred thousand troops piercing the rear of our army, it feels a bit small." Zhang He said worriedly:

"Chuyue Kingdom spent more than 50 yuan!"

Liu Bowen laughed and said:
"I heard that there are also South Korean troops participating in the war. It is estimated that there are 20 troops. In this way, there are [-] troops interspersed behind our army, which is not a lot."

"Besides, the 25 army in front of us is quite a lot. Chuyue Kingdom has a large number of Liannu. Once they go into battle, it may suppress our army's defense of the city. Our task is not easy. Can we hold it? Yes, I have no confidence either."

"Sir, you are joking. We will definitely be able to defend it. Even if Chuyue Kingdom has Liannu, but this time, my Great Zhou does not have a secret weapon. It will depend on whether they dare to use it all in one go. Guaranteed to let them have it." There's no turning back!" Zhang He said with firm eyes, a confident look, and a firm tone.

He held his sword tightly in his hand.

Liu Bowen nodded with certainty.

Being able to be entrusted with an important task by Ye Qing and commanding the general on his own, Zhang He is undoubtedly quite calm.

After a short period of contact, he also had a clearer understanding of Zhang He.

Similar to Liu Bowen, Di Qing personally sits in charge of the champion and has an overview of the battle situation in Nanyang.

"Report! Commander, Chuyue Kingdom's [-] troops set out from Xinye to attack Anzhong!"

Di Qing said: "Tell the Anzhong garrison that no matter how fierce the enemy's attack is, I will defend it. If I can't resist, I will send reinforcements."

Not long after the visitor left, another person ran in:
"Report! Commander, the Chuyue Kingdom's 15 troops are dispatched from Xiangyang, marching towards our army's Zhuyang!"

"I'm investigating and reporting, and tell the soldiers over there to abandon Shandu City and defend Zhuyang. No matter how fierce the Chuyue army is attacking, don't ask for help, and find a way to defend the city." Di Qing ordered.

The soldier who reported the letter was taken aback.

Obviously some people don't believe this order.

There are not many soldiers and horses guarding Zhuyang, only 5000 people.

The opponent is 15.

One to ten troops.

This time the opponent was carrying a large number of siege weapons and equipped with a large number of continuous crossbows, which was different this time.

The commander-in-chief actually said that he would not send reinforcements.

"Just pass the order!"


Half a day later, Di Qing received another battle report from Wancheng.

25 key soldiers surrounded Wancheng.

"15, 25, 50, that's [-]. Something's wrong. The people of Chuyue don't have any extra troops to attack and surround them. Could it be that they're fighting frontal battles again, step by step? Isn't that a bit boring?" Di Qing was puzzled, rubbed his chin and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he smiled and said: "There are still [-] South Koreans, so the Koreans can't come alone to penetrate the rear of our army, they wouldn't dare to give them a hundred courage.

No matter what ideas Chuyue Kingdom has, you will fail in the end. My rear is impenetrable, and no matter how many of you come here, it won't work! "

One day later, a [-] Chuyue army from Xinye stormed Anzhong.

Anzhong fired the first shot.

However, in this regard, Chuyue Kingdom is obviously also an auxiliary attack, and has not used any real elites, and the use of continuous crossbow weapons is also less!
In the second battle, it was naturally an army of 15 led by Xiang Yan.

The generals of the Great Zhou voluntarily gave up Shandu City.

This was what he could have expected, but he didn't expect Di Qing to retreat so simply.

"It seems that Da Zhou has already dealt with it. The next battlefield is Zhuyang. I don't know what method Di Qing will use to stop our army from advancing!"

Soon the army marched to the city of Zhuyang.

Xiang Yan did not launch an attack immediately, but set up camp, first set up a camp.

Then he sent someone to send a letter to the defending general of Da Zhou to persuade him to surrender.

But the letter never came back, and Da Zhou didn't bother to talk to him.

The next day, the siege equipment moved.

Only then did Xiang Yan give an order and launched a fierce attack on Zhuyang.


The army of Chuyue Kingdom rushed to the city like a tide, braving the arrow rain on the city to build a ladder.

In order to suppress the Da Zhou crossbowmen in the city, Xiang Yan immediately dispatched his own crossbowmen.

Since it's acting, let's be more realistic, the strongest blow will come out immediately.

Anyway, he won't really attack this way.

Unless the soldiers of Da Zhou withdraw from the city, they will have to take the city.

"General, the soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom below, we can't stand it with a continuous crossbow."

The people of Chuyue were even more arrogant than those of Zhou.

Ye Qing is not such a prodigal, making a hundred thousand Liannu.

Each army has equipment, but they are all mixed and matched.

Be as reasonable as possible.

Therefore, the garrison's continuous crossbows are far less than those of the Chuyue army.

The guard put down his vision and walked out of the city gate directly.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Come here, pour oil, use the Tianlei No. [-] sent from Guanzhong, and burn the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom outside the city to death!"

"Not only the ones under the city, but also the ones behind are projected and ignited with a trebuchet. I'm going to roast all the Chuyue people in this area!"

A regiment leader persuaded: "General Huang, I heard that there are special regulations for the use of Tianlei No. [-], and it must not be used unless it is absolutely necessary. Isn't it too early to use it before the war starts? What will happen after it is used up?"

The general Huang said with a smile: "I just want to use it from the very beginning, so that the people of Chuyue know that they can't take down my Zhuyang City. Since it's all about acting, then paddle obediently. How clever are you?"

"Besides, didn't the Fawei people say it? Tianlei No. [-] is best used to deal with the Liannu army of Chuyue Kingdom. Look at the city, there are so many Liannu. If I don't use it, I will be sorry for them. This battle."

(End of this chapter)

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