Chapter 692
"Now there are soldiers and horses from Great Zhou outside the mountain. If General Chang doesn't believe it, you can send someone out to investigate!" Ding Li didn't answer Chang Xia's three consecutive questions directly, but just said something.

Chang Xia was so angry that he was half dead, but he couldn't get angry easily.

He turned around with a flick of his sleeves and went to find the Korean leader Han Jue.

Han Jue broke out in a cold sweat when he heard this.

He hurriedly said: "Hurry up and send someone to investigate, and check the east, west and south sides carefully. If the army of the Great Zhou is really coming at us, then we are really exposed. I will be in danger when the 11 army is waiting!"

"I hope it's not true, it's a false alarm!" Chang Xia took a chance and said:
"Even if Da Zhou finds us, they won't have too many troops in Xi County.

We have an army of [-], so it is not certain who will eat who? "

"That's right. We have a lot of troops. How big is the total strength of Dazhou in Nanyang? The one in Xi County is 2. We have more than [-] and can't beat [-]?" Han Jue suddenly felt better about himself.

But the people who went out to investigate soon returned in embarrassment.

There are still a few fewer people.

"General, it's not good, Da Zhou's soldiers and horses are really coming towards us, and they are encircling us!"

"General, there are quite a few troops in the Great Zhou, and judging by their serial numbers, they are all Jingwei, not the Suzaku Army."

Really exposed!
Chang Xia and Han Jue looked at each other.

There was a chill down the spine.

Jingwei, this is the most elite garrison in Zhou Dynasty.

Ye Qing transferred the most elite troops from Chang'an early.

It seems that he is ready to go south to join the war at any time.

It is said that Jingwei has 10 to [-] people.

As long as half of them come, there will be [-] to [-] soldiers and horses.

"How many Zhou troops are there at the foot of the mountain, can you find out?" Han Jue asked.

South Korea's expert spies replied: "Return to the general, a rough estimate, there should be no less than 2 horses!"

Twenty thousand!

It seems that there are not many.

While everyone was muttering and discussing, someone suddenly came over and said:
"General, it's not good. The people of Zhou set fire to the mountain. The west and east sides are on fire, and the fire is burning towards the mountain!"

"What?" Chang Xia and Han Jue were so frightened that they almost scolded their mothers.

Da Zhou is too shameless.

As soon as the encirclement is over, set fire to it.

It doesn't talk about martial arts too much.

How can there be such a war.

At any rate, there will be an offensive and defensive battle, and you will burn the mountain without even shouting.

The mountains to the north are gone.

It is simply committing a crime.

But after thinking about it, they were helpless, the north was full of mountains, there were no cities, and there were no people.

If it is burned, it will destroy some forests at most.

No other effects will be caused.

Besides, this is Nanyang of our Chuyue Kingdom.

What was burned was also the mountains and forests of my Chuyue Kingdom.

"Assemble the army, divide 1 people to clear the west, and cut out a fire zone outside our camp; divide 1 people to clean up the east, and cut out a fire zone outside the camp; finally divide 1 people A fire zone was also cleared behind the battalion.” Han Jue simply issued an order, and South Korea allocated 3 people to log and clear out the fire zone.

Chang Xia said: "Now we can only gather the army and go south to fight against the [-] soldiers of Dazhou in the field."

"Then let's fight. Sooner or later, we won't lose in a field battle!" Han Jue has confidence in the South Korean troops.

The sneak attack turned into a wild game.

That's all there is to it now.

Soon the [-] troops of the Chuyue Kingdom and the [-] troops of the Han Army moved down the mountain.

The [-]-strong army came out of the mountain mightily.

Like a wave of ferocious beasts, rushing out of the vast deep mountains.

On the flat ground outside the mountain, the army of the Great Zhou Dynasty built a line of defense with scriptures.

Rejecting horses and knife carts are in front.

Da Zhou's engineering soldiers were digging trenches to pile up earth and rocks.

The engineering soldiers who passed on the industry are very fast.

In just half an hour, a decent defensive position was created.

The Chuyue Kingdom and South Korean coalition forces wanted to rush over, but it would cost them a lot.

The coalition forces sent envoys to the front of the battle to make a call as usual.

"Please tell the general of the Great Zhou. You set fire to the mountain. You are so ruthless that you don't give us a way to survive. Have you ever thought that once you are defeated by us, you will all have their heads cut off?"

All the soldiers of Da Zhou laughed when they heard this.

Ye Qing waved his hand.

Tai Shici urged his horse to rush out, raised his bow and shot an arrow.

The arrow landed at the feet of the person who spoke, which really frightened him into a cold sweat.

Tai Shici said coldly:

"You have to be able to rush out first before you are qualified to speak big words. In the eyes of my Da Zhou, all the armies in the world are ants. If you don't accept it, come to fight!"

After Tai Shici finished speaking, the soldiers of Zhongbuwei raised their weapons and shouted.

"I don't agree to fight!"

"I don't agree to fight!"

The soldiers of the other guards also shouted.

The sound of [-] soldiers shook the sky, resounding up and down the mountain.

After hearing this, all the coalition troops turned pale.

It was so angry.

Do not accept to fight!

Very arrogant Zhou Jun.

Only [-] people dare to say such big words.

Four to one troops can't defeat your Great Zhou's Jingwei.

Really when we are sick cats.

"Attack! Kill the past and overwhelm the Zhou army!"


The simple four words completely annoyed the 8 coalition troops.

From the generals above to the soldiers below.

The 8 people were all angry.

According to the echelon, rush to Da Zhou's side.

The shouts of killing were even louder than that of Da Zhou's.

On Ye Qing's side, the generals all laughed.

The outline of the corners of the mouth is getting bigger and bigger.


Ye Qing was present in this battle, and Ye Qing personally commanded it.

He drew his sword and pointed it in front of him.

The soldiers below stood in awe.

"Shoot the trebuchet, let me smash it, and knock the enemy's charge away!"


The five thousand Bazhou guards led by Le Jin immediately controlled the trebuchet and fired the stone bullets.

These are regular stone bombs.

It falls frequently like raindrops.

The wind broke.

The soldiers of the coalition army who were charging looked up.

The next passenger, the stone bomb fell, smashing a big hole in the ground.

Several soldiers were taken away at once, and their bodies were smashed into minced meat.

Anyone who sees is afraid.

When the second batch fell, the soldiers of the coalition army were all afraid and hid one after another.

"Don't be afraid, this is Da Zhou's trebuchet, you can't throw too many at a time, keep rushing, rush over!"

"Kill!" The soldiers of the coalition army ran at the forefront, charging forward with weapons in hand.

"Bow and crossbow shoot upwards, 45 degrees!"

"Crossbowmen, direct fire, in two layers!"

Ye Qing took an overview of the overall situation, and each of the following generals commanded their own soldiers, and at the forefront, they counterattacked the coalition forces rushing forward.

Trebuchets and bed crossbows are used for ultra-long distances.

Bow for medium range!
Use a crossbow nearby.

The soldiers of the Great Zhou were very familiar with it.

Generally, under so many rounds of blows, there are not many people left on the other side.

But the number of coalition forces is too much.

In order to survive, they risked their lives.

For the sake of dignity, they are also angry.

But when they rushed closer, they found that the Juma and the knife cart would kill them.

These things are like hedgehogs, there is no way to start.

Even with a shield on, it's not easy to move forward.

After all, there is a ditch, and their status is much lower.

Struggle hard.

"Come on, come on, fill in the ditch for me!"

"Quick! Come and fill in the ditch!"

The generals of the coalition army were hoarse and impatient.

(End of this chapter)

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