I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 696?? Di Qing is not easy to kill

Chapter 696 Di Qing is not easy to kill
"The coalition was also defeated?"

Jing Hong stood up and swayed a bit.

I just feel that my eyes are completely dark.

Sun Miao quickly helped him up.

"I'm fine. How much do you think we have left in the coalition?" Jing Hong rubbed his temples after standing still.

Sun Miao didn't delay this time, and simply replied: "Only 5000 people escaped to Wancheng, and more than [-] troops were chased, intercepted and eaten by the Jingwei of the Great Zhou!"


Jing Hong spat out a mouthful of old blood, and passed out immediately.

It didn't take long to wake up leisurely.

His face was extremely pale and haggard.

The expression is tired, and the eyes are a little dull.

"Big guy!"

Jing Hong breathed a little weakly and asked:

"How long?"

"Returning to Commander, it took less than half an hour, there is no other situation here!" Sun Miao replied.

Jing Hong was relieved now, closed his eyes and said: "Go, send someone to Qu Lang and ask him to withdraw to Yuyang immediately. If you can't get Yuyang back, come and see him."

"Uh... promise!" Sun Miao immediately went down to make arrangements.

After Sun Miao left, Jing Hong sighed.

"11 coalition troops."

"How many 11!"

"We have already lost 30 troops in this battle, Da Zhou... We really can't beat them... Ahem!"

Another mouthful of blood gushed out of Jing Hong's mouth.

The more Jing Hong thinks about this battle, the less confident he becomes.

Originally he was smug.

As a result, the battle had just started, and the battle took a turn for the worse, and Da Zhou gave them a dismount.


Zhuyang City!
Xiang Yan also had a headache.

The feint attack was anticlimactic, and did not achieve the expected effect.

Let Xiang Yan feel frustrated again.

This is his third attack.

As a result, a large number of soldiers and horses were lost.

It did not pose a threat to the Great Zhou defenders in Zhuyang, and could not play a containment role.

The same Xiang Yan was also thinking deeply about her next move.

"General, something is wrong!"

Suddenly, a confidant counselor came in: "General, I just received a letter from Xiangyang that Xinye has fallen, and the battle between the central and northern fronts is disadvantageous!"

"Xinye...Qu Lang is..." Xiang Yan was stunned for a moment, and wanted to say something, but swallowed it back.

"Bring me a map and tell me about the specific situation in the north!" Xiang Yan walked back to the camp, and his men brought the map.

The confidant said: "An Zhong was defeated by Qu Lang, but it also lost 8000 people. But Yu Yang and Xin Ye were attacked by Di Qing.

Marshal Jing's attack was not going well, so Yijing stopped attacking Wancheng. "

"It seems that Di Qing wants to eat Qu Lang." Xiang Yan thought for a while and said:
"Since he has such a plan, it means that he has planned it long ago, and Anzhong must have been given up on his own initiative.

It shows that Di Qing still has the main force of the Great Zhou, and Chang'an has transferred a large army into Nanyang. This battle is not easy to fight! "

"Then general, what should we do?" the confidant asked.

Xiang Yan let out a long sigh, her brows darkened.

"Let's withdraw troops. At least [-] troops will be sent back to defend Xiangyang. We cannot confirm whether Di Qing will attack Xiangyang. If his target is not only Qu Lang, but also us, it will be dangerous!"

Soon the [-] Chuyue army was transferred to the south and returned to Xiangyang City.

Xiang Yan also completely ended the attack on Zhuyang.



A battle of life and death began to kick off.

Although Qu Lang received Jing Hong's death order, he was very unhappy.

After all, his identity is also Sanlu.

Not worse than Jinghong.

But military orders are military orders.

The opponent is the coach, and he is just a general.

According to the military order, it still needs to be carried out.

Otherwise, after returning, the Jing family will definitely push the responsibility for the defeat to him.


"We must capture Yuyang today. If we fail to capture it, we will all die. We have captured Yuyang and wiped out the defenders of the Great Zhou. I will ask for credit for you, and you will be rewarded."

Soon the Chuyue army began to attack the city.

The crazy army rushed into the city wall.

This time the attack was even more violent than the previous attack on Anzhong.

However, the Great Zhou soldiers guarding the city were also determined.

Not too small.

Stick to it.

Arrows from both sides come and go.

Soldiers on both sides kept falling.

Blood flowed like rivers above and below the city.

Although the defenders are only five thousand.

Facing a siege force ten times larger than their own, the fighting was extremely fierce and tragic.

In the afternoon of the battle, the army of Chuyue Kingdom still failed to capture Yuyang, and was resolutely blocked outside the city.

At this time, [-] soldiers and horses came from Xinye to reinforce them, led by Di Qing himself.

However, Di Qing did not participate in the war, and silently raised his banner.

Keep a certain distance from the army of Chuyue Kingdom.

"It's handsome!"

The city guards were all rejoiced when they saw it.

"The commander-in-chief is with us, the commander-in-chief is watching us, cheer up, brothers, Yuyang City cannot be lost, we cannot embarrass the commander-in-chief!"

The city guard general said loudly:
"Brothers, this time not only the commander is watching us, but His Majesty is also here with Jingwei, and His Majesty is also watching us. We will fight until His Majesty arrives, and we will never retreat."

"Swear to the death!"

All the soldiers roared, and the morale of the whole city was high.

Di Qing's arrival, although it can't give them actual support.

But to give spiritual encouragement.

Let the soldiers in the city know that they are not alone.

They also have comrades outside the city.

out of town!

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom also noticed Di Qing's appearance.

"Report! General, Suzaku Army Di Qing is suspected to be in the south!"

Qu Lang and a group of generals looked south.

There is a huge flag tree of Di Zishuai.

Extra dazzling!
"Di Qing went to sneak attack on my Xinye himself, and dared to prevent me from taking Yuyang, he is not small!"

Qu Lang almost gritted his teeth and said the words.

The name Di Qing spread throughout the streets and alleys of Chuyue Kingdom through scriptures.

It is louder than Ye Qing's name.

After all, Di Qing's Suzaku Army had wiped out too many soldiers from Chuyue Kingdom.

Also took half of Nanyang.

How could the Chuyue people forget the name Di Qing.

"General, if we kill Di Qing first, we will kill him if he dares to come!"

someone suggested.

But Qu Lang shook his head and said:

"Have you forgotten what strength Di Qing is?"

Di Qing's strength.

"According to our intelligence department, he seems to be a fifth-rank general!" Someone said angrily.

Even though he hated Di Qing, he had to admit it.

People are awesome.

A fifth-rank warrior can fight against a sixth-rank and seventh-rank warrior without losing.

And in their army, there is not a sixth-rank Supreme.

Di Qing cannot be killed by force.

Qu Lang's eyes were deep, his face was full of helplessness and he said:

"He brought cavalry, three thousand cavalry, coming and going like the wind, we can't catch up."

The Suzaku Group has cavalry.

Coincidentally, the 5000 people Di Qing brought to attack Xinye were all cavalry.

This is the quickest way to go.

Successive sneak attacks.

Now the cavalry is also brought to support Yuyang.

It is almost impossible to surround Di Qing!

"Look, general, on Yuyang City, the Zhou army counterattacked even more fiercely, and our people were killed and came down to the city again."

(End of this chapter)

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