Chapter 694

"Breakthrough! Don't think about it! We have no chance!"

"Then... what should we do?"

Someone pointed to the soldiers around and said:

"Look, do the soldiers still want to fight? Last night, I listened to the homesick songs all night. The homesick relatives have long been obsessed in their hearts.

The army has broken through, and no one will come to rescue us. "

"so what?"

"Either starve to death, or...surrender!"



which one to choose.

Starve to death if you want bones.

Surrender if you want to live.

It wasn't the ordinary soldiers who couldn't bear it first.

But the generals of the two countries.

It's not good to be hungry.

The sun rises overhead.

Wu Zang Temple began to rebel.

They are of noble birth.

What you usually eat is good.

Don't tell a lie if you don't tell a meal.

"Hey! How can the people of Da Zhou remain silent." Someone looked down the mountain expectantly.

This person's words touched the hearts of everyone.

Looking at each other one by one, they basically understood the hints.

At this time, as long as Da Zhou came to attack, they surrendered.

It can also get a good reputation, it can be said that they can't beat it.

If I voluntarily surrender, I can't hold back my face.

The most important thing for nobles is face.

A self-esteem that cannot be lost until death.

Just when Da Zhou, whom they were waiting for, came to recruit.

Suddenly someone ran over and said:

"General, something is wrong, the soldiers on the left and right flanks went down the mountain and surrendered to Da Zhou.

This time, 6000 people left! "


All the generals got up one after another to check.

Sure enough, the ground was full of discarded weapons.

A soldier without a weapon is at the mercy of others!

Is our coalition army humbled to this point?
Everyone looked at each other, then lowered their heads and sighed.

"Or... we still..."

Someone asked with difficulty.

But dare not pick the words too clearly!
"Surrender, it's good to be alive!"

A courageous one finally couldn't hold back anymore.

Throwing away the armor and hat, he walked down the mountain.

A general lost his helmet and completely resigned to his fate.

"I thought it would take a day. It seems that we overestimated the coalition forces. Whether it is the soldiers of South Korea or Chuyue, they are still a little bit off. They are very different from my soldiers and horses in Dazhou." Ye Qing kept looking at it. The soldiers of the coalition army who went down the mountain to surrender were a little disappointed.

A real strong man deserves respect.

Even if it is an opponent, he will be in awe.

And the weak, even if they dare to bow their heads and proclaim themselves ministers, they don't deserve to be looked at more.

Accepted nearly [-] prisoners.

Ye Qing left Le Jin's Bazhou Guard to escort the prisoners, and then led the army to pursue southward.

Chang Xia and Han Jue fled southward all the way.

Seeing that there was no Ye Qing and other troops chasing after him.

Can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It is good to have a broken tail.

Those 2 people stayed to contain Da Zhou, winning a chance for the main force of the army.

Just when they couldn't run, a troop appeared in front of them.

blocked their way.

On the not very wide road, there is a team of 5000 people, neatly arranged in a formation, extending to the back.

All weapons.

All of them are tall and tall, standing there like mountains.

"This is! Da Zhou's troops!"

"What number is it?"

The coalition generals stopped to catch their breath.

"I didn't see the serial number. I don't know which army it is from Dazhou. It should be Jingwei!"

Chang Xia said: "Take a break, and then attack, we must rush over, they only have a few thousand people, they can't stop us."

"That's the only way to go. I hope there is nothing special about this Jingwei team." Han Jue reminded with some unease:
"Only a few thousand people are here this week, it's a bit weird!"

Chang Xia didn't speak, he just wanted to take a rest at this moment.

I ran all night and most of the day.

Hungry and tired.

Soon enough, the coalition forces launched an offensive.


The coalition forces rushed over directly.

On Da Zhou's side, the leader is Li Siye.

The troops led by him were five thousand Modao troops.

Five thousand soldiers blocked the way of the coalition army, each with a Mo knife, the handle of the knife was heavily supported on the ground, the tip of the knife was on the top, and the blade was facing the direction of the enemy.

Five thousand soldiers, with a steady breath, faced the coalition forces rushing like a tide.

There was no change in expression.

Up to fifty paces.

Only then did Li Siye shout: "Get ready!"

Swish!The soldiers in the front row moved their bodies.

He stood upright and bowed his knees, holding the handle of Mo Dao with both hands.

When the opponent approached twenty paces, all the soldiers remained motionless.

Only ten steps away, his eyes are still looking straight ahead.

Not moving like a mountain.


Suddenly Li Siye shouted again.

The soldiers in the front row held their knives high.

The movements are uniform.

At this time, the soldiers of the coalition army rushed to five steps!

A beheaded word fell!
Accompanied by a long Mo Dao.

Mo Dao slashed down, urging the front to be incomparable, and beheading both men and horses.


In front of him was a scene where weapons and flesh were severed.

Whether it was a person or a weapon in front of the coalition soldiers, they were all cut off with a single blow.

He didn't even yell out in a hurry.



Li Siye continued to give orders, and moved forward with his saber.

The sword wall is like a forest, unrivaled.

The second row stepped forward, held up the Mo Dao, and chopped it down with a single blow.


Another row of coalition soldiers was cut in half.

"Go in! Cut again!"

The Modao team stepped forward step by step.

So dozens of times.

The beheading made the scalp of the coalition army numb.

What kind of army is this? It's so fucking fierce.

One cut.

Neatly.Without any discussion.

"Withdraw! Withdraw!"

Allied soldiers retreated one after another.

Many people were so frightened that their legs went weak.

He was trampled to death by his companions in a hurry.

Chang Xia, Han Jue and others also moved their throats.

Looking at the Modao team, I feel chills in my heart.

"What should we do now? Dazhou put thousands of troops here, and our 6-odd army couldn't get through."

"Take a break, let the soldiers slowly..."

After resting, the coalition forces launched two more attacks, both of which were blocked.

It was almost dark at this time.

All the soldiers were so hungry that they had no energy left.

Only to stop the attack.

They come down here.

At this time, there was a shaking sound from the ground.

I saw dust rising from the left and right wings.

"Not good! Great Zhou's cavalry!"

Chang Xia and Han Jue became terrified.

The problem that has been worrying has come.

The elite cavalry of the Great Zhou who had not appeared all this time appeared.

"Assemble, array!"

"Quick! Array!"

I just sat down to rest, and now I have to line up again.

The soldiers of the coalition army complained, but more of them were fear.

The Zhou cavalry came.

I don't know what will happen this time?
Not knowing is scary!

The rear cavalry guard and the middle cavalry guard rushed towards the east and west.

The rolled up dust swept over like an earth dragon.

The threatening murderous intent was even more overwhelming.

The shaking earth seemed to be splitting apart.

"Fire arrows!"

The iron cavalry of the two armies rushed forward, and ten thousand soldiers raised their bows and shot arrows together.

The front row of the coalition forces that hadn't formed any reliable formations were shot down by arrows one after another.

Then the second round, the third round.

The uneven coalition forces screamed and never got up again.

"Raise the crossbow!"

In the last round, the iron cavalry rushed in and fired a burst of crossbows.

The east and west wings of the coalition forces completely collapsed.

One fell down, without formation.

More than 1 people rushed into the two iron cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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