I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 688: Another Battle in Nanyang

Chapter 688: Fighting Again in Nanyang ([-])

"General Huang is not in a hurry, your troops are not yet ready to fight." Liu Bowen looked at the crowd of people in the city, and smiled wickedly:
"It's such a good time, it wouldn't be a pity not to use Fire Attack!"

Fire attack!

This is a new strategy made by Liu Bowen and others who have tested its power after getting the oil.

As for the empire's ability to produce such fierce oil, there is also the condensed Tianlei No. [-].

Liu Bowen and others were surprised.

They had no idea that there was such a big killer in the world.

With this thing, it will be more convenient to attack and defend the city in the future.

Unifying the countries in the east is not even a dream.

And it can speed up the unification time.

And greatly reduce the financial expenditure of the empire.

This kind of thing with almost no cost is much more cost-effective than other military supplies.

"Come here, send an order, change the oil bombs of the trebuchet, and throw me out of the city. I will use fire to surround the army of Chuyue Kingdom. Burn them slowly!"

"Come on, bring up Tianlei No. [-] and throw it to the Chuyue Kingdom Liannu soldiers outside the wall. Even if they have shields, I will burn them to death!"

"Come here, push the bed crossbow outward, and use the armor-piercing arrow!"

"Come here, send [-] Liannu soldiers to teach the Chuyue people how to use the Liannu, either in large numbers or with strong combat effectiveness."

Liannu is very logistical, and the consumption of crossbow arrows is quite large.

After the previous consumption, Liu Bowen dared to bet that the number of arrows in each Liannu in the hands of Chuyue Kingdom Liannu soldiers outside the city was running low.

Without crossbow arrows, even if there are many crossbows, it is also a decoration.

"Light it up! Let it go!"

On flat ground in the city!
The trebuchet was placed from the urn city to the main street of the inner city a thousand steps away.

Divided into several batches of teams, arranged neatly.

The oil tanks were put up one by one, and the filling mouth was ignited.

Then it was thrown out by the concave net made of steel.

An oil tank weighs between one and three times less than a rock bomb.

Location can be projected farther.

One by one, the oil tanks with fire were tumbling out of the sky, like hot wheels one by one.

The Chuyue people outside the city quickly noticed the fireballs flying from the sky.

Another reminder:
"Be careful, don't get hit!"

This drop is random.

It depends on personal luck.

However, the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom were still thrown out of the shadows, feeling fearful of this rolling stone falling from the sky.

Countless soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom fled everywhere.

But this time is different.

After the fireball hit the ground, the flying sparks and oil stained the nearby Chuyue soldiers.

Quickly ignited the armor on them.

Even where the ground was smashed, a ball of fire or a belt of fire rose up.

The thick black smoke rising and the pungent smell made others stay away.

"Bang! Bang bang..."

Countless fireballs fell, and fire dragons rose everywhere outside the city.

Thick smoke filled the entire battlefield.

Countless Chuyue soldiers who tried to put out the fire were also burnt and rolled on the ground.

The city is still constantly projecting fierce fire oil cannons, and there are more and more burning places outside the city.

One after another, they quickly burned into one piece, and the small charmander merged into a big charmander, fearless in water and soil, and lasted for a long time.

Jing Hong and the others watched the balls of fire flying out from behind, and their hearts were also a little shaken.

Da Zhou's oil reserves are also too much.

Such a prodigal, even tung oil needs money.

"The commander is not good. The fire oil thrown by the Zhou army in the city can't be extinguished. Many of our generals will be stained and burnt to death."

"How could this happen?" Jing Hong said:

"Have you used fire and sand?"

This is the most useful trick for fighting fires.

The general shook his head and said: "It's useless, I've used all of these, the fire oil can't be extinguished repeatedly, it's like a will-o'-the-wisp, as long as it touches it, you can't escape!"

"Not good! Commander, look!" Sun Miao pointed to the direction of the city.

Only then did Jing Hong look over.

I saw the fire attack that Da Zhou also used under the city, also throwing oil tanks one by one.

The entire city wall was ignited.

Da Zhou's crossbowmen were all engulfed by the fire.

Countless Zhou soldiers retreated in fright to a distance beyond the moat, lest they be hit by Zhou Jun's fire oil tanks on the city.

From a distance, there was a sea of ​​flames at the foot of the city, and the fire spread far away.

Thick smoke covered the sun and covered everything above the city.

Only then did Jing Hong and the others discover Da Zhou's ruthless move, and they all cried out inwardly.

Most of the soldiers who rushed to the city just now were about to be wiped out.

Without the follow-up injection of troops, and without the suppression of crossbowmen under the city, the army of the Great Zhou Dynasty could calmly sweep away all the Chuyue soldiers who climbed up the wall from the top of the city.

"The commander-in-chief is not good, please order the troops to withdraw." Sun Miao pointed to a fire belt that was burnt by kerosene in the middle and said:

"Da Zhou's oil seems to be inexhaustible, and they are still projecting. They want to block some of our soldiers and horses with fire, and roast them alive with fire!"

At this moment, Jing Hong and the others discovered Da Zhou's sinister intentions when they were looking at the fire dragon zone on the outermost periphery.

It's a good move to attack with fire.

Chuyue Kingdom has too many troops, too dense.

Not only did it burn and kill a large number of Chuyue soldiers when the projectile hit it just now.

Now there are more soldiers surrounded by fire belts.

If they don't withdraw, they will all be trapped in a sea of ​​flames.

"Withdraw the troops and stop the siege! It's a long-term plan when the fire stops!"

Jing Hong gave the order unwillingly, and felt a little frustrated after giving it.

Looking at Wancheng from a distance, his expression became extremely solemn.

Wancheng, which was originally easy to fight, became extremely difficult to conquer in Da Zhou's hands.

There are still too many weird things in Dazhou.

Ming Jin withdraws his troops.

The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom felt amnesty.

They all retreated back.

However, they were still attacked by oil tanks, and casualties continued.

There are also some trapped fire kelp, forced out, either burnt, or burnt to become the next fire man.


On the city, Zhang He led the soldiers of the Zhou Dynasty to surround and kill the remaining soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom on the wall.

Many of them are military generals with high military strength, as well as martial arts masters.

But these people were outnumbered and were constantly beheaded.

At this time, even if their martial arts were high, they did not dare to jump off the city and escape.

They don't have the ability to put out fires.

He could only fight hard in the city until the last moment.


In the end, they still didn't wait for the opportunity, and persistence was meaningless.

All were wiped out by the generals of the Great Zhou.

"Come here, tell the people in the city to come and clean up the city and collect supplies!"

Zhang He withdrew his knife and wiped away the blood on his face.

Walk towards the gate tower.

"Military division, what is the result of our army in this battle?"

Liu Bowen pointed to a large area outside the Huohai Sea and said: "According to my estimation, today's battle has wiped out at least [-] troops of the Chuyue Kingdom!

Jing Hong's Liannu Army lost the most, and they will stop in the next few days. "

"Hahaha, that's good. 3 people are not many. The main reason is that the morale of the Chuyue army has been severely damaged, and it is difficult for them to make up for it."

"Of course, if this fire doesn't burn out some shadows, how can it be worthy of the fierce fire oil sent by His Majesty!"

When Jing Hong returned to the army tent, all the officers and soldiers were full of sighs.

"How many horses did our army lose today?"

(End of this chapter)

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