I really don't want to lose the country

Chapter 706? The Chuyue Kingdom Has No Sincerity

Chapter 706 Chuyue Kingdom Has No Sincerity

Liu Bowen and Di Qing looked at each other.

Then he said: "It seems that Mr. Zhao didn't come here with sincerity at all, he just wanted to fool us blindly.

Now I am rejecting Mr. Zhao on behalf of the commander in chief, please go back, we will see the outcome when we attack the city! "

Chu Yueguo was about to die, and he still wanted to hold on to his identity.

Since you want to negotiate, show the attitude you should have.

Originally, Da Zhou didn't want to negotiate now.

Not much speculation.

Zhao Hong did not expect to be able to negotiate.

I just came here to see Di Qing's attitude here.

So he bowed calmly and really left.

"Military Master, do you think he will come again?" Di Qingwang asked from the back of Zhao Hong as he was leaving.

Liu Bowen said: "No, the next time we meet will be in Xiangyang City. I guess he will go to Xinye after leaving camp. He must be looking for our Majesty!"

"Looking for His Majesty, he has no chance of making a deal. Our Majesty is not a fool, let alone be fooled by him!" Di Qing smiled and stopped paying attention to this matter.

Professional things, leave it to professional people.

Whether to talk or not is up to Ye Qing.

The only thing they generals have to do well is to fight the battle in front of them well.

Zhaohong soon came to Xinye.

He couldn't understand that the majestic emperor would be willing to stay in such a small city to provide cover and support for the Zhou army in Wancheng and Xiangyang.

The emperor is not supposed to be on top.

The imperial power is supreme.

The emperor should stay in the safest place.

"This guy is not afraid that the Supreme of my Chuyue Kingdom will come and attack him and kill him directly."

"It's really young and courageous. Even with strong martial arts, it's too willful. Based on this alone, you and your big Zhou can't last forever."

"However you become strong, you will decline. Young people, state affairs and military affairs are not so simple. You will never understand how deep the foundation of Chuyue Kingdom is!"

After tidying up his appearance, Zhaohong got off his horse and walked into Xinye City.

Soon I saw Ye Qing.

Ye Qing was still that boy.

Heroic and handsome.

On his handsome face, his temperament is still extraordinary.

There is a domineering king in his body, stronger than ever.

"Foreign Minister Zhaohong pays homage to His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor!"

As soon as he came in, Zhaohong bowed his head.

The attitude is much friendlier than that of Di Qing.

The posture is also very flat.

Ye Qing squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Zhao Aiqing doesn't need to be polite, just sit down!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhaohong got up and walked to the right.

Many aspects of Dazhou have been reformed.

The reception hall generally uses tables and chairs, chairs, coffee tables and the like.

Ye Qing himself didn't like to sit on the couch with his knees crossed.

Zhaohong knew a little bit about it. In Chang'an, he met the common people and dignitaries in Chang'an, and it became popular to sit on chairs.

So it's pretty familiar.

After sitting down, Zhaohong said: "Your Majesty, the foreign ministers are here, with greetings from His Majesty the Emperor, to congratulate Your Majesty on becoming the new King of the Great Zhou, expanding Bashu to the south, destroying the Qiang and Hu in the west, attacking the Turks in the north, and making the Great Zhou a prosperous country!"

Ye Qing just smiled when he heard this.

As if watching a play.

Zhao Hong was slightly embarrassed.

However, there are still some good quality of dealing officers.

He said again: "Your Majesty, can the Great Zhou and the Chu and Yue countries stop the war and make peace? Since the war has reached this point, Your Majesty has taken advantage of the scriptures. If the war continues, it will not benefit the two countries!"

"A truce...is it possible! But..." Ye Qing smiled:

"What kind of sincerity does your Majesty show?"

As soon as Zhaohong heard that there was something interesting, he immediately replied: "Your Majesty, Chuyue Kingdom is willing to cease war with Dazhou. From then on, the two countries will cease their armies, so that the two countries can live in harmony and develop together.

At the same time, we can recognize the actual occupation line of Dazhou before this war, and the two countries will jointly govern Nanyang in the future.

With the recovery of commerce and trade, our Chuyue Kingdom still exports grain to Dazhou and supplies Dazhou. The two countries continue to intermarry and restore diplomatic relations! "

If it was before, Ye Qing would be happy to hear this.

The officials and generals of the Great Zhou will also agree.

It's just that the actual occupation of Da Zhou is much larger than before, and it seems that except for the truce.

Everything else is false.


Ye Qing didn't speak.

Guo Jia stood up and said, "Your Majesty has no sincerity, you started the war first, such a condition will not only make our Great Zhou country prestige underground, but also shame our Great Zhou soldiers.

And what they got in exchange was nothing more than a light truce from your country! "

Consider it from the perspective of Da Zhou.

This condition is too ridiculous.

However, Nanyang belongs to the Chuyue Kingdom, ceding the land and giving up half of Nanyang, according to the scriptures, made the Chuyue Kingdom uncomfortable.

So Zhaohong continued: "Mr. Guo is serious. Nanyang originally belonged to our Chuyue Kingdom. Giving up half of it will make our Chuyue Kingdom lose face and damage our national prestige. It will also reduce our Chuyue Kingdom's taxes and lose its barrier. .

Mr. Guo might as well think about it from the perspective of our Chuyue Kingdom. This matter is certain, and what kind of repercussions will be caused in our Chuyue Kingdom. My Majesty also insisted on this matter under great pressure. "

"That said, there is nothing to talk about, so let's continue fighting!" Guo Jiacai didn't believe Zhaohong's nonsense.

He refused directly.

The attack on Xiangyang is imminent
Chuyue Kingdom obviously came to stall for time.

The longer it lasts, the more beneficial it is to the Chuyue Kingdom.

It's not good for them.

Hearing that Guo Jia stopped talking, Zhaohong became anxious and said hurriedly: "Mr. Guo, don't worry, everything is negotiated, why bother to fight with each other, killing is not good for anyone, I think Your Majesty will also Don’t want the soldiers of Da Zhou to suffer more casualties!”

Ye Qing nodded: "Zhao Aiqing should talk about something practical, otherwise none of my officials would agree.

These guys are masters who don't see the rabbits and don't scatter the eagles. "

This is Ye Qing beating Zhaohong.

Zhao Hong let out a deep breath.

After thinking for a while, he replied: "Your Majesty, we can stop the battle according to the current actual situation. At the same time, Chuyue Kingdom is willing to give out [-] shi of grain to compensate Da Zhou!"

Ye Qing smiled without saying a word.

The smile is a little cold.

Guo Jia said: "Zhaohong should go back. Your Majesty is very stingy, and sent the beggars. This time, our Majesty will personally march. You Chuyue Kingdom can look down on us, but you can't humiliate my Majesty!"

"Come here! See off the guests!" Guo Jia directly ordered someone to throw Zhaohong out.

The actual battle is wired, and the original conditions are almost a few cities away.

One hundred thousand shi of grain, I am short of this bite for a long time.

Zhao Hong wanted to say something else, but the soldiers of Da Zhou couldn't help but frame him out.

"Your Majesty, the intention of the Chu and Yue kingdoms is not to negotiate, but to drag troops from South Korea and other counties to Xiangyang." Guo Jia suggested:

"My lord, I think we can properly send elite cavalry to take a tour of Runan!"

The last time Lu Bu and the others went on an expedition, they abused the Chuyue Kingdom.

If this is causing trouble, Runan will almost be ruined.

(End of this chapter)

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