I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 698 1 retreat and then retreat

Chapter 698
One order!
All trebuchets started working.

A stone bomb fell down.

The booming sound continued.

The former camp of Chuyue Kingdom was smashed down immediately.

Those camps were destroyed one by one.

The fence of the front battalion was also smashed.

The gate of the front camp failed to hold up a few times before it collapsed.

Too fast, too powerful.

The soldiers of Chuyue Kingdom gasped.

Although he was entrapped by a trebuchet when attacking Wancheng.

But the power displayed at that time was far less intuitive and sharp than it is now.

After all, the projection range is very wide.

The strike surface is too wide.

The effect is naturally almost meaningless.

But the face is different now.

Concentrate bombardment.

"Commander, with such a weapon, our other camps can't last long!" Sun Miao puffed her throat.

I was a little bit discouraged by the scriptures in my heart.

Such a weapon cannot be blocked.

Unless it is a frontal field battle, destroy Da Zhou's army.

Jing Hong didn't speak, closed his eyes, and thought for a long time.

Then he said, "What good idea do you have?"

Sun Miao said: "Marshal, why don't we retreat, and retreat to advance.

We will withdraw tonight, and then set up an ambush halfway to attract the Dazhou cavalry to chase, and set up more horses and ropes on the way.As long as we can destroy the Zhou cavalry, we will have room for maneuver in the Nanyang battlefield! "

Armaments are always just foreign objects.

Not invincible.

The biggest threat of the Great Zhou to the Chuyue Kingdom was the cavalry.

Coming and going like the wind, it is too convenient to attack or retreat.

The Zhou army without cavalry can be defeated.

"Then do as you wish!"

After capturing the front battalion, Ye Qing continued to advance, and took down four Chuyue camps.

After dark, this is the final result.

Back to camp.

All the soldiers said that the Chuyue army had no courage.

Jing Hong has a false name.

There are 20 troops in the air, but they dare not fight in the field.

It's too bearable.

Ye Qing looked at Guo Jia and said, "Feng Xiao, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty, I guess Jing Hong is about to run away. He doesn't want to use 20 troops to gamble on a battle that has no chance of winning, because he really can't afford to lose. After all, if the 20 is discounted again, the hinterland of Chuyue Kingdom will really be destroyed." It’s too empty!” Guo Jia analyzed:

"So there is a high probability that he will retreat, and he will also set up an ambush, waiting for our army to chase after him, and then make a counter-kill."

"This is the only way he has the best strategy at the moment, and there will never be a more suitable way to deal with it."

This time the general will not speak.


Ambush in the meeting!
Don't chase them, just let them go.

Ye Qing stared at the sand table and looked again and again, and asked: "After our army crosses the river, can we be silent and not be discovered by the other party?"

"It's difficult. Jing Hong will definitely consider us attacking his rear, so this is exactly what he wants to see. If we send cavalry across the river, we will be ambushed by them." Guo Jia reminded:

"This battle, until now, is all on the surface, and neither side is qualified to play sneak attacks.

Fighting upright is our theme for the next period of time! "

Ye Qing thought for a while and said, "Zilong, take five thousand cavalry to support Yuyang, and leave after dark.

Now that there is no war in Wancheng, let's stop the fight and let Jing Hong run.

Let him retreat to Thorny Sun. "

"It's my lord, I'll arrange it right away!" Zhao Yun led the order and stepped aside.

Guo Jia stared at Jiyang and said: "Your Majesty, you want Jing Hong to divide his troops and defeat each of them.

Jiyang City is small, with no less than 20 troops stationed there, so there will not be too many defenders in the city, and once Jing Hong retreats, the northern part of Nanyang will be completely exposed to our army's soldiers.

Bowang, Duyang, Yexian and other places all belong to our country. "

"No change, let's see first! What will happen next, none of us can be sure."


Jing Hong led the army and retreated all the way to Jiyang.

The 20 army was divided into three parts by him.

Fifty thousand Shouhe quietly ambushed in a certain mountain.

Just wait for the Zhou cavalry to cross the river and circle behind him, and then surround him.

There are still 15, which should be said to be less than 15, and only less than 12. They retreated along the river to Jiyang and laid many ambushes.

They also failed to wait for the pursuit of Wancheng Ye Qing and others.

Da Zhou's cavalry didn't even see a shadow.

"Ye Qing is so cautious that he didn't come after him." Sun Miao felt a little helpless and frustrated.

Jing Hong patted his shoulder and said:
"Look a little more, there are capable people in the Great Zhou, and there are many resourceful people. Our army has 20, so we withdrew like this.

They should have figured it out. "

The army withdrew to Jiyang, and Jing Hong immediately contacted Qu Lang to see if the situation was opened there.

But soon a bad news came.

"Marshal, our General Qu... died in battle!"

The person came with a crying voice, lowered his head and cried:

"Our army was attacked by Da Zhou from all sides, and we were defeated and dispersed. No fewer than 5 people were killed or injured. Only [-] were brought out to Jiyang. The rest fled to the east bank of the river."

"What, Qu Lang..." After Jing Hong heard this, another mouthful of old blood spewed out, and he fainted.

Even Sun Miao and the others were a little dizzy.

There are no more tens of thousands of troops.

This time the loss was too much.

70 has been hit so far, and half of it is gone.

Jing Hong didn't vomit blood, but they would vomit blood too.

"Come on! Build the floating bridge immediately!" Sun Miao gave an order without waiting for Jing Hong to wake up.

The generals below came over in astonishment.

stunned for a moment.

Seeing Sun Miao's serious expression, someone turned around and left the city hall.

When Jing Hong woke up, it was nightfall.

The successive blows made him heartbroken, and he aged sixteen or seventeen years old.

"Let the army prepare to retreat to the east bank of the river, Jiyang can't stay there forever!"

Sun Miao said: "The Yijing is building a pontoon bridge, and it will be repaired before dawn!"

Hearing this, Jing Hong closed his eyes in relief.

"You can arrange other things. Send an urgent report to Jiangling, saying that the minister is incompetent, so he cannot be qualified for the post of commander. I hope His Majesty will send a more capable person to coordinate the war!"

"Marshal, don't underestimate yourself, another person may not be able to do as well as you!" Sun Miao advised:
"At this time, the empire needs a general, and it is when we are waiting for the army to need a general. If the general cannot cheer up, it will be a huge loss to our army and the empire."

"But... hey, I really can't think of how to deal with Ye Qing.

I have no confidence anymore, the future of the empire... Leave it to the young people! "As he spoke, Jing Hong coughed up blood, turned sideways and spit out a mouthful of blood.

It turned out that the high-spirited handsome man was gone.

The generation of generals of my Chuyue Kingdom has dimmed.

Sun Miao also had complicated thoughts.

Maybe it's time for the Sun family to make some changes.

As Jing Hong said, Chuyue Kingdom needs young people.

Opportunities should be given to young people.

It should be given to those... common people.

Aristocratic hereditary monopoly is conducive to the stability of the empire.

But it is not conducive to the discovery of talents, let alone the reuse of talents.

Chuyue Kingdom has no shortage of talents, what it lacks is the channel for promotion.

(End of this chapter)

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