I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 686: Another Battle in Nanyang

Chapter 686: Fighting Again in Nanyang ([-])

"It's a general, then use it!"

Others did not persuade.

Originally, I didn't want to use the trump card so quickly, but Xiang Yan didn't play the card according to the rules.

Come up and send all the Liannu soldiers here, if you use your hole cards, then I will use them too.

After the fight, everyone was fighting with bayonets.

Thanks to the large number of crossbows in the Chuyue Kingdom, more and more ladders are erected on the city walls. These ladders are all hooked, and they cannot be pushed away after hooking the city.

So countless Chuyue soldiers climbed up crazily.

Under the cover of the Liannu army, they climbed quite safely.

But soon the ceramic jars were thrown down from the city.

Countless black oil stained his clothes.

There is also the Liannu of the Liannu Army under the city.

"What kind of oil is this, why is it so black, it tastes so strong, it's weird!"

"Whoever he is, dodge quickly, and watch out for rockets on the city.

The next moment, the rockets on the city and the oil tank with the burning cloth smashed down.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"


One after another fire dragons fluttered and flew up, and then flew out countless sparks.

All of a sudden, it infected a large area of ​​the city.

The fire dragons were quickly connected together to form a big fire dragon.

The Chuyue people wanted to extinguish it, but found that they couldn't extinguish it at all.

This fire is more evil than tung oil.

Soon the Liannu army was engulfed in pieces surrounded by fire.

And there was a sound of letting go from the city.

Then one by one the oil tanks with fire flew out.

The throw fell into the army of Chuyue Kingdom behind.

A cupping pot was smashed down, and a piece of it was burned again, making hundreds of Chuyue soldiers covered and burned.

"The general is not good. I don't know what kind of oil Da Zhou used. He kept smashing it out with trebuchets. Our soldiers can't be put out with water, and they can't be covered with sand..."

There is no need for his subordinates to report, Xiang Yan, who is behind, has seen the scriptures for real.

The fire extended two or three thousand steps from the south wall of Zhuyang City.

All the soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom inside were engulfed by the fire.

The soldiers behind were also ignited because of the fire, and were burned alive on the ground, rolling and screaming, and no one dared to go forward to rescue them.

"Withdraw troops! This fire is a bit mysterious!"

Xiang Yan felt a deep sense of frustration.

It really shouldn't have been fought like this.

This time, I may die without a problem again, unable to achieve the established strategic goals.


In the crouching cow mountain!

The [-] Chuyue army and the [-] South Korean army are walking along the mountain path, struggling towards the west.

If it weren't for the autumn and winter seasons, when the vegetation on the mountain was withered and yellow, and the 11 troops wandered around the vast mountain, they might have been lost and dragged down before they even got out of the mountain.

Fortunately, the Chuyue people had local guides, after all, Nanyang belonged to them.

It is quite easy to find someone who is familiar with the geography here.

"General Chang, how long will it be before we can leave the mountain?" Han Jue, the leader of the South Korean team, asked.

The person who was asked was named Chang and Xia, and he was a son of the five nobles.

Chang Xia pointed to the mountain path in front of him: "Crossing this mountain, you can reach it after a day's walk, and when you leave the mountain, you will reach the upper reaches of the turbulent water.

The upper reaches of the Tuanshui is the country of Li, and one hundred miles west of the Tuanshui is Xi County, and that is our goal.

If you hit here, you will be able to block the rear of the Suzaku Army! "

Han Jue said: "No, I heard that there are two roads out of Wuguan, one is to take the northern route to Xixian County, and the other is to take the southern route to Danshui.

We only contained Xixian County, but Danshui failed to control it, and the Suzaku Army still had a way to retreat. "

Chang Xia smiled and said, "I won't hide it from you now, but our country has mobilized 60 troops this time, and the extra ten soldiers will pierce Di Qing's ass Shunyang.

So Di Qing couldn't escape. "

"There are still [-] troops, Si, you guys are really interesting!" Han Jue praised him, but he was secretly speechless.

Chuyue Kingdom is arrogant.

Last year, Da Zhou killed 100 million.

Now another 60 troops can be organized for a big battle.

No country in the East has such strength and heritage.

Scary as silk.

Great Zhou is a tiger, and Chuyue is also a wolf.

I don't know whether South Korea will suffer or benefit from the combination of Han and Chu.

"Of course! This time, I, Chuyue Kingdom, has poured all the power out of the country, and I want to teach Da Zhou a painful lesson!" Chang Xia's expression was agitated, his eyes were full of hatred and anger, and there was a hint of excitement.

Once this thing is done, his name of Chang Xia will definitely resound throughout the east, and all countries will remember him.

Han Jue belongs to the Korean royal family, so he doesn't want to talk about this topic. He is also a arrogant person, after all, he is of noble blood.

So he changed the subject and said, "Will Wancheng be defeated? How many soldiers and horses did you use?"



At this time, the 25 troops of Chuyue Kingdom surrounded the huge Wancheng.

The camp of the army of the Chuyue Kingdom.

At this time, the scene is macroscopically looking at the map.

Still wondering how Di Qing and Da Zhou would respond.

"Marshal! The moat of Wancheng was filled with scriptures." A general walked in suddenly and reported the preliminary work.

Jing Hong just hummed briefly and continued to look at the map.

Not long after, someone came in again.

"Master! There's news from the south that Di Qingwo has not moved in Champion City."

"Not moving! Di Qing is really calm." Jing Hong threw a piece of lacquered wood in his hand and said:

"Then let's fight Wancheng, I want to see how long Di Qing will stay calm.

It is estimated that the interspersed troops are already halfway through, and we need to provide them with cover! "

After hearing this, the soldiers below were all excited.

"It's handsome!"

It's finally time to start playing.

The next day!

The 25 troops of the Chuyue Kingdom drove out of the camp and gathered at the city of Wan.

Large ordnance was also pushed out and placed in front of the formation.

Zhang He led the generals up to the top of the city, picked up the binoculars and looked at the Chuyue army below the city, frowning.

After checking it out, he said, "From the outside, it's a large-scale siege well!"

Jinglan is a mobile archery tower, which can attack the enemy's siege weapon on the city wall.

However, it also has obvious disadvantages.

It's just that the action is very slow, and it is often easily destroyed.

Without a huge military force, it is generally not possible to make such siege weapons.

Liu Bowen put down the binoculars and pointed to another taller building behind the well rail:
"Chuyue Kingdom also built a nest car, it seems that they want to condescend to investigate and monitor our actions in the city!"

"Then use a trebuchet to shoot it down, a group of fixed targets, just looking for death!" Zhang Yun dismissed the two large siege equipment of Chuyue Kingdom.

Didn't pay attention at all.

If you don't have a trebuchet, you have to be afraid of three points.

But Dazhou not only has trebuchets, but also bed crossbows, each of which is enough to destroy the siege equipment of Chuyue Kingdom.

"Order, use half of the trebuchets to focus on destroying the well rails and nest carts of Chuyue Kingdom!"

"There are many shields erected on the city, and all the soldiers must wear armor and wait for the helmet."

"Archers shoot at an elevated angle, and shoot at a misplaced oblique angle at close range. Try not to reveal your position."

"Pay attention to protect the fuel injector, and use the fire attack team to resist the enemy at the right time!"

Military orders were passed down one after another.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty on and off the city began to get busy.

(End of this chapter)

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