I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 691: Change Plan A to Plan B

Chapter 691 Change from Plan A to Plan B

"Huang Shuai!"

The generals of Chuyue Kingdom stepped forward one after another.

But Huang Haoyijing lost his anger.

Can't die anymore.

Three nobles and five nobles, the most noble existence of Chuyue Kingdom.

The children of his family enjoy special treatment.

Naturally, there are also special responsibilities.

"Surrender! The opportunity Huang Shuai won for us must not be let down!"

"Surrender! Then let's surrender!"

The generals of Chuyue Kingdom dropped their weapons one after another.

The order was uploaded from the city to the city, and then passed into the city.

I hope that Yu Jin and others will stop the fire attack immediately.

This side of the city gate opened again.

Several people came out.

"Soldiers of the Great Zhou, don't shoot arrows, we surrender, we surrender!"

The soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty were suspicious.

They all looked at Cheng Yaojin behind him.

Cheng Yaojin spit out his mouth and said, "Grandma, I'm surrendering now, it's so boring!"

"Tell the people of Chuyue, otherwise, if you come to the battle to wipe out, you may be able to rush to kill them!"

"..." Everyone!

Before dawn, the news was sent to Champion City!

Di Qing and the others just got up.

The soldiers who delivered the letter walked in outside.

Letters come up.

Di Qing applauded!

"Great! A big rat has been caught!"

"In this way, there is no threat to my rear!"

"Come here, send an order to send two regiments to support Anzhong."


The two regiment leaders who were named went down to lead the troops and immediately went to Anzhong City.

When eating breakfast.

New battle reports from both Wancheng and Zhuyang.

Both sides stabilized the battle situation and bluffed the army of Chuyue Kingdom.

After reading it, Di Qing gave an order: "Leave one regiment to guard the champion city, lead the front guard, rear guard, and other regiments, follow me to take Yuyang.

This time we are also nocturnal, like a little mouse. "

That day, Di Qing led an army of [-] to sneak towards Chuyue Kingdom's defense line, and quietly kicked off the prelude to the counterattack!

The curtain fell.

The coalition forces of South Korea and Chuyue Kingdom reached the land ten miles outside Xixian County.

Chang Xia and Han Jue walked to the mountainside and checked the defense situation of Xi County.

"Da Zhou also sent a lot of soldiers and horses here?"

"Normal, this is one of the two ways out of Wuguan.

And after Da Zhou's repair and expansion, this side is now the main road.

The road of Danshui seems to be secondary instead! "

"Yes, if there are no decent soldiers and horses here, it will look a bit too fake." Han Jue said:

"When is the best time to do it!"

After speaking, Han Jue looked at the sky.

If attacking at night, it will be tonight.

If it's daytime, it's tomorrow.

Sneak attack pays attention to suddenness.

Staying up all night in the mountains has too many variables.

Chang Xia thought for a while and said: "Tomorrow is better! We have driven so long on the mountain road, and the soldiers are very tired.

One is that we need to rest, and the other is that night battles are not good for our army. The geographical terrain is not familiar. It may start suddenly, but if we cannot win within three quarters, then we will be passive instead. "

"Alright, we have an advantage in military strength, and we can only deploy during the day, and we need ladders to attack the city. It's a bit unrealistic to rely solely on masters to attack the city. After all, we don't know how powerful masters are stationed in the city!" Han Jue arrogantly said:

"An upright attack, I believe that with our strength, even if they have masters stationed, we can still attack."

"That's the reason!" Chang Xia said:

"Hurry up and build siege weapons now! We will fight out tomorrow, scaring the garrison of Dazhou to death!"

After the two discussed, they immediately issued orders to their respective troops to rest and make siege equipment.

They can't get large siege equipment.

However, ladders and battering rams are still feasible.

Analyze the county!

In the main hall of the county government office, sat a young and heroic boy.

The young man was wearing a dragon robe, and he was dealing with official duties sent from Chang'an.

"Your Majesty, the coalition forces of South Korea and Chuyue Kingdom are not attacking the city by surprise, but are secretly building siege equipment!" Qiao Feng walked in and said:
"According to their plan, they should prepare to attack the city tomorrow."

Ye Qing raised his head and threw the last memorial aside.

"Have you found out how many masters there are in the coalition forces of the two countries?"

Qiao Feng replied: "I found out, the masters from the two countries who came this time, there is a Chuyue master who is at the sixth rank, and two masters at the fifth rank from each of the two countries, a total of four fourth ranks, six third ranks, Ten second grades, twenty first grades."

"Warlords are not very strong, the highest is the second rank, and they are basically first-class fighters."

"Right now, Ding Chunqiu is still watching there. Our people have blocked the east and south roads of the coalition forces."

Ye Qing walked out of the county government hall and looked at the sky.

At this moment, Guo Jia came over from the outside.

Ye Qingdao: "Feng Xiao, the coalition forces of South Korea and the Chuyue Kingdom are not going to attack at night, change plan A to plan B!"

"It's Your Majesty!" Hearing this, Guo Jia was only slightly taken aback, then turned around and went down again.

Plan A is to wait for the coalition forces to attack the city.

Put it in and fight, and finally surrounded the city, forcing it to surrender.

Plan B is to take the initiative to attack and surround the coalition forces in the mountains.

The [-] coalition troops don't have much food, they won't last long, and they will surrender!
If you don't surrender, you can only break out to the south, but the cavalry of Dazhou has long been experienced.

If you want to run, can you outrun Da Zhou's cavalry?
Either surrender, or become a ghost under the sword.

after dark!
In order to avoid exposure, the Chuyue Kingdom and the South Korean coalition forces took all the spies back, and all the cats were in the mountains.

And Dazhou can mobilize troops openly.

This is normal in the eyes of the coalition forces.

After all, the southern front is at war.

Cars and horses going back and forth on the official road couldn't be more normal.

As everyone knows, this is the Jingwei of the Great Zhou encircling them.

The next morning!
It was just dawn.

At this time, the sixth-grade master of Chuyue Kingdom who had gone out hurried back and directly broke into Chang Xia's camp! "

"Who!" Chang Xia was very upset, and shouted loudly, wanting to touch the sword.

"General Chang is my Ding Li."

Only then did Chang Xia blink, and retracted the outstretched hand.

His complexion also improved slightly.

"Why did Lord Ding break in and didn't say hello? I thought it was someone who didn't know the rules."

Although the opponent is a sixth-rank master, Chuyue Kingdom is the country with the most strict hierarchy.

Nobility, big and small, are respected.

The martial arts of Jianghu masters are high, but most of them are enshrined by noble families.

Many of them were subdued and circled.

So Chang Xia did not give Ding Li too much courtesy.

Ding Li was not surprised and said: "General Chang, we may have been exposed. Da Zhou dispatched a lot of troops last night, all of them are on our periphery."

"What?" Chang Xia finally became anxious at this moment.

Hastily lifted the quilt, a gust of cold wind blew over, making him shiver.

Ding Li turned around and left the military tent.

The light dimmed.

Chang Xia cursed inwardly, but didn't rush to think about anything else, so she got up and put on her clothes immediately.

Then he hurried out of the camp.

"What is the specific situation? Can you be sure that we are really exposed? The soldiers and horses of Dazhou really came to surround us?"

(End of this chapter)

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