I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 707? You are threatening me

Chapter 707 You Are Threatening Me

Just when Ye Qing was about to agree to Guo Jia's proposal.

Singing outside the hall: "Your Majesty, urgent report from Yingchuan!"

Soon a Jin Yiwei came in.

This is a Jinyiwei holding a silver medal.

Belongs to an important leader in charge of a place.

"What happened to South Korea?" Ye Qing asked.

The Jin Yiwei replied: "Your Majesty, the Azure Dragon Group Army has attacked the three major passes in South Korea, and the three major passes have now been captured.

The South Korean side was in an uproar and is organizing troops to retake the three major barriers! "

With a jerk, Ye Qing stood up.

Guo Jia hurriedly said: "Sand table, hurry up, move the sand table over!"

Immediately ten warriors came in and lifted the sand table from the side to the middle.

The three major barriers were won, and the battle in Luoyang began.

A war with Han is inevitable.

"It seems that the South Korean side is also taking action in advance, otherwise it would be impossible to force Han Xin to act first." Ye Qing said:

"The three major passes are strong, and South Korea wants to take them back. One is to march westward from Hulao Pass and defeat Han Xin, and then advance troops from the north to cooperate with Yingchuan in the south to take the three major passes.

This is the most labor-saving method.

However, it may take a long time. After all, it is still difficult to defeat Han Xin's main force! "

"Your Majesty, let Han Sheng and the others go north to attack Yingchuan's Wuyang, Kunyang, and Fucheng, and then threaten Yingyang!" Guo Jia changed his original plan.

This wave of rebound in South Korea will definitely be strong.

It must be destroyed immediately.

Beat their strength.

Let them know how powerful Da Zhou is, so they will be afraid.

In this way, doing things will be timid.

"Okay! Just do as you say!" Ye Qing didn't object, but added:

"I'm sending an order to Chang'an to ask the Ministry of National Defense to pay attention to increasing troops in Luoyang, and ask the cabinet to cooperate with the dispatch of good supplies. We can temporarily reduce the supply here.

The war between Xiangyang and Chuyue Kingdom will come to an end. "

"It's Your Majesty!"


Wei Kingdom!

There was also a tumult in the court hall of Wei State.

"Your Majesty, please send troops. Da Zhou is too rude and barbaric. How dare you openly occupy the city of our country Wei? It is abhorrent!"

"Your Majesty! Da Zhou is so shameless, we don't need to talk about morals with people, let's send troops!"

"Your Majesty, South Korea is now at war with the Great Zhou, and their troops are advancing westward. The Great Zhou still wants to occupy the territory of our Wei State. We can follow South Korea to fight the Great Zhou and capture Luoyang!"

Wei Zeng saw that the officials below were screaming fiercely, so he naturally shared the same hatred.

But soon he jumped out again and said: "Your Majesty, I think we Wei Guo should not send troops at this time, and attack our South Korea first, we should first ask South Korea for an explanation."

"That's right, Your Majesty, our country of Wei should not be involved in this great war. Our primary enemy is the country of Bohai. The priority is to destroy the country of Bohai first, and we should not waste our energy on dealing with Da Zhou!"

"Your Majesty, why don't we sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, taking advantage of the war between Korea and Zhou, we always ask for benefits from South Korea, and the two ask Zhou to return to the city.

In this way, there is no disadvantage left and right, and we can still wait and see, waiting for the two countries to fight almost, we are coming out to stand in line! "

As soon as the last statement came out, the entire court was silent for an instant.

Sitting on the mountain to watch the tiger fight.

There is no need to send troops, but to benefit from Han and Chu.

This is a great way to get the best of both worlds.

"Your Majesty, this minister agrees!"

"Your Majesty, this minister agrees!"

"Your Majesty, this minister agrees!"

All ministers of civil and military affairs agree, which is very rare.

Wei Zeng said angrily: "Yes!"

"Your Majesty! Wise!"

All officials praised.

Soon Wei Guo sent officials from the Ministry of Rites.

Chen Liu, a team headed to South Korea.

A team went to Luoyang for the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Officials from the State of Wei who went to the Great Zhou soon came to Luoyang.

But the people who received them were low-ranking officials.

Unified official title!

"Your envoy, I want to correct you a little bit. It wasn't me who took over your Wei country's city, it was Korea, it was Korea, it was Korea!"

"My Great Zhou captured the city from South Korea, and did not attack your Wei country!"

"Sorry, I'm just a small local official, and I can't provide you with more convenience. What important matters do you want to discuss? One: You can go to Marshal Han of the Qinglong Army. After all, matters on the battlefield are under the control of the Ministry of National Defense.

Two: You can go to Chang'an and communicate with our etiquette department. We will not send you far away! "


The officials of Wei State trembled with anger when they saw the Luoyang officials who drove them out.

But they also know that such a major event is indeed not something that small officials have the power to decide and know.

"It seems that we have to divide into two ways. One way is to find that Han Xin, and the other way is to go to Chang'an to contact the Ministry of Rites of Da Zhou!"

"Then let's split things up! This matter must be done as soon as possible!"

So the officials of Wei State separated into two waves in Luoyang.

Soon, we arrived at Yanshi directly.

Came to Han Xing here.

Han Xin first let them hang out for three days, but did not receive them.

Three days later, he ordered people to bring the officials of Wei State.

"Greetings to Marshal Han!" Tian Chong, an official from the Ministry of Rites of the State of Wei, bowed to Han Xin.

Han Xin said noncommittally: "Excuse me, what's the matter with your envoy here?"

"I'm busy with military affairs here, and the South Korean army is approaching. It won't be long before there will be a big battle near Luoyang, so I don't have much time left for you."

This drove people away in a hurry.

Tian Chong was slightly dissatisfied, but he still said very politely: "Marshal Han, I am here to take over the city of Wei State by the order of my emperor, and I ask the soldiers of Da Zhou to withdraw from Yinping, Ping County and other places. "

"Hehehe, did your envoy make a mistake? When did I occupy your city?" Han Xin directly vetoed:

"I, Da Zhou, have never attacked the State of Wei, nor have I attacked cities and looted land, nor have I burned, killed, or looted."

Seeing Han Xin's angry face, he looked like he was going to eat people.

Tian Chong was also a little upset in his heart, but he still said quite restrainedly:

"Marshal Han, your Great Zhou didn't attack our country Wei, and you didn't kill our people, but the Yinping and Ping counties occupied by people are indeed the land of our country Wei, please return it!"

"I think Marshal Han doesn't want to go to war with my great Wei country because of a small matter, because of a few cities, and he will never die from now on!"

"Hey, threaten me!" Han Xin glanced at his civil servants and generals, pointed at Tian Chong and said, "You heard me, he is threatening me!"

"Yes, Commander, the Wei Guo envoy is threatening you!" Han Xin's subordinates knew that Han Xin was a showman, so they agreed.

Tian Chong rushed forward in one breath, barely choking to death.

What do you mean I threaten you.

Originally, it was you Da Zhou who occupied the four counties in our country of Wei.

Now it seems that Wei Guo is wrong.

"I hate people threatening me the most in my life." Han Xin stood up and slapped his sword on the table:
"Come on, come on, Wei Guo wants to fight me in Dazhou. I said it earlier. I, Han Xin, have plenty of soldiers and horses. I can handle them. Make an appointment. We Zhou Wei will have a good fight. Should we fight in Hanoi or in Weijun Fight, or go to Changshan County or Zhao County to fight."

(End of this chapter)

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