I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 708 Rouran Prince Merck

Chapter 708 Rouran Prince Merck
Tian Chong really wanted to scold his mother.

Never seen such a rascal.

If there is a disagreement, they say they want to start a fight.

Why choose all the locations of my Great Wei Kingdom.

Co-authoring you Da Zhou has long wanted to attack my Da Wei.

Or do you have some premeditated plan with Beishi Country.

"Still, Wei Guo wants to form an alliance with South Korea to murder me, Da Zhou!" Han Xin suddenly aggravated his voice, and his face was also stern, as cold as frost.

The others stared, then drew their swords and pointed at Tian Chong.

Tian Chong was taken aback.

He hurriedly waved his hands and said in panic, "No, no! Don't get angry, Marshal Han!"

"Hahaha, let me just say, Wei Guo and Da Zhou have such a good relationship, how could they break their promises, just like South Korea, flirt with Chuyue Kingdom, and do such immoral things!" Han Xinda Laughed three times, and said to the subordinates on both sides:

"What are you doing, how can you treat Wei Guo's envoy like this, and put it away quickly.

Those who didn't know thought we were going to start a fight with Wei Guo.

Even if it's a fight, it can't be cut off! "

"The commander-in-chief is right!" Tian Chong let out a long sigh, feeling that he was about to die here.

I didn't expect the generals of Da Zhou to be so barbaric.

It seems that it is impossible to discuss the matter of the city today.

"Since Wei Guo didn't want to go to war with Da Zhou and won't form an alliance with South Korea to break their promises, then this commander will truthfully report to His Majesty the Emperor and convey Wei Guo's goodwill." Han Xin clapped his hands and said:
"Come here, serve wine, serve delicious food, and entertain your envoy!"

After finishing speaking, Han Xin stepped off the stage, walked over and slapped Tian Chong hard and said:

"I'm still on military duty, so I won't be with you. Eat and drink, I'm leaving first!"

After speaking, Han Xin strode away.

All the generals withdrew one after another.

Then a guard came in and served Tian Chong wine and food.

Leaving Tian Chong alone on the bench.


Hexi Governor's Mansion!
Wei Qing welcomed Prince Rouran together with Huo Qubing and others.

The central dog army was wiped out.

Since then, the dogs and soldiers have divided things and cannot be united.

The territory of Hexi Governor's Mansion intersects with Rouran.

With handover, there is a relationship.

Whether it is a friend or an enemy needs to be discussed in detail.

This is not Rouran, but the prince went south with the mission.

First go to Hexi Governor's Mansion.Then it will continue south to Chang'an.

"Dazhou welcomes the Rouran Mission to enter the country, and welcomes Prince Rouran!"

The civil servants of the Hexi Governor's Mansion stood up and greeted him with salute.

The leader on the opposite side is Prince Rouran.

Prince Rouran is riding a horse of Han blood. This horse is tall and strong, with strong and fleshy legs.

Prince Rouran was dressed in a yellow robe, with countless exquisite decorations dotted on his body.

The person is very young, only about twenty.

High nose bridge, a pair of thin lips.

Putting one hand on his chest, he bowed and said, "Prince Rouran, Merce, has met the captain of the Great Zhou Hexi Wei! The captain is here to greet you! Xiao Wang is honored!"

Wei Qing immediately stepped forward and said with a smile:

"Your Highness, you are being polite. Please, Your Highness, come with me into the city. Da Zhou sincerely invites you all to visit my Da Zhou rivers and mountains!"

"Thank you, Commander Wei!"

Prince Merck of Rouran led a group of people to follow and slowly entered the city.

Before coming to Hexi, the Rouran people didn't know how big and how high the city of Dazhou was.

The moment when you see the city.

Everyone was amazed.

Strictly speaking, most of the Hexi land is also a desolate land, with not much fertile land.

A piece of bare sand, the wind blows up the sand.

Most of the buildings that can stand up are small.

But the city of Hexi Duwei Mansion is tall and wide!
"Captain Wei, your Great Zhou's city is really huge. This is the first time this king has seen such a majestic city. How did you build it!"

Except for the big city, the Hexi area is full of nomadic tribes.

Therefore, the city is generally not built, and it is like a simple and small low-rise residential building.

It is only for the royal family to stay.

Huo Qubing said, "Your Highness, this is a city as big as Zhou, if you say it is big, the state capital of Liangzhou is even bigger than this.

And dozens of times larger than our state capital is Chang'an, the capital of my Great Zhou Dynasty. When you get there, you will understand what a big city is! "

"What? There is a bigger city than this, dozens of times bigger?" Rouran Prince Merce was a little surprised.

The accompanying Rouran people were even more astonished and somewhat disbelieving.

Dozens of times larger, that is not equivalent to the land area of ​​a small country in Hexi.

What kind of construction is the Great Wall of yours going to be! "

Huo Qubing smiled proudly: "Our Chang'an does not include the imperial palace, there are 108 squares, each of which is almost equivalent to the county town under my Hexi Governor's Mansion."

Looking at Huo Qubing's proud appearance.

Prince Merce of Rouran believed more than half of it.

People don't need to lie to themselves.

Imagine what such a large city of Chang'an would look like.

If I have such a big city in Rouran, I guess I will have the same expression as him.

Wei Qing glared at the meddlesome Huo Qubing, and then said: "His Royal Highness, when he goes to Chang'an, he will know what a grand occasion our Great Zhou Chang'an is. Now let's take a look at the small town of my Hexi Governor's Mansion."

"Okay! Captain Wei, please guide us and introduce us. This king is very curious about Da Zhou, and I, Rouran, admire Da Zhou even more!" Rouran Prince Merce is humble and very eloquent.

This won the approval of the generals and officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Ordinary barbarians are rude people.

And very arrogant, arrogant and rude.

Soon the Rouran mission entered the city.

Seeing the layout and architecture of the city, I am even more amazed.

In particular, the streets are neat and beautiful, and they also have a defensive role in military operations.

It made them click their tongues.

After a simple banquet.

Watching Rouran Prince Merck and others leave.

Wei Qing asked: "What do you think of Rouran!"

All the generals said: "Commander, Rouran is very polite. This Prince Moke is modest and sensible. If this person ascends the throne in the future, our relationship with Rouran will definitely go further.

The unification of Hexi is expected. "

"That's right, this Merck is very polite. He treats his subordinates well, and he is also polite to us."

Seeing that everyone praised Rouran Prince Merke, Wei Qing asked Huo Qubing.

"Qubing, what do you think?"

Huo Qubing took the wine, sniffed it lightly, enjoyed it, and then finished it with his head raised.

After drinking, he made a satisfied and refreshing voice, wiped his lips, and then got up and said:
"Captain, in my opinion, this prince of Rouran, Merce, is a dangerous person, and he will be the hero of Rouran in the future.

This person is young and brave, courteous and virtuous, and has the demeanor of a wise gentleman. He has been observing our city defense and city layout since entering the city.

Such a person, if he takes power in the future, he must be the overlord of one side, so it is better to be careful! "

There are no permanent friends between countries, only permanent interests.

One day the interests of Dazhou and Rouran conflicted, and the two countries had a conflict in Hexi.

Former allies are enemies.

Not as flexible as Yuezhi, they are more aggressive.

It's just that it was suppressed between the northern part of the Wanli Hexi Corridor and the great desert.

It's like a locked up tiger, once the shackles are released, it will fly out to hurt people.

(End of this chapter)

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