I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 693: Embarrassed on four sides

Chapter 693 Besieged on all sides
The soldiers of the coalition forces rushed forward with digging tools.

Prepare to fill the trench.

But Da Zhou won't let them get what they want.

Gao Shun, who has rich combat experience, immediately shouted orders from the center of the front team:

"Fire oil, cast!"

The soldiers under Gao Shun were all trapped in the camp, each of them was burly and strong with great strength.

The small fire oil tank is nothing in their eyes.

It was thrown out easily.

The flaming oil tank jumped over the heads of the soldiers of Dazhou and smashed into the coalition forces on the opposite side.


Countless fireballs rose up, and the trenches and trenches were full of oil and fire.

The coalition soldiers who wanted to fill the ditch were ignited one after another.

"Ah! Help me..."

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, and another batch of fierce fire oil tanks fell down.

The coalition soldiers who were still rushing forward were forced to retreat.


Seeing that they could no longer charge forward, the generals of the coalition forces were not fools.

Reluctantly had to retreat.

It was also uncomfortable to retreat, and continued to bear the relentless blow from the Great Zhou Armaments.

Leaving the corpses on the ground.

The coalition forces retreated in embarrassment.

Looking at the ditch that was still burning and raging fire, Chang Xia, Han Jue and others had extremely bad expressions.

The first round of attack failed.

And so many people died.

These fire bombs are a bit weird.

It burned so fiercely that it lasted for a long time.

"What should we do now, should we continue?" Han Jue looked at the terribly burnt corpses of soldiers, his teeth ached badly.

Chang Xia said: "If we don't attack, do we have to wait for death in the mountains? You know, we don't bring much food, it's only enough for a day.

If we don't kill them, we will be starved to death in the mountains. "

Even if one day's food is saved, it is only enough to last for two days.

It just killed everyone.

The food and grass have not been moved, and the soldiers and horses go first.

"Then wait until the fire goes out, we're attacking!"

An hour later, the fire was completely extinguished.

At this time, it was noon.

The sun rose to the middle.

Although the weather is cold, the glare of the sun is still very uncomfortable.

Especially the coalition forces attacking from the mountain side.

"Attack! Kill!"

Another offensive and defensive field battle kicked off.

With Ye Qing in charge, how could the coalition forces take advantage of it.

Attack until dark.

The coalition forces launched four attacks.

All ended in failure.

But it's not without results.

The trenches were filled with charred corpses.

The knife carts and horse refusals were almost destroyed.


The coalition army and the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty were all red-eyed.

The night battle will continue.

The coalition forces do not want to admit defeat yet, because they can still see hope.

Although [-] of them died in battle, there are still [-] troops left.

Still have an absolute advantage in military strength.

"Tonight, the last attack, this time I will definitely be able to break through Da Zhou's army formation and make a surprise attack."

"Eat all the food to replenish the strength of the soldiers. After the fierce battle is over, we have to run southward to Wancheng! Without strength, it is easy to fall!" Except for the generals' horses and horses, they were not killed.

Cook everything else you can eat.

After the [-] army was full, their fighting spirit rose again.

They took up their weapons and rushed down the mountain.


On the side of the Great Zhou army, they already had dinner.

Ye Qing told the generals:

"Follow plan C!"

Plan C, if the coalition forces cannot be besieged and forced to surrender, then an opening will be made for the coalition forces to rush out.

Let them flee in the wide open country to the south.

Two feet can't run as fast as four legs.

Dazhou's rear cavalry guards and middle cavalry guards had been lurking in the south for a long time.

"It's Your Majesty!"

All the generals replied one after another.

Soon the offensive and defensive battle continued, and at first Da Zhou's side naturally blocked.

With the intention of not wanting to let the allied forces come out, and the posture of running out of fuel, it was extremely difficult to block.

Gradually the counterattack weakened.

Then take the initiative to disarm to consolidate the safety of your army.

At this time, the coalition army was like a fish being caught, being slipped away by a master fisherman for most of the day.

Who would have thought that there was another big net waiting for them.

So after rushing out, rush out to the south first.

He had no intention of continuing to fight with Da Zhou's infantry.

Not to mention the army that besieged Da Zhou and surrounded it instead.

"Guankouzi, keep 2 people, don't let them go, just digest here!"

Ye Qing put down the binoculars, relied on the light from the countless torches, estimated the number of remaining troops behind the coalition army, and then issued a new order.

The army of the Great Zhou suddenly stopped.

Throw out the fierce oil tank again.

Hitting the fire belt, the coalition forces that rushed out in the future were blocked back.

The faces of all the coalition soldiers who rushed out before they came were ashen ashes.

As pale as his face must be.

To stay means to die.

"Surrender without killing!"

"Surrender without killing!"

The remaining nearly 2 horses are all Korean soldiers.

It is very miserable to be left behind in a foreign country.

However, they were the most elite soldiers in South Korea, and they did not surrender immediately.

But no matter how much the generals of the Zhou Dynasty tried to persuade them, they didn't reply.

"Your Majesty, the coalition forces inside have no intention of surrendering. Shall we take the initiative to attack and wipe them out as soon as possible!" Xiahou Dun ran to ask for instructions.

Ye Qing shook his head and said:

"No hurry, no hurry! Those in the south can't run away, we have plenty of time to chase them!"

Ye Qing pointed to the coalition army on the mountain and said:

"Call over our side who can sing the songs of the people of Chu and Yue, as well as the songs of the Koreans.

Sing to me for the allied troops on the mountain, those who can't sing will follow suit.

No need to do anything tonight, just sing for me, learn to sing, whoever sings well will be rewarded! "


What kind of play is this?
Xia Houdun, Tai Shici, Dian Wei, Le Jin, Gao Shun and others were all a little confused.

Don't risk your life, play and sing.

Neither will they.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

Soon, people who can sing the songs of the Chu and Yue people, Korean songs, and both languages ​​are found.

Simple teaching.

Then began to sing.

The beginning is naturally uneven, and the singing is as ugly as it is.

"Bastard, these Zhou people are simply insulting the music of my Chuyue Kingdom!"

"My Korean songs are all sung by them as terrible debt collection songs, a bunch of idiots!"

But gradually the coalition forces discovered that the soldiers of Dazhou under the mountain were singing better and better.

Listening and listening, the thoughts of the soldiers of the coalition army seemed to be pulled back to their hometown.

The inner emotions were also released bit by bit.

"I... miss my wife!"

"Father, the baby is not at home, you are always fine!"

"Mother, the child may not be able to go back to fulfill his filial piety!"

The singing sang all night.

All the officers and men of the coalition forces secretly wiped away tears at night.

Men are people too.

They are just a group of ordinary soldiers.

They also have emotions and desires.

After dawn, the inspecting coalition generals found that 5000 people were missing overnight.

These 5000 people secretly went to Dazhou to surrender.

Those who did not leave also had dark circles under their eyes, looked tired and mournful.

His eyes were dull and somewhat hollow.

"This...how could this be?"

"With such morale, how can we continue to break through!"

(End of this chapter)

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