I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 700: Han Xin Trains His Generals

Chapter 700 Han Xin Trains His Generals
Luoyang City!
The city gate has just been closed.

Someone called the door outside the city.

"I want to go to the city. Tomorrow, today is the switch time, so hurry up tomorrow!"

The city guard will strictly follow the rules, and call out the door very dogmatically.

The outsiders did not leave.

Instead, he took out a token from his pocket and threw it towards the city.

Said: "The business is urgent, hand it over to Marshal Han!"

The city guard took the token and took a look, and found that it was a golden token.

The hands that were held trembled a little.

After inspection, he said: "You can enter the city, but you have to ride a hanging basket."

Rules are rules.

Horses are not allowed to enter the city after dark.

Even if they are their own people, unless the army returns, they will generally not open the city gate.

The person who came didn't mind, and just said: "Use the rope, I can use my strength to go up."

The city gate general then dropped a rope, and the visitors stepped on it with it.

"My lord, please put away your things!" The gatekeeper politely handed over the golden token.

The visitor took back the token, and then went to the city gate to ride the spare horse, and went to the residence of Han Xin, the commander of the Qinglong Army.

Soon Han Xin received the visitor.

With a golden token, you can pass without hindrance.

"Tieshou, what news did you bring back!" What Han Xin saw was Tieshou, one of the four famous arresters.

Tieshou replied: "Our Jinyiwei activated the highest-level underchannel, and learned that South Korea is planning to send troops to Luoyang. They will attack us under the pretext of colluding with officials from the host country."

"Oh! South Korea is really going to do this, much faster than expected!" Han Xin was not surprised.

After all, this has long been expected.

Tie Shou explained: "Your Majesty and the others won the battle in Nanyang, the Chuyue Kingdom and the South Korean coalition forces were wiped out, and South Korea lost [-] elite soldiers in the First World War.

Naturally, I couldn't swallow this breath, so I wanted to make trouble! "

"I see. It seems that the battle situation in Nanyang has become clearer, and the Chuyue Kingdom has lost weight again." After Han Xin sighed, he returned to the main topic and said:

"South Korea wants to attack us, so don't let them wait. Let's do them first. Go down and rest first. From tomorrow onwards, you will command Jin Yiwei to assist our army."



The next day!

Han Xin summoned all the generals to discuss the matter of sending troops.

Military adviser Xun You also participated.

"Great, it's finally our Qinglong Army's turn to fight!"

"Yes, it's not easy! After so long, we can finally have a good fight!"

"But our city hasn't been repaired yet."

"You are stupid, the construction of the city can be postponed, the basic framework has been built, and the city defense has also been completed.

The next step is the planning and construction in the city. When we win the battle, we will capture more prisoners. Hehe, maybe we can finish the project ahead of schedule! "


"The commander-in-chief and the military adviser are here, don't talk about it!"

Outside the hall, Han Xin and Xun You walked in one after the other.

Everyone paid attention.

Send the two to their positions.

Han Dao: "Sit!"

"Thank you, Marshal!" All the generals sat down one after another.

"You all know the matter by experience, let's talk about your views! How should this battle be fought?" Although Han had already made a final decision in confidence, he still wanted to see what his subordinates thought about this dispatch.

Someone stood up and said anxiously:

"Commander, according to my opinion, go directly to the east, first attack Yanshi and Gong County, and then take down Hulao Pass. After occupying this pass, you can go eastward and use my Dazhou cavalry to directly threaten the capital of South Korea. Chen stay.

The killing made the Koreans terrified, and they became ministers to Nabai. "

This plan is simple and crude.

Once Hulao Pass was conquered, Han Huang couldn't sleep well, and might have to discuss moving the capital.

Going out of Hulao Pass to Pingchuan, South Korea can hardly stop the troops of Dazhou.

Han Xin commented: "This method is very simple and practical, but it also has its shortcomings.

If Hulao Pass is captured, South Korea will definitely live with me forever.

At that time, the war will continue, and it is impossible to end the war without destroying South Korea, or beating them so that they have no strength to fight back. "

When everyone heard this, it was a little pity.

It turned out that it was not intended to wipe out South Korea.

Hearing Han Xin's meaning, he understood that this was a limited plan to start a war.

Everyone thought about it for a while and nodded secretly.

Da Zhou is currently fighting fiercely with Chuyue Kingdom, so he doesn't have the conditions to start a full-scale war with the two at the same time.

After all, the material consumption is too large.

Da Zhou was a bit overwhelmed.

Then another general stood up and said:

"If Hulao Pass is not captured, then our army should be divided into two parts, one part will attack Yanshi, Gongxian and other Korean cities near Luoyang, and not attack Hulao Pass.

In the other part, we attack the three passes of Yique, Dagu and Xuanyuan in the south.

After capturing here, we can attack Yingchuan to the south in the future.

At the same time, it can also ensure the safety of our south of Luoyang City. "

"That's a good idea! These three barriers must be taken down!" Standing up again, he said:
"With these three gates in place, we will be more relaxed towards South Korea. If the Koreans want to seize Luoyang and other places from Hulaoguan, we will use three gates to attack Yingchuan and force the Koreans to withdraw their troops and negotiate peace!"

Then three more people stood up and said to each other:
"Marshal, I am willing to be the vanguard to go south and attack Yique Pass!"

"Marshal, I am willing to be the vanguard to go south and attack Dagu Pass!"

"Marshal, I am willing to be the vanguard to go south and attack Xuanyuan Pass!"

The others groaned inwardly and slowed down.

Let them have a head start.

Han Xin smiled and said, "Talk about it, the three of you, is there anything we Qinglong Group should pay attention to when we enter the army like this!"

"Eh!" The three of them started thinking about it.

The only disadvantage of the two armies, divided into troops, is that the Qinglong Army may not have enough troops.

With [-] on one side and [-] to attack, only [-] can attack [-].

It seems a little thin.

Not enough troops.

and many more……

Suddenly, a picture flashed in the minds of the three of them at the same time.

Then they said in unison: "Marshal, Wei Guo!"

Wei Kingdom!

What's the matter with Wei Guo?

The others were a little puzzled.

Han Xin stood up, clapped his hands and smiled.

Xun You on the side said: "The three generals can be the vanguard to attack the three major passes!"

That's it.

Is it sloppy?

Xun You explained to everyone: "Once we attack South Korea, Wei State will be greatly touched. Han Wei's alliance will be great. Once the Korean army loses, Wei State may send troops from Beiman Mountain to attack us. Luoyang City."

"This time, we have to deal with not only South Korea, but also Wei's soldiers and horses near Luoyang.

Only by eliminating all threats within 150 miles of Luoyang can we create a safe companion capital Luoyang. "

Still fighting Wei.

This has to be divided into three groups.

Although the Wei State is the weakest near Luoyang, the territory it occupies is only the four cities on Beiman Mountain.

But the strategic value is enormous.

It is not worse than the four major customs in South Korea.

The Qinglong Army has a total of 8 horses.

There is a lot of pressure to attack the two empires at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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