Chapter 689
Talk about casualties!

The generals of the Chuyue Kingdom all looked sad.

Squeak and whine.

"Let's talk about it, as many commanders as I can accept. It's not like I didn't suffer big losses in the battles of Chuyue Kingdom." Jing Hong said.

Only then did the ministries report their losses.

After hearing this, Jing Hong's expression obviously changed.

"Marshal, according to such rough statistics, our army suffered more than [-] casualties in today's battle, of which more than [-] should be killed."

Thirty-five thousand were killed.

A siege battle in less than an hour.

So many died.

Accounted for more than one-tenth of the total force.

This has never happened in his hands.

"Commander, the most important thing is that we lost nearly [-] Liannu." Sun Miao continued to remind.

That big fire almost folded the Liannu troops inside.

This is the biggest loss.

Repeating crossbows is not easy to make.

It consumes a lot of resources.

And it has assumed an important support for their main attack.

"Let's all go down! Please comfort the soldiers. There is no rush to attack the city. Wancheng can be attacked slowly!" Jing Hong waved his hand to signal everyone to retreat.

In the end Sun Miao was left behind, and Jing Hong also waved his hand and said, "You go down too, and do a good job of protecting the camp from the Great Zhou's attack. The Great Zhou's army is the most cunning, and there are cavalry in the city, so don't be careless."

"It's the commander!" Sun Miao also bowed to leave.

After everyone left, Jing Hong showed signs of exhaustion.

Rubbing the temples.

Wancheng lost the first game.

We can't continue to attack like this.

Jing Hong didn't know how much kerosene was left in the city.

But he understood that the loss of [-] Liannu on his side would be a great weakening to the siege.

He still has more than 1 planes in his hand, and his combat effectiveness can still be maintained, but he is afraid that something like today will happen again.

He can't bet.

It was because the soldiers besieged Wancheng that they could pose a threat to Da Zhou, forcing them to make other reactions and mobilize Di Qing's troops.

Once Wancheng could not be encircled due to the reduction of troops, Di Qing, a big fish, would not be able to move.

at the same time!

The Chuyue Kingdom's [-] troops departing from Yuyang quietly interspersed.

From the direction of Nieyang, head towards Shunyang.

During this period, you need to pass between the champion and Li Guo.

It's almost nocturnal.

In order not to be discovered by Da Zhou's scouts.

Wancheng is at war, Anzhong is at war, and Zhuyang is also at war.

The three places are fighting, and the fighting is fierce, not without attracting everyone's attention.

The [-] troops of Chuyue Kingdom finally reached Shunyang after walking for several days.

Shunyang City!
In the middle of the night, chat with a few people who patrol the city wall.

When the masters of Chuyue Kingdom saw it, they touched the city one after another.

Then build a human ladder, use force to forcibly jump up to the top of the wall, and then drop the hook rope.

Soon countless masters from Chuyue Kingdom climbed up along the rope.


The soldiers on patrol were attacked by these same hands, and their bodies fell limp one by one.

Then these masters of Chuyue Kingdom entered the city gate tower with cat waists, and when they came out, there was no sound of snoring inside.

Soon the masters of Chuyue Kingdom captured the city gate.

Then turn it on.

There was a lengthy sound of opening the door under the city cave.

"Don't make any noise, enter the city quietly, light less torches, and attack the government treasury and barracks after entering the city. The most important thing is to capture the northern city gate, and don't let a Zhou person escape, including their masters!"


The army of Chuyue Kingdom filed in, entered the city, and rushed to the outside world.

Shunyang originally belonged to their Chuyue Kingdom.

They all know the basic layout of the city.

Where is the county office, where is the grain depot, and where is the barracks, there are maps.

It's just that when they attacked the county government office, they watched quietly along the way, the whole city was pitch black.

Even the county government office and barracks are completely dark inside.

There were no soldiers on duty at the gate.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom who attacked here were a little dazed, not knowing what to do.

