Chapter 699

Under the city of Zhuyang!

"Hey, withdraw your troops! It doesn't make any sense anymore!"

Xiang Yan threw the battle report just received into the fire.

He tightened his clothes and gave a new order.

The army, which had no intention of fighting, retreated southward slowly that day, and went directly to Xiangyang.

Jiangling City!
No matter whether it is the court or the people, they are all talking about this matter.

"We lost again, what's going on, why can't we always beat Da Zhou!"

"That's right! In the past, it was our Chuyue Kingdom that made others scream. How come we meet the new king of Zhou, and we lose every day!"

"There are hundreds of thousands of troops gone again. I don't know how many sons, husbands, and fathers are gone?"

"I heard that the empire will continue to increase its troops, how long will it last?"

"Do we still have troops to draw?"

Listening to the discussions on the street, the officials of the Rites of the Great Zhou Dynasty looked at each other and hurried back to the post house.

"Exactly, now that His Majesty has won another battle, and Chuyue Kingdom has been defeated, can we continue to talk with Chuyue Kingdom!"

someone in the mission asked.

The envoy shook his head and said, "It's not yet the right time. This time, the people of Chuyue lost another 40 to [-] horses. It's the fire. We went to them. It's a bit like showing off, but it will annoy them."

"Wait, they are the ones who are anxious now, we just wait, as long as Your Majesty they fight better, the more land they capture in Nanyang, the more impatient the Chuyue people will be, and they will lower their stance to find us!"

"I'm going to go out in disorder these days, be careful that the people of Chuyue Kingdom will secretly harm our mission!"

"It's the envoy!"



"Jing Hong ran fast, so he retreated across the river. It seems that he has room to trade time, indirectly diluting our army's ideas, and wants to divide our army's strength." Ye Qing said:

"Then do as they wish, take the northern part first, concentrate superior forces, and attack Xiangyang!"

"All the cavalry went to the east bank of the river, and Jing Hong's soldiers were closely monitored. I want his troops to know what to eat at night and where they go."

"It's Your Majesty!"

South Korea!

Chen Liucheng!
The Korean Chaotang is also fried.

"The [-] army did nothing, and the whole army was wiped out!"

"Chuyue Kingdom misled me, Dahan..."

"Your Majesty, Da Zhou killed so many sons of my Da Han, we should settle the score with them!"

Han Ran was already so angry that his seven holes were smoking.

But even though it was dark at the moment, he also maintained restraint.

"You want to take revenge on this matter. The matter of our alliance with the Chuyue Kingdom is shady. Can you directly question Da Zhou?"

Being sneaky, being beaten with a sap, I can only bear it by myself.

All of a sudden, the whole court was quiet again.

Shen Buhai wanted to say something, but at last he thought of something, and stopped his pace again.

"Your Majesty, let's send troops directly to Kunyang. One is to put pressure on Da Zhou, and the other is to prevent Da Zhou from crossing the border and taking the opportunity to retaliate against us!"

"Retaliate against us, why should he retaliate against us..."

"The Great Zhou is nothing. Many of our soldiers surrendered. They will definitely know about our alliance with Chuyue!"

There was another quarrel in the hall.

The Minister of the Ministry of War said violently: "Your Majesty, I think we should attack Luoyang directly. The Great Zhou captured our soldiers who went to Nanyang. Once the Nanyang incident is over, they will definitely question us.

We should act first, and before they speak out, we should accuse Da Zhou of sending spies into Korea and colluding with officials from Da Korea to overthrow the court of Da Zhou. "

Han Ran hesitated.

This is the start of a war with Da Zhou.

Will it be too soon.

He is not ready yet.

South Korea is no better than Chuyue Kingdom, and does not have such a strong foundation.

It's hard to play now.

Gong Zhongpeng said: "Your Majesty, I think what the Ministry of War said is reasonable. We should enter the army as soon as possible. The longer we delay, the less righteous we will be. Instead, we will be accused by Da Zhou."

As soon as Situ spoke, all the officials below echoed.

"This..." Han Ran was about to be roasted on the fire, his eyes wandered around, and finally settled on Shen Buhai.

"What did Shen Aiqing say?"

Shen Buhai's loyalty and ability are recognized by Han Ran.

It's just that the general situation is not allowed to be promoted by the imperial court.

Han Ran nodded at this time.

All eyes focused on him.

The pressure on Shen Buhai also increased.

However, this person is a loyal and upright minister, facing Gong Zhongpeng's cannibalistic gaze, he said bravely: "Your Majesty, fighting together will not benefit the country. Even if we can win Luoyang, we can eat Hongnong." County no.

If you can eat Hongnong County, can you hold it. "

"War together, the consumption of the empire will be huge, how long can the money and food last?"

"When we start a war with Da Zhou, it is tantamount to helping the Chuyue Kingdom to share the pressure. Da Zhou turned around and tried his best to deal with us. How should we do it?"

"It's not beneficial to the country, but it will cause great harm. If you can't do it, you should first change the law and try to strengthen it..."

Every sentence of Shen Buhai was like a knife piercing everyone's heart.

The hall was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

They were almost holding their breath.

Only Gong Zhongpeng heard the last, coughed heavily and said:

"Your Majesty, you should refrain from harm. This person is under the protection of Da Zhou with his eloquent words. According to the old minister, he must be bought and sold by Da Zhou!"

"Every sentence is inseparable from the reform, trying to use the reform to mess up my Korea, make my big Korea abolish its martial arts, and cause civil strife and civil war.

In order to achieve the effect of subduing others without fighting, he is really a traitor and should be killed. "

"Gong Zhongpeng, you are the scourge of the empire. You obstruct the strengthening of the empire everywhere, trying to protect the interests of the old nobles, and even disregarding the country's plans. You are old and not dead, and you are a thief!" Shen Buhai Originally a loyal minister with violent personalities, this time he finally couldn't take it anymore, and pointed at Gong Zhongpeng's nose and cursed:

"The empire is very weak now, with insufficient money and food, and the livelihood of the people is unstable. You still want to take advantage of things and drag the empire into the mudflats of war, so as to benefit your father-in-law's family and make a fortune for the country. You are the empire. You are the root of the cholera empire!"

"'t talk nonsense, this old man is going to kill you, kill you!" Gong Zhongpeng was so angry that his fingers trembled.

He took two trembling steps forward, then his eyes darkened, and he passed out from anger.

"Lord Situ! Lord Situ!"

Other officials around rushed forward one after another.

It's old and new again.

Han Ran looked annoyed, but both sides were loyal ministers he thought, so he waved his hand and said:

"Hurry up, take Gongzhong Aiqing down and treat your adopted son."

"No!" At that moment, a guard came in and carried Gong Zhongpeng away.

Han Ran also waved to Shen Buhai and said, "You should go to court first, go home and reflect for ten days, and you won't have to go to court in these days, and leave your official duties to the servants below!"

"His Majesty!"

Shen Buhai felt extremely wronged.

In order to appease Gong Zhongpeng's family, the emperor actually let him go home on vacation.

Seeing Han Ran's firm attitude, in the end Shen Buhai had no choice but to bow and leave the hall.

Shen Buhui left, but Han then turned his attention to the people in the Ministry of War and said:
"Your Ministry of War has the most right to speak. You can discuss this matter and come up with a safe plan!"

(End of this chapter)

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