I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 690 Surrender, suicide

Chapter 690 surrender, suicide

"What? They're going to set fire to the entire Dongcheng district!"

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom panicked.

How can this be.

They don't want to be burned to death so aggrieved.

All the ministries will rush towards the gate tower of the East City.

The leader of the Chuyue Kingdom, who was in charge of leading the team, went to the Wugui's Huang family.

Huang Hao is the leader of the team this time. Looking at the soldiers of the Zhou Dynasty who were building a bonfire outside the city, Huang Hao walked back and forth on the city.

The shouts of killing stopped in the direction of the city.

Huang Hao was even more uneasy.

Soon a bunch of generals rushed up.

"Huang Shuai, something is wrong. Zhou people say that if we don't surrender, they will set fire to the entire Dongcheng District!"

"What should Shuai Huang do now? Once Da Zhou attacks with fire, so many of us will be roasted to death!"

"Huang Shuai, come up with an idea!"

When Huang Hao saw a group of guys urging him to die, he felt angry, and said coldly with a flick of his sleeves:
"Shut up, Da Zhou doesn't dare to be so mad, he really wants to set fire to us, and then they...they!"

Huang Hao turned around and sighed, looking out of the city.

"If you all have the guts, you can take people out of the city. This commander has watched for a long time, and there won't be too many Da Zhou troops outside the city."

"Break out is victory!"

"Do you dare?"

The others fell silent for a moment.

It takes courage to break through like this.

They have seen the Meng Huoyou that Da Zhou used just now.

Can play a fire belt at any time.

The barrier will be our charge.

They may not be afraid of death, but the soldiers below are not.

"I'll go! I'm a dignified Chuyue country. Is there any lack of fear of death? If you have the guts, come with me. We will organize a group of masters. Once Da Zhou hits the fire belt, we will take the lead in putting it out and rushing over.

At worst, he would be buried in a sea of ​​flames.

Anyway, if we don't surrender, we will be burned to death sooner or later. It is better to die early than to die late, and it can also give hope to the army! "

Where there is a first, there is a second.

The Chuyue people are not short of talents, nor are they short of brave ones.

After all, some middle and lower generals were born as civilians.

They fought bravely.

There is no shortage of blood and courage.

Just missing a chance to rise.

When it comes to life and death, it is still these low-level generals of the Chuyue Kingdom who are willing to come out to take on the big responsibility.

A general who was born in an aristocratic family will inevitably spare his life.

Even Huang Hao is the same. Although he is the coach, his courage and courage are still not enough.

However, there is one way of being a nobleman who is the best.

That is the way of deceiving Dafa.

They can inspire the civilian soldiers and generals below.

Huang Hao pulled out his sword, handed it to a civilian general who went down and said:
"Take my saber and go, if you can make a way for the army, I will ask for credit for you when you return to Jiangling.

The empire will not forget the warriors! "

"Thank you Huang Shuai!"

Soon the gate of the East City Gate opened again.

The generals of the Chuyue Kingdom and a group of masters of the rivers and lakes roared and charged towards the east.

Seeing this, Cheng Yaojin's eyes that were about to doze off suddenly brightened, and his face became more energetic.

Holding an axe, he muttered:

"Cheer up, the enemy is here to deliver food, shoot them hard!"

The rear guard is Chang'an's elite infantry.

If you don't need Cheng Yaojin's order, you will be ready for battle.

Just wait for Chuyue Kingdom to approach.

The generals began to order to shoot arrows.

"Shoot the crossbow, suppress!" The archers finished shooting, followed by the continuous crossbow.

Not only the Group Army and the Shenji Battalion were equipped with crossbows in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

All armies are equipped, but the number depends on the number.

And whether it is garrison or field combat.

will make changes accordingly.

And the number will not be small.

Streamlined operation, short production time, and exquisite and uniform.


Countless crossbow arrows were shot out, and the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom bravely charged forward with their shields on their backs.

Soon he hit Juma, and was blocked by this large obstruction.

"Crossbowmen, suppress Zhou Jun for me!"

"The Hercules come forward, remove the horse for me, and destroy the earthen wall."

As soon as there is a move, there will be a move.

Countless Chuyue warriors charged forward with their heads bowed, trying to remove the obstacle.

At this time, the generals of Da Zhou also issued new orders.

"Meng Cupping Can, smash two of them over for me."

At that moment, a soldier lit the fire pot and threw it over.

"Not good, be careful to avoid it!"


Two fireballs rose up among the attacking army of Chuyue Kingdom.


The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom howled and screamed.

Burning like will-o'-the-wisp, it was excruciatingly painful.

"Go on, don't stop! Go for me!"

A general of the Chuyue Kingdom, with a shield on his head, directly jumped over the earth wall piled up with sand belts.

The generals and masters of the Chuyue Kingdom in the back also jumped up one after another, waving their weapons.

Destroy the incoming surveillance.

"Lime! Put!"

Seeing that these masters were about to charge close, the soldiers of the back foot guard threw the bags of lime in their hands.

Chu Yue's generals and masters didn't know it was lime, so they chopped it away.

The next moment white powder exploded in the air.

Scattered lime powder filled their eyes.

Or block the view.

You have to hold your breath.

"Fire arrows!"

"Keep smashing the cupping jar!"

The generals of the rear foot guard seized the opportunity to urge orders to command.

"Pfft..." The generals of Chuyue Kingdom and the masters of the rivers and lakes were shot and fell down one after another.

In the army of ordinary soldiers behind, two more fireballs ignited.

devouring their lives.

A fire belt continued intermittently there.

Let the Chuyue Kingdom attack.

There were many casualties, but they still couldn't kill them.

Soon the fire weakened, but the bravery of the soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom was also vented.

Had to go back again.


Huang Hao and the others were a little lost.

He fought so fiercely and rushed so bravely, but he still failed.

"Later! Huang Shuai, the people of Da Zhou started setting fire to the city."

Suddenly someone came up to report.

Others looked towards the direction of the city.

More than a dozen fire points shot up into the sky, reflecting half of the sky.

"Huang Shuai, what should we do now?"

"Huang Shuai, make up your mind, it will be too late!"

Da Zhou really dared to set fire.

Really dare to burn 8 people alive, they are not joking.

It was only then that everyone remembered that Da Zhou had never done such a thing before.

In Guanzhong, they attacked with fire and wiped out hundreds of thousands of Chuyue's main force.

Now only a quarter of the city has been burned, with [-] troops.

Da Zhou can really do it.

Huang Hao glanced at the crowd, and said with a sneer: "You ask me what to do, if you have anything to ask, you can do whatever you want!"

"You dare not bear the infamy of surrender, why did you let me come!"

"Those who want to die continue to fight Da Zhou, and those who don't want to die, just surrender."

The small thoughts of the generals were punctured, and each of them turned their faces away in embarrassment.

"Huang Shuai, you are our chief general, whether you live or die, you are the one who leads us!"

"That's right, you are the chief general, but we are not. If you don't make up your mind, why don't you want us to take it!"

"You guys...forget it, surrender! Surrender if you don't want to die!" Huang Hao snorted, looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, then reached out and pulled out the sword in the guard's hand, and twisted it around his neck.

"Pfft!" sounded.

Huang Hao committed suicide.

He was born in a noble family and could order surrender.

But cannot be captured.

Otherwise, Wugui's high status is destined to be brought down.

Losing is not shameful, being captured, the family is shamed.

(End of this chapter)

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