It feels a little weird now.

"What are you doing in a daze, go in and chop up the soldiers of Da Zhou!"

At this point, it was time to sleep.

It was normal for the Da Zhou barracks to be completely dark.

As for the soldiers who didn't guard the gate, they couldn't think so much at this time.

So he clenched his weapon and went inside to kill.

Just burst open the gate of the camp.

Suddenly a torch was lit inside.

Then fly out countless arrows.

"Puff puff……"

All the soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom who rushed in were shot and fell to the ground.


Countless Zhou soldiers carrying shields rushed out of the camp, followed by crossbowmen.

They kept shooting arrows outside the camp.

The generals of the Great Zhou rushed out.

At the same time, torches were lit on both sides of the street to block and cut off the army of the Great Chuyue Kingdom.

On the roofs of the houses, there were also soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the crossbowmen shot arrows at the soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom in the middle of the street.

Also threw a few fire oil cans in the past.

Ignite the soldiers of the Great Zhou!

Besieged on all sides, shouting and killing.

It's the same everywhere in the city.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom entering the city was ambushed by the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty who had ambushed early in the city, and they were divided and surrounded.

The soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom who had not yet entered the city hadn't figured out what was going on, they only heard the shouts of killing in the city.

I thought that our side had the upper hand and was besieging and killing the defenders of Da Zhou.

But they didn't know that there had been soldiers of the Great Zhou in ambush outside the city.

They heard the killing in the city, and they also rushed out of the woods.


"Not good! It's Zhou Jun, ambushed among us!"

The generals of Chuyue State wanted to organize soldiers to resist.

But when Zhou Zhijun came out suddenly, a wave of bows and crossbows greeted him, and the Chuyue people were fooled.

Then the school swordsmen rushed over, stabbing or slashing.

A few flaming fuel tanks swung over.

The army of Chuyue Kingdom was terrified by being engulfed by balls of fire.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

The leading general of the Chuyue Kingdom wanted to take his troops back the same way they had come.


He also fell down with several fierce fire oil tanks, and the way he came was blocked by the fire.

Thick smoke is everywhere, moving with the wind.

Hurrah burning.

Choking people straight back.

"Soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom, listen up, you are surrounded by my great Zhou army, and you will not be able to escape. Surrender, surrender without killing!"

"Surrender without killing! Surrender without killing!"

The soldiers of Da Zhou outside the city shouted.

Seeing that he couldn't go back, the leader of the Chuyue Kingdom immediately said:
"Into the city, as long as we control Shunyang City, what can Chuyue Kingdom do against us even if Da Zhou is outside?"

The army of Chuyue Kingdom frantically rushed into the city.

After all, they captured the East Gate.

The city is much safer.

Soon the city gate was closed.

The generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty immediately set up a refusal horse outside the city, waiting in full force, and blocked the east gate.

It turned out that there were not many Da Zhou soldiers outside the city, only a mere 5000 troops.

The chief general leading the troops was Cheng Yaojin, and these 5000 people were naturally the soldiers of the rear guard.

The shouts of killing continued in the city, but a large number of Chuyue soldiers rushed towards the east gate.

With 10 people packed into such a city, it becomes crowded and cramped.

Even if Yijing was attacked and beheaded [-] by the generals of the Great Zhou, [-]% of them are still trapped in Dongcheng District, which is still too dense.

Soon the Great Zhou soldiers in the city were not advancing, but blocked all roads.

The horses and sandbags were transported over, and the [-] Chuyue army was confined to Dongcheng District.

"Send a message that if the soldiers of the Chuyue Kingdom don't surrender, we will burn the entire Dongcheng District!"

Yu Jin walked from the back of the team to the front with a stern look and a cold tone.

The masters of the rivers and lakes of the Great Zhou followed by him, in case the masters of the Chuyue Kingdom suddenly attacked and killed the master general.

(End of this chapter)

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