I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 697? Good news from Hexi Dudufu

Chapter 697 Good news from Hexi Governor's Mansion
"Continue, attack me harder. The Zhou army in the city can't last long. They just saw Di Qing coming. After this effort, they will lose their fighting spirit."

Qu Lang turned back and looked at Yuyang City, but became more determined.

The fight continues.

An hour and a half later, in the evening.

The Zhou army on the city was weak.

Just when the Chuyue army thought that it was going to completely exhaust the Zhou army.

Kill a Zhou army from the west.

The mighty Zhou soldiers marched over.

An army of no less than [-].

There are many flags.

But none of them can be ignored.

"Stop the siege, stop!"

Qu Lang received the report from the rear and immediately stopped the siege.

At this time, the sky will be dark, and the conditions for attacking the scriptures will not be met.

Although night battles can also be fought, but that would be very dangerous.

Because Di Qing's three thousand cavalry were standing by.

Although there are not many people, once they find an opportunity.

It will bring great trouble to the army.

Besides, a Zhou army of more than 2 people is now here.


Jiangling City!
After nightfall, Kuaiqi opened the city gate and headed towards the imperial city.

Soon in the palace, there was a rush of hurried steps from the palace gate to the imperial study.

"Your Majesty! Urgent report from the north!"

The eunuch guarding the gate took the military report and walked in immediately.

Xiong Wan put down the brush in his hand.

He took the military report from the eunuch.

As soon as he saw the first word, he stood up suddenly.

Then his face became darker.

The eyebrows were suppressing something, and they were raised quietly.

Finally the volcano erupts.

The military newspaper was heavily photographed in front of the dragon case.

"Bastards! A bunch of bastards!"

"One hundred thousand army, my army of more than one hundred thousand was eaten by Da Zhou again!"

"Every road is lost, even Yuyang is lost, Xinyi is also lost, they are all trash!"

Don't blame Xiong Wan for being furious.

In addition to the coalition forces, the 70 troops were unable to kill the tens of thousands of Da Zhou soldiers, and were killed by the opponent.

It really shouldn't be!

"Come here! Go and bring the Patriarch of Sanlu over here, I have something important to discuss!"

Xinye is lost!
Xiangyang was exposed again.

The Nanyang battlefield is in a mess, and the war is rotten. What will happen next is worrying!


It's daylight!

Ye Qing rushed to Wancheng with his army.

More than 3 people.

Camped on the hill outside the city.

Maintain the trend of attacking Wancheng.

Jing Hong originally wanted to send people to attack and prevent Ye Qing from setting up camp, but two cavalry were watching intently.

The Chuyue army was so overwhelmed that they did not dare to act rashly.

"Marshal, it's Ye Qing, the emperor of Great Zhou, who came in person!" Sun Miao and Jing Hong were on the watchtower, looking at the mountain to the west, their expressions were extremely solemn.

At the same time there is some respect.

The emperor of a country is willing to lead troops to conquer.

And only [-] soldiers and horses.

What courage and courage is required for this.

Among all the countries in the world, there is no such emperor.

Only those founding kings would do something.

Even the opponent will be convinced.

This is personal charm and has nothing to do with the country.

Jing Hong said:
"I heard that Ye Qing's martial arts are unfathomable, and he has the supreme strength in the past. He is really a monster. With him, all countries will be in trouble in the future!"

As a member of Sanlu, Jing Hong actually sees problems more thoroughly.

The little Suzaku army made the Chuyue Kingdom suffer.

Chuyue Kingdom was the first to be injured among the Kanto states.

And this persistence will increase.

Suddenly Jing Hong became a little worried about the future of Chuyue Kingdom.

As one grows and the other rises and falls, Chuyue Kingdom will collapse even if its strength is strong.

And it will collapse completely.

At the moment of an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent.

If the Chuyue Kingdom were to perish, their three Lus would surely disappear as well.

"Marshal! What should we do now? Ye Qing is here, we can't attack the city." Sun Miao said:

"On the contrary, we have to guard against him attacking us."

Jing Hong said: "Let's confront each other first, and look at Qu Lang's situation, how he has made such good progress, we are now confronting Ye Qing.

Waiting for the reaction of the empire. "

"If Qu Lang loses, we have to withdraw across the river immediately, and we can only row the river with Da Zhou!"

Plan the river and rule.

This is to acknowledge Da Zhou's occupation of Nanyang.

Sun Miao said: "Then we have to send tens of thousands of people to guard Jiyang first."

"Let's make arrangements!" Jing Hong waved his hand and said again:

"There is no need to remove the siege of Wancheng!"

If you can't kill Ye Qing, you won't be able to attack Wancheng.


Zhou Jun's camp was quickly established, although Jing Hong withdrew from the siege.

But Ye Qing didn't intend to enter the city.

Echoing inside and outside the city is the kingly way.

No matter where the Chuyue Kingdom attacked, they would always be attacked.

Even if you don't attack, you have to be on guard against being attacked by Da Zhou.

Inside the camp!
Ye Qing received a report from Chang'an.

This report was forwarded by Northwest.

"Very good! Huo Qubing deserves to be Huo Qubing! A mere 3 riders attacked and destroyed the nest of the dog army in the central region, and captured more than [-] people." Ye Qing laughed heartily and said:
"It's time for Chubu Inurong to cry!"

"Your Majesty, the Hexi Governor's Mansion has won another battle. According to the current development, it will only take half a month for the central dog army to be wiped out." Guo Jia looked at the sand table that had just been built and said:
"In this way, within half a year, the central dog army, the western dog army, and the Hexi Corridor can be swallowed up. We don't need to invest too much."

Ye Qing said:
"Naturally, we will focus on the Chuyue Kingdom. We will crush the Chuyue Kingdom both mentally and physically. We want to beat them until they are afraid of them from the bottom of their hearts, and we want to beat them until they dare not fight any more when they mention me, Da Zhou!"

"Then...Your Majesty, tomorrow we will attack the army of Chuyue Kingdom and attack its camp!" Guo Jia asked, wiping.

Ye Qing nodded his head and said, "Let the soldiers search for stone bullets today, find them and bring them together. Starting tomorrow, we will smash the palace of Chuyue Kingdom!"

The next morning!
Jing Hong and the others heard the rumble of war drums.
The generals of the Great Zhou came out of the barracks and came towards their camp.

In Wancheng, Huang Zhong's right cavalry guard also came out from the city.

Assist the army to attack the camp of Chuyue Kingdom.

An army of more than 20 people faced an attack of less than 4 people.

It sounds a little funny.

But it is what it is.

Moreover, the generals of Chuyue Kingdom such as Jing Hong did not dare to underestimate him in the slightest.

Because they saw the stone-throwing equipment from a distance.

"Marshal, Da Zhou is going to smash our camp, and it will be disadvantageous to stay in the camp!"

The generals of Chuyue Kingdom also looked worried.

The deterrent power of the trebuchet is too strong.

"It's not good to go out of the camp, unless we charge in the field, otherwise..."

Jing Hong raised his hand and said: "There is no need to talk too much, guard the camp well, and transfer the soldiers and horses of the front camp to other places.

Send a small number of soldiers to guard the gate of the front camp. "

Field battles are not suitable now.

The opponent has fifteen thousand cavalry, and they have no advantage in field battles.

Soon the Da Zhou army moved forward.

Came to the front camp of the Chuyue army camp.

"The cavalry set up two wings, trap the camp to the front, in case the Chuyue army comes out!"

"The trebuchets started smashing into the camp, I want to see how long Jing Hong can endure!"

(End of this chapter)

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